Opportunities for the formation of calligraphic skills during literacy training | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (403) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 22.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 51 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Лепешев, Д. В. Opportunities for the formation of calligraphic skills during literacy training / Д. В. Лепешев, Г. К. Муратекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 8 (403). — С. 232-234. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/403/89005/ (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

This article describes the main stages of the formation of calligraphic skills. The methods and techniques used in writing lessons are given. And also the question of the application of the basics of the method of penmanship as the basis for the formation of an internal need for a neat, legible, aesthetically sustained design of all performed records is touched upon. A set of exercises in the preparatory period regarding the teaching of writing is given.

Keywords: penmanship, calligraphy, skills, writing, formation.

В настоящей статье описываются основные этапы формирования каллиграфических навыков. Приведены методы и приемы используемые на уроках обучения письму. А также затрагивается вопрос применения основ методики чистописания как основы формирования внутренней потребности в аккуратном, разборчивом, эстетически выдержанном оформлении всех выполняемых записей. Приведен комплекс упражнений в подготовительный период относительно обучения письму.

Ключевые слова : чистописание, каллиграфия, навыки, письмо, формирование.

From the first days of a student's admission to school, they begin to teach him those initial reading and writing skills, without which further education and knowledge acquisition would be impossible. Reading and writing are closely related, but each of these skills has its own specifics. The specificity of the letter lies in the fact that it has two sides — graphic and spelling. The child must learn to write not only clearly and fairly quickly, but at the same time competently.

During the study of literacy, writing stands out as a separate subject because of its complexity for independent study and development. Later, brought to automatism, the letter loses its significance as a complex subject and performs exclusively the function of a tool for written communication. For easy, fast and high-quality reproduction of letters, now absolutely no serious mental and physical effort or complex of efforts is required. This way we can redirect our attention to more important aspects of the writing process: spelling and punctuation actions, conciseness and accuracy of expressing our own thoughts in writing, etc.

There are three stages in the process of skill formation [1, 24]: Stage 1 — it is called analytical and consists in identifying and obtaining information about specific individual elements of the action, awareness of their content; Stage 2 — it is called synthetic and consists in combining disparate hotel elements into a common unified action; Stage 3 — it is called automation and consists in the final formation of a skill-action, which can be characterized as having a high degree of assimilation and presented to the learner as a single general action, and not a sequence consisting of individual elements. A distinctive feature of this is the natural speed, ease, smoothness of execution — the natural result of obtaining the formed skill.

The teaching of writing in the 1st grade is based on Prescriptions, notebooks with a printed basis. Samples of writing letters, samples of connections, letters for tracing, free lines for writing are given in the cursive. According to the prescriptions, the student not only works out motor skills, but also constantly consciously applies syllabic and sound analysis of words, comparison of printed and written letters, exercises in reading words and sentences of written font, element-by-element analysis of letters, compounds, comparison of different letters. Curbs and ornaments are used in the prescriptions for all systems.

The copying (stigmographic) method — its essence consisted in the fact that the children circled the written samples (dots or pale ink), the teacher could himself prescribe a task for students in their notebooks with a pencil. The method contributed to the development of the correct form of letters. The disadvantage of the method was that it did not contribute to the conscious mastery of handwriting. Today, elements of this method are used in prescriptions and in individual work with children, when correcting handwriting.

The linear method is based on the font approach to teaching writing. Students are taught on the basis of exact, identical distances between the elements of letters, the exact proportions of the height and width of letters, you can use an auxiliary grid. As the only one, this method also did not justify itself, since the frequent oblique grid did not contribute to the development of writing skills, the formation of an eye. The pupils' eyes tired quickly. In modern schools, elements of this method are used, for example, when from the first days of training the teacher uses notebooks with one line, at the beginning of training the linear method is used as the main one.

The genetic method consists in studying letters in order from simpler in shape and shape to more complex. At school, this method has been known since the Middle Ages, it was successfully used by Pestalozzi. In recent methodological developments, the method is used to work out the shape of letters in the post-letter period, for example, in the manual «Didactic materials for teaching writing» for grades 2 and 3.

The best result in the initial teaching of writing is given, as a rule, a combination of all these methods without highlighting the presenter. It is necessary to be guided by the principles, methods and techniques specific to this subject.

Another condition for successful teaching of calligraphy, according to many methodologists, should be considered the formation of an inner need in younger schoolchildren for a neat, legible, aesthetically sustained design of all performed entries. N. A. Fedorova offers several tips for improving the initial teaching of calligraphy to six-year-olds [3, 28].

Summing up all of the above, the ticking technique is a tool for purposeful management of the rhythm and pronation of writing, which contributes to the successful development of graphic skill. As mentioned above, the question of how to effectively form calligraphic writing skills in younger schoolchildren has acquired particular relevance in recent years. And this is understandable: where the calligraphic writing skill is formed, a fairly high level of literacy is also found.

— It is possible to teach children writing in the traditional way. But at the same time, a lot of physical, mental and nervous forces of the child are spent. In addition, practice shows that a student does not develop during the period of learning to write letter elements, their compounds: monotony and monotonous writing of letter elements tires him, does not arouse interest in him, does not activate his thinking and creative abilities, his speech. Thus, the process of learning to write can be classified as consisting of 3 stages conditionally. It is obvious that these stages are strongly interconnected:

— The first stage in the development of writing skills is considered to be the development of muscle memory according to observations of scientists, it is known that muscle memory in children from 4 to 7 years old is tenacious and the most excitable. The training of calligraphy is carried out when all the defects have already been established and physiologically the period of work of the muscular memory has already passed.

The second stage of writing skill development is considered to be the development of tactile memory. The main goal of the second stage is to connect a sample of uppercase (uppercase) and lowercase letters and their compounds in the child's memory. In addition to tactile information, children receive both visual and auditory information, they develop a sense of language, spelling vigilance. This stage begins with the study of the first letter and continues until the end of the study of letters.

The third stage of the development of the writing skill is considered to be writing letters using a stencil. This stage lasts 10–14 days. During this time, the skills developed in the first stages are consolidated. With the help of a stencil of letters, children develop the correct inclination of letters and consolidate the acquired skills: the direction of writing, writing the letter, its elements.


  1. Zhukova E. A. Formation of graphic and calligraphic skills / E. A. Zhukova, S. G. Ivanushkina // Elementary school. — 2017. — № 2. — C. 24–37
  2. Khodorovsky V. «The course of early writing according to the Karster method adopted in military educational institutions» — Khodorovsky V., M.: «Pedagogy», 2019. — 49 p.
  3. Fedorova N. I. Formation of graphic skills in first-graders / N. I. Fedorova // Elementary school. — 2017. — № 4. C. 25–31
  4. Fedosova N. A. Features of teaching writing to six-year-old first graders / N. A. Fedosova // Elementary school. — 207. — № 4. — C. 65–71
  5. Abilova B. A. New technologies in education and the practice of their application in Russian speech lessons. — Almaty, 2021. — 40 p.

Ключевые слова

writing, skills, formation, penmanship, calligraphy

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