The effectiveness of using authentic texts in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (403) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 26.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 494 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Турлыбеков, Б. Д. The effectiveness of using authentic texts in teaching foreign languages / Б. Д. Турлыбеков, А. Н. Кажымукан. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 8 (403). — С. 239-245. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).

This article deals with the study of the use of authentic reading texts at the foreign language lessons in pedagogical high school. The aim of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of English learning through authentic texts at the English language lessons in non-language high school. The features of teaching reading authentic texts at the English language lessons in pedagogical high school are considered in the article. Authentic text affects the perception and understanding of audio text. Students should learn to understand texts of different styles in the learning process. Analysis of theoretical literature, on authentic audio material taken from textbooks of English and foreign aids for teaching listening, shows that listening has the features peculiar only sounding text. Among them are the linguistic, paralinguistic, extralinguistic characteristics and certain characteristics for natural-sounding English language and to be very important for understanding the speech of native speakers.

During the work it found that the use of the proper-authentic texts (materials) to ensure the development of communicative skills provided if available texts students meet the criteria of normativity, frequency, ethical and aesthetic standards. Using the teaching and authentic texts is an effective learning tool, if the texts preserved the content, composition, register, correspondence language norms.

Keywords: authentic texts, competence, educational process, skills, language material

В данной статье рассматривается использование чтения аутентичных текстов на уроках иностранного языка в педагогическом вузе. Целью статьи является анализ эффективного изучения английского языка посредством чтения аутентичных текстов на уроках английского языка в неязыковом вузе. В статье рассматриваются особенности обучения чтения аутентичных текстов на уроках английского языка в педагогическом вузе. Аутентичный текст влияет на восприятие и понимание аудиотекста. Студенты должны научиться понимать тексты разных стилей в процессе обучения. Анализ теоретической литературы, на аутентичном аудиоматериале, взятом из учебников английского языка и зарубежных пособий по обучению аудированию, показывает, что аудирование имеет черты, свойственные только звучанию текста. Среди них лингвистические, паралингвистические, экстралингвистические характеристики и некоторые характеристики естественно звучащего английского языка, которые очень важны для понимания речи носителей языка.

В ходе работы установлено, что использование собственно-аутентичных текстов (материалов) для обеспечения развития коммуникативных умений при условии, что имеющиеся тексты учащихся соответствуют критериям нормативности, частотности, этическим и эстетическим нормам. Использование учебных и аутентичных текстов является эффективным средством обучения, если в текстах сохранены содержание, композиция, регистр, соответствие языковым нормам.

Ключевые слова: аутентичные тексты, компетентность, образовательный процесс, умения, языковой материал


The current level of development of society requires a high quality of education in secondary schools. We know that only when we carefully search for effective methods of teaching a language, it is clear that there is a high quality. As a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign methodological literature, it was determined that the use of authentic materials in teaching English occupies a particularly important place. From this it follows that the research topic is relevant.

In recent years, much attention has been paid to the problem of truthfulness in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. In the linguistic aspect, original texts have a special lexical and syntactic character, and simple sentences are preferred.

Correct and systematic use of original material can be an effective tool for improving the quality of English Language Teaching. When writing the work, we relied on the works of domestic (Y. M. Kolker, Milrud R. P.) and foreign authors (Susan Stempleski, Barry Tomalin), as well as used electronic sources of information.

As a result, the resistance between the language used in the lesson and the «real» language is removed. It all depends on how we use the training material. Develops a system of conditions necessary for the process of originality — weaving from the point of view of L. Lier. It divides authenticity into three types:

— Authentic materials

— Pragmatic authenticity

— Personal authenticity [1,p.347].

Authenticity of materials is understood as the use of natural language, taking into account the needs and interests of the reader, while preserving the properties of this original text in the use of specially created texts, focusing on language learners. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the authenticity of the use of educational materials during classes.

