The main directions of the organization of the process of formation of a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №7 (402) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 14.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Еслям, Ж. К. The main directions of the organization of the process of formation of a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls / Ж. К. Еслям. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 7 (402). — С. 140-141. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In the article, the authors try to determine the level of formation of a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls on the example of one of the schools in Kazakhstan.

Keywords: psychological readiness, family, parents.

В статье авторы пытаются определить уровень сф ормированности ценностного отношения к материнству у девочек-школьниц на примере одной из школ Казахстана.

Ключевые слова: психологическая готовность, семья, родители.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, like all other countries, sees the future of its country in a healthy nation. “A healthy family and a healthy nation, traditional values passed down by ancestors, combined with an aspiration for the future... are the main priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev says in his annual address at the meetings [1].

However, in modern Kazakhstan there is a tendency to deterioration of the physical and psychological health of the population, an alarming demographic situation is developing. The reasons for the deterioration of health cannot be attributed solely to problems in the health system, with the deterioration of the environmental situation or economic consequences. The situation is largely influenced by social and cultural-value factors: the system of value orientations, stereotypes and patterns of behavior in society, cultural traditions. For Kazakhstan, as for any other country, it is important to have a healthy younger generation, because the current teenager is a strong future for the whole country.

Psychological readiness for motherhood and methods of its formation have recently become increasingly relevant among the problems of developmental psychology. This is due both to the growth of demographic problems, for example, a decrease in the need for children, as sociologists warn, an increase in deviant motherhood, the number of refusals from a child, etc. On the other hand, such interest is due to attention to the problems of personal development of an adult, including in connection with his new role — the role of a parent.

The formation of a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls is an acute socio-pedagogical problem in the conditions of economic and socio-cultural changes taking place in modern society. The transformation of family forms, the loss of moral family values leads to a decrease in the educational potential of the family, the growth of social orphanhood, child homelessness and neglect, which encourages the state and society to actively search for directions, forms, and means of organizing assistance to families and children.

Considering the duration of the process, we conclude that the new formation of a value attitude to motherhood should be formed long before the actual situation of its application. The need for special preparation for parenthood has been recognized for a long time. Such work is endowed not only with personal, but also with social significance. And in this regard, the main role belongs to parents.

As part of our research practice, we conducted a social survey of schoolgirls in grades 10–11 to identify the significance of the influence of the family on the readiness of young people for responsible parenting and their own readiness for the appearance of children. As part of the survey, 83 schoolgirls of grades 10–11 of one of the schools of Kazakhstan in the Akmola region were interviewed.

The diagnosis was carried out by questionnaires and the method of unfinished sentences. The method (method) of unfinished sentences allows you to identify conscious and unconscious attitudes of a person, shows his attitude to parents, family, to representatives of his own and opposite sex, to his superiors and subordinates, to his fears and fears, to guilt, to the past and future, to life goals.

To the question ”Do you think the parental family influences the readiness of young people for responsible motherhood”? 47 % of respondents answered that the parental family leaves an imprint on the readiness of young people for motherhood, 50 % answered that in addition to the family, the person himself has an influence, 4 % found it difficult to answer.

To the question “Levels of readiness for the birth of a child and responsibility for it”, the distribution of answers was as follows. Despite their young age, most of the respondents 82 % answered — ready for the birth of a child. Responsibility for the child is also shown at a high and adequate level of 57 % and 41 %, respectively. Respondents with a low level of readiness for birth 5 %, a low level of responsibility for the child was shown by 3 people.

To the question: imagine that a child will soon appear in your life, what will you do — 76 % will save the child's life, 25 % will go for an abortion. (Figure 8). This indicates the unwillingness of 30 % of young people at this age to have a child due to other vital priorities — getting an education. Thus, because of the diagnosis of the value attitude to motherhood in schoolgirls:

  1. We have compiled a criterion-level scale for assessing the level of formation of a value attitude to motherhood in schoolgirls.
  2. Made a general portrait of the respondent.
  3. The cognitive component was calculated, which was low 15 %, adequate 75 %, high 20 %.

Thus, we have revealed that the main factors, according to schoolgirls, influencing the formation of attitudes to motherhood, are the parental family, the relationship between husband and wife and the age of acceptance of the parental role.

The results of the study showed that young people have formed clear plans and attitudes towards parenthood. In this regard, we see the use of situational tasks as the main direction of organizing the process of forming a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls.

This direction in the process of forming a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls allows you to update knowledge about the birth of mother and father, allows you to determine the personal significance of the birth of children, promotes the development of the emotional sphere through the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation between the teacher and schoolgirls. The development of schoolgirls' abilities to solve situational problems should be considered as one of the ways to form a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls.

Situational tasks are an important means of forming a value attitude to motherhood among schoolgirls. From the content side, a situational task is a task that includes a description of the situation from which you need to get out or offer to fix it. Situational tasks make it possible for schoolgirls to form knowledge and skills, influence emotions, are put into practice and are interesting to schoolgirls.


  1. The message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan «A healthy family and a healthy nation are the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”. — 2021.
  2. Bazhenova O. V. Readiness for motherhood: identification of factors, conditions of psychological risk for the future development of the child / O. V. Bazhenova, JI.JI. Baz, O. A. Kopyl // Synapse. -2013. -No. 4. -pp. 35–42.
  3. Andreeva G. M. Social psychology / G. M. Andreeva. — M.: «Aspect Press”, — 2017. — 363 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): пациент, клиническая форма туберкулеза, HADS, депрессия, группа пациентов, выраженная тревога, возраст, наличие тревоги, Результат сравнения, туберкулез легких.

Ключевые слова

family, psychological readiness, parents

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