Art-technology: collaging as an effective method in teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №7 (402) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 22.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 143 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ризаходжаева, Г. А. Art-technology: collaging as an effective method in teaching English / Г. А. Ризаходжаева, Х. Ш. Кулахметова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 7 (402). — С. 197-202. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

One of the most effective types of art technologies in teaching a foreign language in the modern world is collage. This article discusses the collage technique as an effective way of teaching English. Using the collage technique, students are given the opportunity to identify and develop their creative abilities.

It is well known that creative thinking is one of the most important qualities of a person in a modern competitive environment. Being one of the types of art technologies, collage is less studied. Collaging stimulates the child's thinking abilities. In the process of working on the collage, such types of mental actions as analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships are traced.

In addition, the use of collages when teaching English to students does not limit their actions, but on the contrary gives them freedom of action, since this method allows learners to feel like artists and inventors and learners have a desire to invent something new, beautiful and exciting. In addition, in teaching a foreign language, the collage technique helps teachers to select a wide range of materials. The skilful and appropriate use of this technology by teachers in practice entails an increase in the effectiveness and level of motivation of students.

The article aims to illustrate importance and effectiveness of collage in a foreign language teaching at secondary school education. For this purpose, experiment was conducted in two classes using collage technique during three months. As a result, learners got more engaged to the lesson, moreover they became more open-minded and motivated.

Key words: art-technology, collaging, educational process, effectiveness of collage

Одним из эффективных видов арт-технологии в обучении иностранному языку в современном мире является коллажирование. В данной статье рассматривается техника коллажирования как эффективный способ обучения английскому языку. С использованием техники коллажирования учащимся предоставляется возможность выявления и развития своих креативных способностей.

Общеизвестно, что креативное мышление — одно из важнейших качеств личности в современной конкурентоспособной среде. Являясь одним из видов арт-технологий, коллажирование менее изучено. Коллажирование стимулирует мыслительные способности ребёнка. В процессе работы над коллажем прослеживаются такие виды мыслительных действий как анализа, синтеза, сравнения, классификации, установления причинно-следственных связей.

Кроме того использование коллажей при обучении английскому языку учащимися не ограничивает их действия, а наоборот даёт свободу действий, так как этот метод позволяет детям почувствовать себя художниками и изобретателями и у детей позникает желание придумывать что-то новое, красивое и увлекательное. Кроме того, в обучении иностранному языку «техника коллажирования» помогает учителям подбирать широкий спектр материалов. Умелое и уместное использование учителями данной технологии в практике, влечет за собой повышение эффективности и уровня мотивации обучающихся.

Цель статьи — проиллюстрировать важность и эффективность коллажа в обучении иностранному языку в средней школе. С этой целью в течение трех месяцев в двух классах проводился эксперимент с использованием техники коллажа. В результате учащиеся стали более увлеченными уроком, более того, они стали более открытыми и мотивированными.

Ключевые слова: арт-технология, коллажирование, учебный процесс, эффективность коллажа


Education and Science are two key factors for the development of the country in the 21 st century. In order to be relevant to modern world our youth should be not only knowledgeable, but also they should be competitive. Knowledge has narrow meaning, while competence is not. Competence involves knowledge, skills and abilities. Our task is here to bring up competent personalities to competitive world. To do so, teachers should be able to conduct lessons very well, to attract students’ interests to their subject. As a future English teacher, I found art-technologies can be useful and fascinating while teaching foreign language. Today, researchers have proved quite deeply that art therapy is not a single method, but is divided into many methods, usually associated with various psychological theories of personality, different ways of utilizing clients' creative activity and models of psychotherapeutic interaction. Let's highlight the general techniques of art pedagogy: visual-visual — observation, viewing of objects (phenomena, objects);

visual-auditory — listening to music, sounds that emit an object (phenomenon, object);

visual-sensual — to taste, touch, smell an object (phenomenon, object);

visual-extrasensory — the expression of one's feelings, emotions, associations in various activities.

Actuality of the issue: Kazakhstani education system is being developed day after the day by taking into account foreign countries teaching experiences. Due to the requirement of the 21 st century students should learn abundance of things and it can be stressful, they easily can get depressed because of the tasks. Teachers should facilitate their tasks and to do so they should be expert of their job. Some teachers can be very knowledgeable, but they may not have skills and abilities of teaching. Those teachers are not able to conduct lessons well. Vice versa, others have good teaching skills, are able to work with students, but lack of knowledge can be big obstacle, for example, they may teach wrong pronunciation of the words. Therefore, firstly, teachers should be competent.

As an English teacher, I can suggest several technologies that are effective in teaching. Art-technologies are the most ancient natural form of changing the emotional state, which many people use (consciously or not) to relieve mental stress, calm down, and focus.