And pragmatic authenticity includes the following important aspects:

  1. Sufficient availability of certain language tools in a particular situation, i.e. the authenticity of the context in which the language is used;
  2. The expected result of speech interaction, i.e. the authenticity of the goal;
  3. Also known as interaction authenticity or interactive authenticity. It is not always compatible with the authenticity of the goal. The teacher often responds to students by focusing on the mistakes they make, rather than on the meaningful side of statements, and pays more attention to correcting these mistakes. And working in this way undermines the authenticity of the interaction. Thus, in a true relationship, the goal is the process of this natural relationship itself.

According to the linguist-researcher lier, a person characterized by personal authenticity will have a clear understanding of what he is doing and why, and will be more responsible for his actions. Taking into account the situation, you can adjust your behavior, for example, during a speech. Researcher M Brin divides authenticity into 4 types: 1) authenticity of texts used in the educational process; 2) authenticity of students' perception of these texts; 3) authenticity of training tasks; 4) authenticity of the social situation in the classroom.

Materials and methods

It was not long before the concept of «original materials» appeared in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. In the methods of teaching a foreign language, authenticity can be explained in several ways. According to scientists, original materials are considered to be materials made with their own hands. In other words, it is the use of a communicative approach to learning a foreign language outside the environment in the learning process [2, p.120].

The advantages of original materials were noted by many authors of domestic and foreign methodological literature, in particular Milrud R. P., Nosonovich E. V., Joglina G. G., Scarzella R. K. and others:

  1. The very first advantage is that original materials are a real means of communication that reflects the linguistic reality of life and reveals the specifics of working.
  2. The Next advantage is that due to the use of original materials, the risk of distortion of foreign language reality is reduced.
  3. The Third advantage is information contained in authentic materials in a non-native language environment. Because educational materials are based on false circumstances, this reduces students' motivation, and also distorts the accuracy of information. At worst, it is quite possible that the construction of educational materials in false conditions will make it difficult to understand the material obtained from «real life» in the future [2, p.125].

All this can be reduced to one idea: the authenticity and methodological processing of texts are closely related concepts. Even with the necessary methodological processing of educational texts, some methodologists say that certain requirements must be met:

1) use of authentic vocabulary, grammar and phraseology,

2) text communication,

3) naturalness of the situation

4) reflection of the national mentality and cultural features of native speakers,

5) saturation as informative and emotional, etc.

These parameters of text truthfulness make up the complete work of speech. It should be remembered that the student perceives the material as natural only when it is an analog of the actual type of text, such as a letter, advertisement, article, etc. The content of text materials, the authenticity of its structure and design will certainly increase the motivation of students.

When studying the problem of original tasks, many researchers divide learning tasks into two types:

— acquire skills and apply skills,

— learn the language and use the language.

Tasks of the first type are not realistic, but they are definitely necessary in the educational process [3, pp.60–69].

It should be noted that the methodology does not have a clear definition of real tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful when coming to the conclusion that unrealistic behavior in a particular situation can turn into unrealistic behavior when learning English.

Currently, higher education institutions pay great attention to communicative subjects, including the subject «foreign language». The formation of spiritual and moral qualities of a student through his / her studies is one of the main tasks of teaching a foreign language in a Pedagogical University [4, P. 12].

During foreign language lessons, students participate in an active creative process. Reading books activates cognitive activity, as well as fosters a sense of respect for the country and the culture of the language being studied.

They need to know the specifics of reading professional texts. Therefore, it provides accounting for the need for business communication in pedagogical universities on professional topics in a foreign language [5, pp. 87–94].

Processing information and understanding its content is an effective way to memorize language material.

For effective assimilation of language material, it is important to create a positive emotional background before everyone else. Because as a result of a positive emotional background, the intensity of motivation for their intellectual activity increases. After all, motivation plays an important role in the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages [6, P.522].

Original texts occupy a special place in their informative content. Because they clearly reflect the current reality of the country of the language being taught. Most often, the topics of these texts are the geographical location of this country, its political system, Money, national holidays, etc. [7, pp. 46–48].

