Features of the formation of creative thinking of younger schoolchildren | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (403) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 22.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 293 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Лепешев, Д. В. Features of the formation of creative thinking of younger schoolchildren / Д. В. Лепешев, А. З. Жакибаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 8 (403). — С. 228-230. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/403/89006/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article describes the social situation in primary school age in order to understand its impact on intensive development, the restructuring of thought processes, the development of intelligence and the development of other mental functions. The main line in the development of the imagination of a junior schoolboy is the development of the orientation of imagination, since a child of this age has imagination following the subject and everything he creates is unfinished and fragmentary.

Keywords: creative thinking, imagination, creative thinking.

В данной статье дается характеристика социальной ситуации в младшем школьном возрасте для понимания влияния ее на интенсивное развитие, перестройку мыслительных процессов, развития интеллекта и развитие остальных психических функций. Основная линия в развитии воображения младшего школьника является развитие направленности воображения, так как у ребенка данного возраста воображение идет за предметом и все, что он создает, носит неоконченный и отрывочный характер.

Ключевые слова: креативное мышление, воображение, творческое мышление .

In modern conditions of development of science and technology, education in general, the task is to prepare a comprehensively developed personality who understands the types, patterns and results of activities. As you know, in addition to educational, educational functions, the developing one is also important. Within the framework of technological education, one of the main tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage of development is the development of a creative personality. The development of thinking begins at an early age. At birth, the baby does not have the ability to think, but by the year the beginning of thought processes is formed. Knowledge, experience, and memory are necessary for the development of thinking. In the process of development, the child accumulates the necessary components through cognition of the surrounding world and the simplest thinking begins to manifest itself in him.

Junior school age is called the peak of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities — frivolity, naivety, a look at an adult from the bottom up. But he is already beginning to lose his childlike spontaneity in behavior, he has a different logic of thinking. At this age, there is a change of lifestyle and lifestyle: new requirements, a new social role of the student, a fundamentally new type of activity — educational activity. At school, the interests and values of the child change, he acquires not only knowledge and skill, but also a certain social status [1, 16].

Thus, intellectual work is at the same time a mnemonic activity, thinking and semantic memory are inextricably linked. According to E. A. Samoilova, a junior student can successfully memorize and reproduce a text that he does not understand. Therefore, adults should control not only the result, but also the process itself, that is, how the student remembered it [2, 88].

A primary school teacher teaches children to use mnemonic techniques. This is, first of all, the division of the text into semantic parts, tracing the main semantic lines, highlighting semantic reference points or words, returning to the already read parts of the text to clarify their content, mentally recalling the read part and reproducing the entire material aloud and to oneself, as well as rational methods of memorizing by heart. As a result, the educational material is understood, linked to the old and included in the general system of knowledge available to the child. Such meaningful material is easily «extracted» from the system of connections and meanings, that is, it is easily reproduced.

Attention — without sufficient formation of this mental function, the learning process is impossible. The child is able to concentrate on uninteresting actions, but involuntary attention still prevails. For a younger student, external impressions are a strong distraction, it is difficult for him to focus on incomprehensible complex material. His attention is characterized by a small volume, low stability — he can concentrate on one thing for 10–20 minutes. The distribution of attention and its switching from one educational task to another are difficult.

In educational activities, the child's arbitrary attention develops. Initially, he follows the instructions of the teacher, working under his constant supervision. The student gradually acquires the ability to perform tasks independently — he sets a goal and controls his actions. Control over the process of one's activity is, in fact, the arbitrary attention of the student. Different children are attentive in different ways: since attention has different properties, these properties develop to varying degrees, creating individual variants.

It is the younger school age that is a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination. Psychologist L. S. Vygotsky in his research pointed out that imagination develops gradually, according to a certain experience acquired by a child. This is due to the fact that all images of the imagination, no matter how peculiar and original they may be, are based on those ideas and impressions that a person receives in real life. The author wrote: «The first form of the connection of imagination with reality is that every creation of imagination is always built from elements taken from activity and contained in the previous experience of man» [3, 9].

Imagination is the basis of any creative activity and thanks to which, the child is freed from the inertia of thinking, transforming the representation of memory, as a result, provides the creation of something new. According to this statement, the whole world of culture, made by human hands, unlike the natural world, is a product of creative imagination. It follows from this that the creative activity of the imagination is conditioned by the richness and diversity of a person's previous experience.

The conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is the need to expand the child's experience in order to create a solid foundation for his creative activity. The more the younger student sees, hears and experiences, knows, learns, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more productive, the better, under other equal conditions, the activity of his imagination will be. Productive creative imagination can be characterized not only by the originality and richness of the images produced, but also by the ability to direct ideas in the right direction, subordinate them to certain goals. The inability to manage your ideas and subordinate them to your goal leads to the fact that the best of them do not come to life.The development of creative thinking of students is an interesting and serious task that teachers and parents face. After all, the younger school age has rich opportunities for the development of creative thinking, which are realized when certain conditions are created that favor its formation.

Such conditions are: creating a creative environment that is ahead of the child's development; giving students freedom in choosing activities, alternating cases, the duration of classes in one case; providing younger students with the opportunity to independently solve tasks that require maximum effort; friendly help (not a hint) from adults, as an option, in the form of co-creation.

Many parents are sure that the child's abilities represent a ready-made set of skills and abilities. However, they are wrong. A person does not come into the world capable of any particular kind of creativity. The presence of certain abilities in him, most likely, will be due to the impact of the correct organization of education and training at the initial stage of his life. That is why it is very important to assess in time the degree of «involvement» of the child in the creative process, his desire to find unusual and unique solutions.


  1. Tikhonova N. B., Troshina T. S. Teaching the compilation of heuristic algorithms as a way to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. // Elementary school plus. Before and After. — 2018. — No. 9. — P. 16–20.
  2. Samoilova, E. A., Russian language and speech culture: textbook / E. A. Samoylov. — M.: Forum, 2015. — 288 c.
  3. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in children. — M.: Pedagogika, 2019. — 96 p
  4. Savkueva V.Yu. Solving creative tasks as a condition for the development of creative thinking. // Elementary school plus. Before and After. — 2019. — No.7. — P.5.
  5. Pichurin S. S. On the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. // Elementary school plus. Before and After. — 2018. — No. 3. — pp.51–53.

Ключевые слова

creative thinking, imagination

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