Research object: secondary school students

Research subject: the use of collaging in English as an effective way of teaching

Aim: to enhance the awareness of secondary school students to English by collaging.

Tasks: to determine the students’ challenges in English

to find out the effective and fascinating ways of teaching English

to work with theories and to familiarize with researchers’ work due to collaging

to increase the interest of students to English through collage

to define taken results and to make a conclusion


Stabilization of the psychological microclimate of the secondary school and the classroom, because psychological assistance to students allows them to more fully realize the possibilities of personal development.

— increase self-esteem, help children and adolescents control their behaviour. And this is very important, because control over behaviour and emotions helps people make decisions, draw conclusions. The fundament of art-technologies utilized in pedagogy and psychology is the techniques of art-therapy. A. Hill was a founder of the notion “art-therapy. Nowadays alike terms are also used: «creative therapy», «art-therapeutic technologies», «art-psychology» [2].

Art-technologies involve visual aids such as diagrams, photos, paintings, collages, cartoons, slides and fairy tales, songs, rhymes and poems, games, films, theatre scenes, creations on the computer, drawing, dancing [3].

By using songs with lyrics, nursery rhymes and easy poems in a foreign language teaching students can easily enrich their vocabulary stock and grammar effortlessly. By taking into account the students age, foreign language teachers should give appropriate songs with relevant meanings. For instance, you cannot give the songs about ‘love or romance’ to primary school kids. Unfortunately, most of teachers do not consider age relevance and psychological features of the students, therefore, there will be problems with doing the given tasks and the students can be less interested in learning English [4].

Majority of teachers are tend to conduct the lesson by giving similar or even same tasks, for instance, doing exercises, writing, read and translate end even whole lesson for one game. These kind of teachers are lazy to prepare something special, something interesting to their students. Teachers, firstly, should diagnose each learner’s learning style, and should find the ways and techniques for conducting lessons more lively. If you give same task in each lesson, the students will not be interested in learning your subject, even the will not listen you, especially primary school kids. Our goal is in school to give more knowledge and to bring up young generation more competent to the world [5].

One of the varieties of art technology is the use of collage techniques. Collage (French collage, literally — gluing), a technique in the visual arts, gluing on any base materials that differ from it in color and texture;

When compiling collages in the lesson, you may need the following materials: paper for the base (format A-4, A-3, A-1); scissors, glue, markers; illustrations, pictures of diverse content: with figures and faces, fairy-tale characters and with ordinary people, life stories and illustrations to them, depicting nature, the business life of people; you can also use real photographs of people, your own image and combine them with magazine pictures, etc. [6]. For example, when studying the topics «My family», «My friend» in the second grade, «At the table», «Food», «Food», «My favorite breakfast» in the third grade, we create collages using photographs and drawings, clippings from magazines, at the same time practicing monologue speech skills, pronunciation skills, creating a thematic dictionary on a given topic and practicing communication skills in a group in English, public speaking skills. When working on a collage, children are encouraged to communicate only in English, thereby improving the ability to conduct a dialogue using incentive sentences [7].

There are some basic instructions for art-therapeutic discussion which reflect its significance.

Instructions for the creator of visual products:

— be able to describe his work due to his desire

— be able to give feedbacks on definite piece of drawing, defines its meaning, to illustrate certain forms

— be able to depict his work in the first person, if there is possibility, will organize dialogues between separate parts of work, notwithstanding what are those parts. If there is trouble to clarify one or another part of the image by participant, art-therapist should help by giving explanation. Simultaneously you should be aware of understanding of learners. You even can define by his nonverbal reaction.

— be able to make learners focus their attention on the colours. Even if participants cannot get what colour it is.

Instructions for an art teacher:

— be able to seize the features of facial expression, position of body, intonation of the participant and utilizes those in further discussion. Furthermore, observation subject (topic) from art teacher’s side is strong tension for the participant in the process of discussion. In that case, art teacher should be attentive to the another subject.

— be able to help participants to invent the relation among statements of the visual work and real life situation, carefully asking him questions about what and how this wok can effect. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the participant mandatorily accept art-teacher’s explanations.

— be able to tell about his feelings while creating the work, and also pre and post-work emotions.

— be able to explore and control the creation process and its results after completion.

— be able to highlight the most permanent themes and images. Over time, the participant will be ready to see common semantic lines in their images in the context of all the work done. Instead of an independent interpretation of the formal features of visual products, various speech strategies are used, largely clarifying the symbolism and hidden meaning. Along with various forms of discussion unfolding in connection with the material of visual products, the following are monitored features of facial expressions, movements, nonverbal sound expression and other human reactions. An important role in the discussion belongs to the client and his point of view. It should be borne in mind that discourse is associated not only with speech, but also with a visual image, and therefore there is a high degree of correspondence between the created visual series and how it is interpreted and described.