Reading original texts creates positive motivation. How is linguistic socio-cultural competence formed? Its essence is that by reading the original texts, students get acquainted with the culture and traditions of this country, learn about the moral and spiritual values of other peoples [8, pp. 454–456].

On the internet resources, English-language periodicals of well-known newspapers and magazines, in particular, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New York Times and others.

Through these resources, analytical texts are selected according to their age and level of language proficiency. As additional material, we can recommend using educational and methodological manuals, textbooks [9, p.104]. These textbooks are aimed at developing students' professional and communicative competence in learning. Each section contains grammatical explanations, translation, and illustrative material; theoretical material is fixed in creative exercises. In addition, there are instructions for students to read authentic texts, as well as for organizing independent work.

Therefore, students of pedagogical universities are advised to study the instructions when working independently with the text. This type of work forms an idea of the purpose and objectives, essence and scope of the material.When reading texts and independent work, it provides a great opportunity to form students ' professional competence and strengthens their creative activity [10, pp. 102–104].

Independent work with the text in English provides for the following goals and objectives:

— systematic deepening of knowledge, that is, reading this text, translating it, working with various dictionaries and reference books;

— development of skills in working with information and literature of various volumes, in particular, performing analytical text processing, writing annotations to the text, selecting specific goals and information;

— practical application of knowledge and skills: performing lexical and grammatical exercises, preparing statements, performing creative works on the topic, translating, composing and preparing original texts.

The following algorithm for working with analytical text is used:

1) read the title of the text, express your assumptions about what can be discussed in the text.

2) compositional structure of the text.

3) highlight the main problem by searching for keywords

4) try to understand the meaning of words without using dictionaries.

5) quickly read the text again and get a complete picture of its content.

From the use of reading original texts in a foreign language lesson, we can draw the following conclusions.

— Firstly, reading authentic texts in foreign language lessons allows students to improve their language level, enrich their vocabulary, and understand the thinking of people who speak a foreign language.

— Secondly, reading original texts has a positive effect on the personal and emotional state of students, while contributing to the spiritual and moral development of the individual.

— Thirdly, it strengthens communicative and cognitive motivation and forms intercultural competence.

One of the main skills acquired in the process of learning a foreign language is the ability to read foreign literature. Today, the choice of educational material before a foreign language teacher is a huge task.

Because, in addition to ready-made educational materials and teaching aids, it is necessary to choose and find available genuine journalistic materials and works of art. When choosing a specific learning strategy for students, the question arises about what will be the place for the use of artistic texts in the curriculum, as well as to what extent they are realistic or adaptive.

E. I. Tsvirko offers the following advantages of a work of art over educational texts:

— The artistic text meets the wishes and needs of young people, because it is aimed at General Education.

— The range of topics of the artistic text is wide and not.

— Popular Science and other science fiction texts require special background knowledge, and artistic texts do not need such background knowledge.

The compositional construction of the artistic text, namely fragmentation and plot, allows us to resolve the conflict of all elements of the plot, and all this is of undoubted interest in the educational process [11, pp. 224–225].

Results and Discussion

Educational and methodological manuals do not provide sufficient content of texts and exercises. Because texts and exercises contribute to faster and more effective learning of a foreign language. Newspapers and magazines are very important in English lessons, as they keep up to date and provide information about what is happening in the world.This, in turn, expands the worldview of their students. According to Duncan Foord, the use of newspapers in foreign language lessons is important because they contain texts of different language styles that are not easily accepted in English textbooks. Articles such as poems, Comics, new youth movements, sports clubs, music, art, and environmental protection can be found in newspapers and magazines [12].

The variety of newspaper articles allows students to choose the most interesting ones for themselves. Many newspapers and magazines write about the problem of youth.Especially interesting is the discussion of such texts for students of grades 8–11. The volume of an article in a newspaper may vary.The teacher, looking at any number of newspapers, can choose an article that corresponds to the size of the article, the complexity of the language, the content and, most importantly, the level of knowledge of students.

