An inclusive approach in the context of modern education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №7 (402) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 20.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 116 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сейтова, М. Е. An inclusive approach in the context of modern education / М. Е. Сейтова, Д. М. Ташметова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 7 (402). — С. 202-205. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In this article, we will discuss about inclusive approach in modern education. The article presents the author's view on the trends in the development of inclusive education at the present stage. The main directions of the inclusion methodology are considered. The article says that the main condition for integration in Kazakhstan is to bring the needs of children with mental and physical disabilities into line with the education system that remains generally unchanged: children with disabilities in a mass school not adapted to them. In other words, the child must meet the standards of the education system.

Key words: inclusion, inclusive education, disability, limited health opportunities, special educational opportunities

В этой статье мы поговорим об инклюзивном подходе в современном образовании. В статье представлен авторский взгляд на тенденции развития инклюзивного образования на современном этапе. Рассмотрены основные направления методологии инклюзии. В статье говорится, что главным условием интеграции в Казахстане является приведение потребностей детей с умственными и физическими недостатками в соответствие с системой образования, которая в целом остается неизменной: дети с ограниченными возможностями в массовой школе не адаптированы к ним. Другими словами, ребенок должен соответствовать стандартам системы образования.

Ключевые слова: интеграция, инклюзивное образование, инвалидность, ограниченные возможности в области здравоохранения, особые образовательные возможности.

Inclusive education is a process of involving all children in the educational process and social adaptation, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, peculiarities in the development and economic status. Through this process in Kazakhstan 111,405 disabled children of school age are covered by education (in secondary schools, special education institutions, special classes, at home, in vocational schools and colleges).

Outstanding scientist Vygotsky L. S., analyzing disadvantages of special schools, emphasized that its major drawback is that it separates the child from the normal environment isolates and puts it into a narrow, closed little world, where everything is geared to his disability, where everything is designed for his defect, everything recalls it [1].

Inclusive education is aimed to develop a methodology directed at children and at knowing that all children are individuals with different learning needs. Inclusive education seeks to develop an approach to teaching and learning, which will be more flexible to meet the different training needs. If teaching and learning becomes more efficient after implementation of inclusive education and result of the changes, then all children win (not only children with special needs).

The eight principles of inclusive education:

— The value of a man does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

— Each person is able to feel and think;

— Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard;

— All people need each other;

— Genuine education can take place only in the context of real relations;

— All people need the support and friendship of their peers;

— For all students progress may be rather in the fact what they can do than what they do not;

— Diversity strengthens all aspects of human life.

Inclusion is the process of increasing the degree of participation of each student in the academic and social life of the school, as well as the process of reducing the isolation of students in all processes occurring within the school.

Inclusivity requires a restructuring of the school culture, its rules, internal norms and practices in order to fully embrace the diversity of students with their personal characteristics and needs. Inclusivity directly affects all school students, not just particularly vulnerable categories such as children with disabilities.

Inclusivity is aimed at improving school education not only for students, but also for teachers and staff. Developing an inclusive policy, it is necessary to gradually overcome the barriers that exist in the normal school:

— Improper treatment of disabled children;

— We don't have an adequate idea about these children;

— We 're just afraid of what we don 't know;

— Absence Absence of specially trained teaching staff. While public school teachers are not ready to teach children with developmental disabilities, the government needs to change standards higher pedagogical education focused on the training of personnel of the appropriate profile;

— Poor material and technical equipment of schools. None of the special devices and educational materials for children and manuals for teachers;

— The barrier is a physical access barrier. There is a large category of children with limited mobility who, from the point of view of intellectual development, could study in high school and be successful. there are still no conditions for these children in schools.

— Strict requirements of the state standard are strict. The introduction of a broad graded system for assessing student performance will allow children with various gaps in intellectual development to be included in the general flow [2].

The experience of including children with disabilities in general education in the countries of the near and far abroad shows that one of the most important conditions for its success is the creation of a school of psychological and pedagogical support for children by specialists in various fields (speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychologist, social workers and others). Without timely and high-quality comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities, family and teachers, education in general education schools can be ineffective for this student at best, and at worst — harm all participants in the educational process.

Until the mid-twentieth century, the measures taken in relation to children and adults with disabilities were not enough, as the institutions, which prevented children with disabilities are not provided with their educational needs. The Law on Education of disabled children 94–142 was passed by the US Congress in 1975, was later re-enacted in 1990 — Education Act of persons with disabilities. The adoption of the law «Mainstreaming» (total flow) erected the problem of integration in a number of national problems. In accordance with this law, every child with disabilities «in age from 3 to 21 years have the right to choose the most appropriate for him to form a free school and a supportive school environment». The law emphasizes that the maximum inclusion of children with disabilities into regular classrooms «not only contributes to their social adaptation», but «heals the emotional sphere of their normal peers». In 1986, the Law was added to the Early Intervention Program, which was intended to implement a comprehensive, coordinated, comprehensive care for all young children and their families.

From 2011 it is currently working in the regions round table program on the theme «Inclusive education: the international practice and the realization in Kazakhstan» for heads of secondary education with the support of the Soros Foundation Kazakhstan. In the current period realized the Internet project based on site in the information support of stakeholders in the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan.

Today, the issue of the quality of inclusive education is being acutely raised. I dare say that the solution to this issue is the development of inclusive practice based on scientific research. The formation of a teacher's research thinking, supported by psychological knowledge, will make educational practice the most effective in terms of the development of children with different educational needs.