Exercises using various methods and means of art pedagogy (Lebedeva 2001:320).

«Drawing associations». Within a minute, students draw the first associations that come to mind on the sheets. Then they describe them aloud, everyone jointly analyzes which associations are more: anxious, tense, calm, serene, etc [9].

«The colour of my mood»

The exercise is devoted for gathering data of diagnostics. It can be utilized while dividing into small groups, participants’ ‘here and now’ situation. The cabinet space separates into 8 colour zones. In the middle of each zone has got coloured chair or cube with a certain colour. Participants of the game walk through a stylized maze and they should stop if the colour corresponds to his mood. Consequently, groups are formed by the participants that is not the same in individual’s creative work ‘signs (symbols) of mood’ is created. Having exchanged impressions in the general circle, the exercise is repeated. In the final step of the exercise, volunteers can change their ‘colour of the mood’. It is essential to have rational reasons for exchanging.

«Drawing in space»

Sweeping movements of an imaginary brush in the «space of the picture» (in the air) should gradually turn into small strokes, strokes that develop fine motor skills of the fingers. The exercise can be performed in pairs and in a general circle. In the latter case, the nature of the movements, the tempo is set by the art teacher, and then, if desired, by other members of the group.

«A walk through»... For example, a walk through the space of a notebook sheet. Participants are invited to imagine themselves in single letters and walk around the conditional territory without violating the margins and borders of the page (you can use any coloured pencil of the participant's choice). At the signal of the art teacher, everyone should freeze. Then it is discussed who is in which part of the sheet. Some children feel bad space and make mistakes when answering the question where their «letter» is located: at the beginning of the page, at the end, in the margins. This is especially true for dysgraphic sufferers. Repeating the exercise, you can advise the participants — «letters» to unite into words, names. It is also worth inviting them to form a line, form a circle, square, and other figures. Thus, the so-called art therapy space is better mastered, spatial imagination develops.

«The tree of my life»

The exercise is devoted for sowing internal potential, personal resources on the picture. Each participant of the game should draw his own personal tree of his life. Then the psychologist comments a little in accordance with a well-known technique, what different parts of the drawing symbolize: root, trunk, branches, fruits, etc.

Literature review

Collage is a means of visual clarity. What functions do visual aids perform when teaching a foreign language?

As a rule, the following functions are distinguished:

— training (visual aids are used to introduce educational and cognitive information);

— controlling (visual aids are used to control and self-control the nature of the competence, ZUN system, being formed);

— organizing (used when selecting training materials for classes and how to present them).

In turn, the training function is implemented in the form of the following directions:

— semanticization (visual aids help in explaining the meanings of foreign language units of speech at the level of phonemes, words, rules, as well as the realities of the world);

— re-creation of the communication situation (visual-auditory images are utilized in order to comprehend easily information perceived through the auditory or visual channels);

— stimulation of the utterance (visual aids serve as a support for the construction of a speech utterance) [8].

Let's determine what methodological functions a collage can perform at different stages of mastering the material.

From the standpoint of communicative teaching of a foreign language, based on the activity approach, the assimilation is carried out in stages: stage I-the formation of skills; Stage II-improving skills: combining previously learned material and transforming it based on spoken text; Stage III — development of speech skills.

At the first stage of mastering the material (the formation of pronouncing, lexical, grammatical skills), the collage can be used as a tool:

— to demonstrate objects and objects of perception, especially at the initial stage of training;

— or the semantics of lexical units;

— or the presentation of the problem/topics of discussion;

— or the presentation of speech actions;

— or the presentation of grammatical material;

— or the presentation of a rapid repetition of the material just studied;

— to form the ability to identify the object-image-concept and describe it;

— or automating speech material;

— o create a condition for monitoring;

— to organize the primary fixation of the perceived material.

At stage II (skill improvement), the collage can function as a tool:

— to create a meaningful base for the statement;

— to create a communication situation when creating a speech sample;

— for presenting country-specific information;

— to create conditions for monitoring;

— for the current repetition of the studied material;

and also:

— as a meaningful support for the statement;

— as an incentive for communication;

— as a support for the interpretation of information.

At the third stage (the development of speech skills), the collage can act as a means of:

— to encourage students to monologue;

— to form a semantic support that sets the meaning of the construction of the future utterance;

— to create a support for building a dialog;

— to create a communication situation;

— for presenting country-specific information.