When reading an article from the periodical press,we often do not go into details, but only try to reveal the main content of this text. In the methodology of teaching English, this type of reading is called reading through the understanding of the main content, that is, «skimming». According to many scientists, all texts should be authentic texts from brochures, newspapers, magazines, no matter what level of development of students ' language and speech skills. For ease of use, such texts can be divided according to the age characteristics of students.

It is very important to use newspapers and magazines in the classroom. However, despite this, some teachers do not want to use such material at the initial stage of training. The reason for this is that the newspaper believes that the texts are very difficult for students. Unfortunately, this trend deprives many well-established students of the opportunity to work with the press. Teachers should understand that newspaper materials should be used, even if they seem difficult to teach.

According to Dmitry Nikitin, an English teacher and author of many English language textbooks, a newspaper article can be used in different ways.According to Oshin, there are two types of work with text: pre-reading and post-reading. At the first stage, before you have read the text, we ask students to guess the content of the article by its title or illustration.

Students are asked questions: What do you think will happen now? Where do you think the incident is happening? What do you think is the reason this person is angry / sad? Who is the person named in the article/News? What does the theme look like? Sports? News?

Reading a newspaper article in English, students can find synonyms and antonyms, such as save, rescue. Students will get acquainted with new words, in addition, they will learn the meaning of these words in context.

After reading the text, you are given a task to write the main sentences of the article, this exercise is necessary to understand the main idea.

With authentic materials, you can create a good exercise that shows how students react when they read them. For example, continue with the following phrases: I'm not sure... I want to know more... It's hard to agree or disagree, because... I think so...

O. F. Kirsanova considers the problem of using original materials used in English lessons as a means of forming cultural competence of a foreign language. It presents 3 stages of working on an article in a newspaper [13, pp. 99–92]:

The first stage is to review the entire issue of the newspaper before reading a newspaper article and explain which article attracted attention, and why. As a result of the work done, reference drawings can be used for discussion.

The second stage is introductory training. At this stage, students consider a newspaper article that attracted their attention, or an article suggested by the teacher.

The third stage is working with the text of the article. This type of work finds the answer to the question and reflects the main idea of the text [14, P.199].

According to some methodologists, it is wrong to use reading control in forms of work that develop oral or translation skills. Therefore, he uses speech exercises only to test his reading comprehension. The lesson includes three stages:

1) control the overall understanding of the content;

2) check your understanding of some important details;

3) assessment of what you have read.

In the traditional methodology, there are 3 stages of working with any text:

— pre-text period (waiting period),

— text period and post-text period,

— post-text period.

So, no matter what approach we use, it is clear that the following work will be carried out with the texts: — pre-speech exercises, — control of the concept of content (text stage), — control over the concept of important details of the text (analysis and evaluation, post-text period), — analysis of literary and stylistic features of the text.

Opinions about the need for pre-speech exercises and literary analysis of the text are still very diverse and contradictory. As an example, you can take the latest opinions on how to do this not from the personal point of view of the teacher, but from the age and individual characteristics of students. Teachers offer many types of tasks for working with texts. Obviously, we know that the types of work depend on what goal we set for studying at home. If the text is read for reading, then the tasks are intended only for monitoring the content. And if we are going to talk based on the text, it is necessary to make it possible for students to express their opinion, and even bring it from a prepared speech to an unprepared speech. There is no consensus among methodologists. Some authors argue that exercises aimed at working with lexical and grammatical structures are mandatory, and believe that they should precede the discussion of the text. The reason why they say that the text should be preceded by discussion is that it, along with enriching the vocabulary of students, serves as the basis for further speech. And some other authors believe that reading is not intended for teaching spoken speech, it is an independent form of speech activity. For this reason, he believes that it is necessary not to work with words in advance. Another unresolved problem is whether it is necessary to teach children to analyze the text. Is it necessary to introduce the concepts of means of literary expression (metaphor, comparison, allegory, etc.) into the high school course? Тhis type of work is available only to high school students, and some authors believe that only those who know the language very well can analyze the text in a foreign language.

