Development of an information system for automation of a trading enterprise | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (401) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 13.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 228 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Куандыков, А. А. Development of an information system for automation of a trading enterprise / А. А. Куандыков, Данияр Ертайулы Ермахан. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 6 (401). — С. 12-14. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article examines and analyzes the existing information systems and studies the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of learning the information system, and the application of this knowledge for the development of an information system for the automation of a trading enterprise. The theoretical study was carried out by analyzing the literature and existing works.

Keywords: automation, trading enterprise, software, information system

В статье рассмотрены и проанализированы существующие информационные системы и изучены теоретические знания, полученные в процессе обучения информационной системе, и применение этих знаний для разработки информационной системы для автоматизации торгового предприятия. Теоретическое исследование проводилось методом анализа литературы и существующих работ.

Ключевые слова: автоматизация, торговое предприятие, программное обеспечение, информационная система

The topic for the scientific article was the development of an information system for the automation of a trading enterprise. Such enterprises have long existed in the economic market and form its basis. In this case, we can talk about the relevance of the development. Despite the wide range of ready-made solutions offered by developers of large software systems, enterprises, especially small businesses, or individual entrepreneurs cannot always afford to use an expensive product.

On the topic of the scientific article, it is necessary to develop an effective information system for accounting for trade turnover, which could conduct a comparative analysis of this trade indicator, assess the relative indicators of trade turnover, growth rates, uniformity and rhythm of trade turnover. At the same time, put forward minimum requirements for hardware and software resources and databases.

Currently, there is a massive introduction of automated information systems (AIS) for data processing in various organizations, which is associated with stricter requirements for the efficiency and quality of processed information and an increase in the amount of information they need to process. Also, various changes are currently taking place in the business processes of organizations, legislation, document management, etc.

With the support of AIS developed according to standard principles and aimed at meeting current automation needs, many problems arise in such conditions, such as the need for continuous adaptation of AIS to changing conditions, the high cost of AIS support, loss of collected data due to changes in documents. These problems can be solved by creating AIS using dynamic data structures, characterized by the possibility of flexible restructuring of the structure without loss of existing information [1].

Solvo. WMS is a Russian-developed system that is included in the international register of WMS systems, which is maintained by the IML Frunhofer Institute of Commodity Distribution. (Dortmund, Germany). Every year Solvo.WMS undergoes a validation audit procedure for compliance with the standards of the Institute. The WMS warehouse management system from SOLVO is based on the principle of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) [2]. It implies the division of software into separate segments that interact with each other using standard protocols. Each individual part of the system is responsible for performing a specific task, logically isolated from others.

Nitra ERP is a product of the Ukrainian company NitraLabs. The Nitra ERP web-based enterprise management system is designed for manufacturing enterprises with a developed dealer network. The system automates all the main business processes of the enterprise: financial accounting, warehouse accounting, production planning, logistics, supply planning, accounting of the customer base and much more. The Nitra ERP product is a web-based system that allows you to place it on one server and organize access for any number of branches of the organization [3].

My warehouse. Automation of retail. with the help of the program, it provides reliable registration of sales and printing of receipts, as well as constant access to up-to-date statistics in the context of retail outlets, product groups and specific products. Its operation is possible without an Internet connection, which is especially convenient for retail facilities with a small area, where it is not always possible to provide uninterrupted access to the Network. The program, similar to 1C, is compatible with trade and warehouse equipment of various types, in particular [4]

— with fiscal registrars;

— with barcode scanners;

— with printers that print labels and receipts [5].

Table 1





The use of radio terminals, the formation of a task for each employee

High cost of implementation

«Nitra ERP»

Modular system, high functionality

It is necessary to connect a web server, high price, excessive functionality

Uniteh WWA

Using barcoding

High cost of implementation

My Warehouse

Low price, ease of implementation, use and development

Internet connection is required; Data is stored by third parties

The proposed product

Compliance of capabilities with urgent requirements, low cost of implementation, the possibility of sharing access

Low degree of scalability

In modern conditions, management based on effective interaction of departments is a valuable resource of the organization, along with financial, material, human and other resources. Consequently, improving the efficiency of interaction becomes one of the directions of improving the activities of the enterprise as a whole. The most obvious way to increase the efficiency of the flow of information interaction is its automation. In the course of the work, the characteristics of the organization were compiled. The existing information system was analyzed, the results of which revealed a number of shortcomings of the system.

A range of problems of information interaction at the specified enterprise was identified: excessive centralization of management, duplication of functions and the absence of an explicit division of powers in some areas between the top managers of the company, an underdeveloped and inefficient information system that does not meet the long-term development plans of this company organizations, lack of well-established interaction between structural units and functional elements, lack of a unified corporate network, weak use of modern information and communication technologies in interaction with external information partners.


  1. Engineering of automated information systems in the e-economy. Ed. Edvard Kolbush, Wojciech Olejniczak and Zdislaw Shiewski. Translated from Polish by I. D. Rudinski, 2012.
  2. Information systems design: computer-aided design technology. Gvozdeva T. V., Ballod B. A., 2020
  3. Warehouse accounting is [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: (checked on 04/15/16).
  4. Maciashek. Requirements analysis and system design. Development of information systems using UML / Matsyashek, A. Leshek. — M.: Publishing house «Williams», 2002– — 815 p.
  5. Kashaev, S. M. Programming in 1C:Enterprise 8.3 / S. M. Kashaev. — St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014–304 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AIS, ERP, WMS, информационная система, IML, SOA, SOLVO, UML, WWA, торговое предприятие.

Ключевые слова

automation, software, information system, trading enterprise

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