Routes, means and methods of formatıon lıfe skılls acquıred by students ın teachıng physıcs ın secondary school (on example of school No. 47, Baku, Azerbaijan) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №4 (399) январь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 28.01.2022

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гаджиев, Вали. Routes, means and methods of formatıon lıfe skılls acquıred by students ın teachıng physıcs ın secondary school (on example of school No. 47, Baku, Azerbaijan) / Вали Гаджиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 4 (399). — С. 318-324. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The purpose of the article is to tell about how students are instilled with theoretical knowledge related to life, production, natural needs, sources and resources, while teaching physics at secondary school No. 47 of Baku, Azerbaijan, and give them life skills related to the application of this knowledge. on practice.

Keywords: household, production and non-production areas, natural needs, sources, resources, connections, concepts, knowledge, skills, applications.

Цель статьи — рассказать о том, как учащимся прививают теоретические знания, связанные с жизнью, производством, природными потребностями, источниками и ресурсами, при обучении физике в средней школе № 47 города Баку, Азербайджан, и дают им жизненные навыки, связанные с применением этих знаний на практике.

Ключевые слова: домашнее хозяйство, производственная и непроизводственная сферы, естественные потребности, источники, ресурсы, связи, понятия, знания, умения, приложения.

It is known that serious social, political, cultural, scientific and technological changes have taken place in the development of the world and society. The main condition for ensuring a high level of development of a society is that young people in that society have the strength, knowledge and skills. The future of society depends on the education of young people today. Young people must be educated in the spirit of developing the socio-political, socio-economic, national and spiritual progress of the country of which they are citizens, and respect for international and national relations. One of the most important issues facing the education system in modern times is the formation and development of a creative, independent thinking and developing personality for the development of society and people. [2, 45]

At the current stage of rapid development of science and technology, students should be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice in the field of household, production and non-production. Extensive reforms are underway in this area to integrate the education system into the international system. The basic principles of the training system are being further improved. Democratization, humanization, strengthening the national and regional component, individualization, computerization, integration of educational content etc. in the training system. highlighted. Renewal and enrichment of the content of education, the use of new technologies is one of the key issues. In order to implement these principles taught physics in secondary schools must acquire the necessary knowledge and skills appropriate to the needs of society, regardless of which profession students choose in the future, whether they receive higher education or not. [1]

From this point of view, in the teaching of physics, it is not enough to know the measurements and calculations through students learn laws, events, processes, regularities, dependencies, physical quantities, their units, formulas, scales, beakers, ammeters, voltmeters, electricity meters, thermometers, dynamometers, wattmeter’s, manometers, psych-meters, hygrometers, etc. They must acquire vital skills in terms of practical application of these devices in domestic, industrial and non-production areas. The teaching of physics should be considered not only as a means of providing a variety of information within a certain framework, but above all, in order to live and act independently in life. [3]

At the current stage of rapid development of science and technology, the young people sitting behind the desk are faced with the solution of serious and practical tasks, such as maintaining and further developing our independent state. [4, 133]

From this point of view, students should not consider their work finished by memorizing laws, events, processes, regularities, dependencies and physical quantities in the teaching of physics. [5]

They must be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in everyday life, in production and non-production areas, in practice.

Relevance of the article. Students should gain life skills in applying the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in physics training. The purpose of the article is to provide a way, means and methodology for the formation of life skills on the application of theoretical knowledge in practice in everyday life, production, non-production areas, instilled in the teaching of physics in secondary school No.47. In this regard, we have studied and analyzed the existing curriculum, textbooks, teaching aids, foreign literature, and best practices. At the same time, we have used our long-term pedagogical experience in rural and urban secondary schools. Our research and studies show that there are many opportunities for teaching life skills in physics education in secondary schools, depending on the nature and content of the program topics.

However, existing textbooks, manuals and other literature do not contain enough material to use these opportunities. Moreover, we have found positive results when we combine a number of topics taught in physics teaching to enhance the impact on students' life skills, materials on production, non-production areas, natural resources, sources and resources. Therefore, we have identified materials that will be associated with them in accordance with the nature and content of educational topics. Thus, in accordance with the research-related training reform, we have enriched and updated the teaching topics, and used it on new learning technologies.