There are two directions of inclusion methodology in foreign psychology, but both of them agree on the need to work with public meanings. One of the approaches revises the concept of success in the education system and offers an alternative understanding of the adaptability of the child not as the owner of high intelligence, but as able to establish social relations and maximize the opportunities of society (the concept of normalization) [V. Nirje, E. Goffman]. Another approach works with the construction of learning spaces and conditions in order to ensure «special needs» and track the individual progress of a child studying in an inclusive classroom [3].

Reflecting on the problem of the quality of education in the context of inclusion and its analysis and measurement, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the inclusion process lies in the social effects of education. The indicator is the level of acceptance and participation of everyone in joint activities, motivation and activity, which is based on awareness of their own effectiveness. It consists in the fact that each person is more or less convinced that he is able to interact with the people around him and the world, achieving their life goals. In the conditions of inclusion, for many children with disabilities, the academic result gives way to life competencies. A progressive step in this direction of change was the concept of a «special individual development program» fixed by the standard, whichstudents with intellectual disabilities can master. SIPR is created for each child individually, provides his immediate development zone with the necessary educational conditions and properly dosed adult help.

The effectiveness of an inclusive process is possible only with its technological security. Here we need to talk about both information technologies of educational communication and pedagogical technologies based on the professionalism of teachers. The professional standard of a teacher requires a teacher to possess new pedagogical technologies, modern forms and methods of pedagogical activity. The viability of the very idea of inclusion in Russian education and the qualitative effects of its implementation depend on this.

However, the professional unavailability of personnel remains the main problem of the development of inclusion in education and requires the development of a system focused on the study and dissemination of successful experience of inclusion. The basic stereotype of educational practice, which says that only defectologists should deal with a «special» student, has been destroyed. Such children, along with everyone else, come to ordinary schools today and sit in ordinary classes [4].

In the conditions of modern inclusive practice, it is not enough to work with the power of moral conviction or references to legal acts. Professional knowledge, constant reflection of difficulties, creativity and search are required. The extensive path — the path by attracting additional resources is extremely difficult today. Intensive development technologies are needed, the resourcing of which is in the transformation of existing capabilities. And this requires tension and causes serious resistance in the pedagogical environment.

Misconceptions about inclusivity:

A positive trend in the development of inclusion in general education is the inclusion of children from social protection institutions. Education not only gives a life perspective to children from orphanages, but also provides them with the level of education that helps to avoid the stigma of «incapacitated». Attending school allows them to leave the walls of boarding schools, get acquainted with transport, ride the subway, use a social card [5].

The analysis of the experience of inclusion of children from social protection institutions acutely raises the question of professional training of correctional teachers, the variability of forms of education and the adaptation of criteria for assessing educational achievements. Technologies of support and volunteering become the mainstay and the most important condition for the pedagogical success of inclusive practice.

The development of inclusion activates the processes of accessibility of additional education, adaptation of its conditions to children with special educational needs. Additional education serves as a «social elevator» for a significant part of children who do not receive the necessary amount or quality of educational resources in the family and general education organizations, provides alternative opportunities for educational and social achievements of children with disabilities.

Education based on the principles of inclusion, as one of the social institutions, is designed to provide opportunities for the realization of human life plans. L. S. Vygotsky wrote that «a child develops from the perspective of the future». The question arises — where can a student who has received the experience of inclusion at school come today. Inclusion is carried out based on the ideas of the a social role that determines life plans. In this sense, inclusion is limited until there is a positive image of a person with a disability in our society. Continuing education and employment are the most important tasks that will be able to show the effects of co-education at school [6].

The task of professional orientation of disabled children and persons with disabilities has become one of the priorities today, but a systematic integrated approach to the problem has not yet developed. Difficulties appear in the implementation of the tasks of career guidance for children with disabilities in inclusive education (teachers of mass schools do not know the methods of such work with disabled people) and solving the problems of employment of children with multiple disabilities who cannot make an independent choice. Here it is necessary not only to have employment options for such guys on the market labor, but also to provide them with support from social services.

The topic of vocational education is the topic of the independent life of people with disabilities. The share of students with disabilities and disabilities in vocational education will grow in the near future. Already today, according to monitoring data, 54 % of school graduates with disabilities express the need for admission to university, 20 % of school graduates with disabilities would like to enroll in colleges. Changes have been made to all FGOS HPE — an increase in the duration of training, adaptation of forms, a special procedure for mastering individual disciplines, choice of places of practice, provision of adapted electronic educational resources. However, about 50 % of students with disabilities do not graduate from universities, go to the labor exchange, and not to the profession. The availability of vocational education will determine the degree of participation of people with disabilities in the life of our society.


  1. Выготский Л. С. Основы дефектологии // Л. С. Выготский. Собр. соч. — Т. 1. — М., 1982. — С. 347.
  2. Tkachenko O. V. An inclusive approach in the context of modern education //Хабаршысы Вестник. — 2015. — Т. 252.
  3. Goodley D. Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. — Sage, 2016.
  4. Феталиева Л. П. Современный взгляд на инклюзивное образование // МНКО. 2018. № 4 (71). URL: (дата обращения: 18.02.2022).
  5. Fedulova I. et al. Inclusive education as a basis for sustainable development of society //Journal of social studies education research. — 2019. — Т. 10. — №. 3. — С. 118–135.
  6. Adyrkhaev S. G. Modern technology of physical education of disabled students in conditions of inclusive education //Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. — 2016. — Т. 20. — №. 1. — С. 4–12.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): инклюзивное образование, FGOS, HPE, SIPR, URL.

Ключевые слова

disability, inclusive education, inclusion, limited health opportunities, special educational opportunities

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