At all stages, the collage can be used as a tool:

— management of adequate perception of information (through the use of colour, shapes, compositional construction, correct selection of facts about language-culture-personality of the target language) [7];

— building a semiotic space;

— development of the productivity of the utterance;

— creating communication situations;

— creating the novelty of the speech situation;

— transfer of the learned material to new conditions;

— creating an indicative basis for the formation of thought and image;

— creating a meaningful base for the statement;

— presentation of country-specific information;

— creating conditions for the control of assimilation;

— creating a foundation for multi-functional exercises, etc [10].

What types of collage are used in foreign language lessons?

— type A is a simple solar system with a key concept/core at its center. Rays of satellite information radiate from it.

— type B-blind spot, when there are unoccupied spots in the collage, and students have to determine which information is given free space in this collage;

— type C-blind core-corresponds to type A, but only students identify the core after getting acquainted with the entire background of the collage [11];

— type D-flash-is based on a single text, from which students are asked to select relevant country-specific information •;

— Type E-alternating core-is aimed at manipulating satellite information, depending on which concept is the key [12].

What materials should be used in the collage?

— paper: multi-coloured different grades (smooth), multi-coloured textured paper, tracing paper, crumpled paper of different grades, wallpaper with and without a pattern, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, photos;

— foil in different colours;

— artificial and synthetic materials: self-adhesive film, polyethylene, leatherette;

— natural materials: dry leaves, petals, cones, etc.;

— household items: toys, beads, buttons, postcards, envelopes, tickets, wrappers, stationery;

— everything you can find at home;

— textile materials of different structures and colours: scraps, threads, gauze, cotton wool, lace, ribbons, ropes, twine, laces, etc [13].

Results and discussion

If classes art activities promote sensory development children of the ability to distinguish colour, shape, sounds, provides a clearer understanding of language is different arts, it is impossible to forget and about the pedagogical possibilities of art: it contributes to the development of independent cognitive activity through the emotional contact with art, unobtrusive forms the motivation for learning activities organized with the help of the art methods, etc. i.e. the art techniques are very important in the education of children, especially in younger and adolescence, when not verbal activity always contributes to motivation to study at school. Also, problems of a communicative nature among adolescents that interfere with the successful self-realization of a student in educational activities can be successfully implemented using art methods. For example, the Collage method helps laconic teenagers to show their educational and cognitive skills in any academic discipline [16].

Before conducting the lessons using collaging students were taken a questionnaire (some of them were interviewed) about their main problems in English lessons and the results were not satisfactory. The effective ways of teaching have been considered and at last I came up with the idea of using art-technologies, however there were various types of it, but I tried to use the most contemporary one, collaging. Actually, it has been used since ancient times, but rarely [14].

Games are also fascinating in any age while learning a language and it is most researched one while collaging is not. In order to get knowledge about the effectiveness of collaging the experiment was conducted in 6A grade, and traditional lessons were given in 6B grade during 3 months. As a result, 6A grade students became very active, enthusiastic, interested and motivated to learn the lessons. According to their active participation their marks were increased. It seems like fantastic, but it was. Of course, not all students were involved at first, it took time to involve all learners thanks to pair and group work. 6B grade students remained as usual, only 5–6 students are active in each lesson and others are not, even some students do not want to listen the lesson and go in for other things [15].


In conclusion, collaging is an effective type of art-technologies that suits to the contemporary world. Collages can be widely used in practical work with children in all school subjects. With their help, the child's vocabulary expands; coherent speech, visual memory and logical thinking develop.

In the article, origin and theory of collaging was introduced, moreover, experiment was conducted in 6 th grades. Results were given in the end of the article’s main part. According to the theoretical and practical value, collaging was found as an effective way of teaching in foreign language education, but it does not mean that each lesson it should be used. As researchers mentioned, there is no one effective way of teaching, but there are many, using them correctly and relevantly due to students’ age and interests. In this regard, collaging is also just one effective technique of teaching. It was actual because of lack of information and research papers about collaging.


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  6. Кокоренко В. Л. Арт-технологии в подготовке специалистов помогающих профессий: [коллажи, маски, куклы] / В. Л. Кокоренко.-СПб.: Речь, 2005. — 96 с.
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  13. Sternberg R. J., Lubart T. I. Investing in creativity // American Psychologist. 1996. P. 677–688.
  14. Taylor C. W. Various approaches to and definions of creativity // R. Sternberg, The nature of creativity. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1988. P. 99–126.
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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): иностранный язык, III, SHAMBALA, ZUN, английский язык, эффективность коллажа.

Ключевые слова

educational process, art-technology, collaging, effectiveness of collage

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The relation of sociolinguistics in foreign language teaching

In recent years, an approach to linguistic research has been developed, in which attention is focused on the functioning of language in the community of its native speakers and the purpose of which is to create a language theory suitable for explaini...

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