Now we give examples of the selected areas and materials on them to be related to the content of research-related physics in Scheme 1. The first scheme consists of three parts. The sections include examples of materials to link material production, non-production areas, natural resources, resources, and resources to each related physics lesson. We have identified several pedagogical principles for selecting research-related materials and linking them to the content of physics.

These include selected materials related to the content of Physics:

– compliance with existing software materials;

– it should not only serve to acquaint students with the various fields of technical production. At the same time, it should help to understand the basics of technological physics. in this case, the content of the course should not be complicated or aggravated;

– reflect the facts and techniques taken from production and non-production areas and the leading areas of technology and their development trends;

– should closely assist students in explaining the physical basis of labor processes in the home, work facilities, educational laboratories, practice areas;

– should allow students to understand the experience of pioneers in the field of production and non-production, the progressive scientific achievements of domestic and world scientists;

– must relate to the content of physics in order to clearly demonstrate the practical application of physical phenomena, processes, laws and regularities. In this case, the linked examples should not violate the logic and system of the physics course;

– must serve professional work. Vocational work should meet the needs of production and non-production qualified personnel;

– Students have a love for technical work, a caring attitude, respect for workers, a caring attitude to technology, honesty, confidence, etc. must have a substantial impact on labor education;

– Selected materials related to natural resources, sources and resources and related to the content of physics should have a strong impact on cultivating in students a sense of patriotism as a citizen, caring for the Motherland, its land, natural resources;

– technical materials selected for production and non-production areas and related to the content of physics. To determine the essence of technology, its role in production, to arouse students' interest in technology;

– continuous improvement and renewal in accordance with the needs of society must be ensured;

– information should be provided on the practical application of the measurements and results of some physical quantities;

– depending on the nature of the topics, the acquired knowledge should reflect the application of skills in medicine;

– should be aimed at ensuring the flexibility and interactivity of learning technologies;

– various sources of information (dictionaries, press, encyclopedias, computer, internet, periodicals, etc.) should be used;

– different methods, means and techniques must be used to understand the world around us.

The content of teaching materials should influence the formation of life skills in the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students.

Experience shows that the use of materials shown in Scheme 1 on the natural needs and resources, resources of domestic, industrial and non-productive areas in physics teaching is of special importance in the formation of students' life skills. In this regard, we have obtained positive results in the formation of students' life skills using the ways of influence shown in Scheme 2. Therefore, at the beginning of the school year, we used the schemes 1 and 2 to identify the additional materials to be related to the topics, using the nature, content and life opportunities of the curriculum topics, and compiled a methodical table (1). We have achieved positive results in the teaching process using this table.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Table 1

Software topics in physics (class)

Related materials for domestic and non-domestic production

Ways and methods of learning the material

Examples of life skills developed


Vaccination of fruit trees. The role of diffusion in the life of plants, animals and living things.

Using the results of independent observations, laboratory work. Excursions, meetings with workers, etc.

Acquaintance with gardening.

Thermal expansion of substances

Consideration of thermal expansion in engineering and construction. Consideration of thermal expansion in the construction of the railway.

Participate in bridge construction sites and inspect railway flights. To hear the conversations of workers in these areas. Demonstration of experience.

Build a bridge in the future and get guidance on the knowledge and skills of a railway engineer.

Hydraulic machine

Pressing of grass, cotton, tobacco. Information on the operation of the hydraulic shock absorber.

Using the results of observations, demonstration of field trips, independent work on the scheme.

Obtain information from employees on the working principles and applications of excavators, bulldozers, presses, hydraulic devices.

Solid pressure

Sharp tools for cultivating and cutting the soil. Wide tires of tall cars.

Explain, use the results of interviews and observations. Meetings with metalworkers in technical workshops.

The work of a sawmill with the structure and operation of tillage tools.

Combustion frequency of fuel

Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

Use of natural fuel resources, schemes and pictures of Azerbaijan.

Introduction to oil rigs, oil refining and plants.

Humidity. Humidity measuring devices.

The role of moisture in the lives of living and non-living things, in the storage of fruit seeds, in the maintenance of soil fertility, in housing, in the storage of medicines in medicine.

Explanation. Using the results of observations. Interview. Using a psychrometric table. Humidity measurement and calculation. Using Psychromet and Hydromet.

Knowledge and skills related to the content of the work of a civil engineer, agronomist, pharmacist on moisture. Creating their professional interests and tendencies.

Electromagnet and its applications.

Electromagnetic: in factories, steel and cast iron ingots are used in cranes, electric chains, telephones and telegraphs, on rails to remove flax seeds from weeds, etc.

Explanation. Use the results of observations, demonstration of experience, meetings with excursion people and listening to their conversations.

Information on the operation of the telephone, telegraph, electric bell, electromagnetic rail. Basic knowledge and skills in automatic control.

Friction force. Moving under the influence of friction.

Landslide, mountain, forest landslide. Causes of friction. Ways to increase friction when it is successful and reduce it when it is harmful.

Explanation. Interview. Use the results of daily observations. Use a table of traffic signs and a poster with the colors of traffic lights.

Complete with lubrication system to prevent friction on machines. Learn how to reduce landslides and increase friction on frosty roads.

Full internal return

The use of full internal light return in medicine in heat exchangers, binoculars, field drills.

Explanation on optical devices. Getting acquainted with the work of a jeweler in a jewelry workshop. Explanation of the scheme of the endoscope device.

Knowledge of field binoculars, binoculars, endoscopes and periscopees.

Archimedes' law. The ability of objects to swim.

Divers and ships floating in the water. Transportation of oil and other products by ships.

Explanation. Laboratory work using the results of independent observations.

Fishing, seafaring, shipping. Water curling, diving.

From the example of the 1st methodical table, teachers, researchers, researchers, interested people, etc. can use. However, in order to use this table, the teacher must have extensive life skills and work hard on himself. The teacher must be familiar with the production and non-production areas. Must understand the physical event, process, irregularities reflected in it, have certain knowledge and skills about the devices and devices used. use various sources of information, dictionaries, encyclopedias, computers, internet, periodicals. The teacher should identify additional materials to use in the teaching process. He prepares in three forms. These include general, methodological and current training. The teacher should use the results of independent work and independent observations before the lesson to inform students with additional materials in the program.

Scientific innovation of the research

– areas and materials for linking the content of physics with production, non-production areas, sources, natural resources and resources are given in Scheme 1;

– pedagogical principles of coordination of additional materials selected from physics are given;

– scheme 2 shows the ways and means of complex influence of the connection of the selected additional materials with the content of physics on the formation of students' life skills;

– a methodological system for teaching additional materials to be used in physics teaching has been identified and is given in Table 1.

Practical significance of the research

Students learn about the production, transmission and use of electricity, types of fuel energy, its use, the use of blocks in household appliances and mechanisms, the use of aggregates of substances, the use of hydraulic devices, feeding, ignition, operation, lubrication, etc. information about. Gain knowledge and skills in electromagnets and their use in everyday life, medicine, automation, cranes. This affects their interest in the profession. Increases interest in learning physics and improves the quality of teaching physics.

The results of the study

The results of the research can be used as a theoretical, didactic and methodical material in secondary, urban (rural) schools by teachers of physics, labor education, chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics, and problem researchers. The results of the research can influence the formation of students' vocational training and life skills.


  1. Ağayev.Ə. Təlim prosesi və müasirlik. Bakı, Adiloğlu 2006.
  2. Ağayev M. Təlim-tərbiyə prosesində Heydər Əliyev irsindən istifadə. Bakı, 2009.
  3. Qaralov Z. Fizika qanunlarının tədrisi. Bakı, “Elm” 1997.
  4. Mehrabov A., Abbasov Ə. Pedaqoji texnologiyalar. Bakı, 2006.
  5. Murquzov N. VII-XI siniflər üçün fizika dərsliyi. Bakı, 2018.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): VII-XI.

Ключевые слова

knowledge, skills, resources, Sources, concepts, household, production and non-production areas, natural needs, connections, applications

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