Advantages of using authentic material in the classroom:

— They are interesting and stimulating;

— They can be selected depending on the interests of the students, or they can be selected by the students themselves for their own purposes;

— The original material reflects the actual use of language in a cultural context.

According to the results of the survey, students have a positive attitude to the use of modern technologies (and, in particular, video) in the educational process. They noted that it can be useful for developing language skills, supporting activity during classes, and as a result, increasing motivation to learn English as a foreign language. Students ' responses showed that there is a close link between the incentive factor for learning the language and the use of modern technologies.

Another researcher, V. P. Bespalko, in his work» using video in English lessons», once again draws attention to the fact that realistic video materials increase the level of motivation of students: «students achieve some success when they are able to understand the planned material. native speakers understand. When they successfully process (master) it and understand the «real thing», in this case they get motivation for further search and understanding of other original materials. Now, with a little effort and additional training, as well as some help from a teacher, they realized that «real English» is no longer within their understanding " [15, p.336].


Authentic text affects the perception and understanding of audio text. In real life, there is no text, not related to a specific style. Therefore, in the learning process, students should learn to understand texts of different styles.

During the work it found that the use of the proper-authentic texts (materials) to ensure the development of communicative skills provided if available texts students meet the criteria of normativity, frequency, ethical and aesthetic standards. Using the teaching and authentic texts is an effective learning tool, if the texts preserved the content, composition, register, correspondence language norms. Using the properly-authentic and educational texts authentic content that reflects the realities of life in the country of studied language, it is one of the ways of formation of speech skills; the formation of social competence; serve as a stimulus for learning communication and provide factual and speech material for the formation of the valuable relation to language as a phenomenon of culture.

The main results of experiential learning can be summarized as follows:

— tested in practice methodological feasibility of using authentic texts when teaching listening junior students of language faculties of pedagogical universities. The efficiency of the proposed method, which provides a consistent work on authentic texts;

— It determined that work with authentic audio texts favorable effect on the motivation for listening, increases productivity, promotes cognitive and communicative speech activity of students;

— experiential learning results confirmed the assumption that authentic Audio Texts are a source of valuable information and can be a good basis for the organization of communication mediated by different texts.

Through experiential learning confirmed the correctness of the hypothesis. This means that we can talk about prospects of the proposed methodology, which aims to:

1) help undergraduates learn to listen and understand authentic Audio Texts;

2) extract from texts valuable, practically significant information and facts, accumulate knowledge, linking them with past experience;

3) develop the ability to critically analyze messages, ability to eliminate the difficulties of language and content of the plan and to use new means of communication in authentic situations.


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  11. Цвирко Е. И. Художественный текст как предмет аналитического чтения. // Материалы I Международной Интернет — конференции «Актуальные проблемы гуманитарного образования». — С.223–225.
  12. Bibi Boader. Helping students with special learning difficulties journal: ELT News and Views, Argentina, 1999.
  13. Кирсанова О. Ф. Использование аутентичных материалов на уроках английского языка как средства формирования иноязычной культурологической компетенции / О. Ф. Кирсанова // Вестник Московского университета. — 2001. — № 2. — С.89–92.
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  15. Беспалько В. П. Педагогика и прогрессивные технологии обучения. — М.: Педагогика. 1995. — 336 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): иностранный язык, английский язык, ELT, текст, EFL, USA, Кирсанов, неязыковый вуз, педагогический вуз.

Ключевые слова

competence, educational process, skills, authentic texts, language material

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Simile as a multidimensional phenomenon is of interest for a number of scientific fields. In logic and psychology, in linguistics and literary criticism there has been developed a long tradition of analysis of simile in the most various aspects. Howe...

Development of skills of oral speech at students of Kazakh language

This article deals with the development of speaking skills. This problem remains relevant in the modern world, despite the development of new techniques and technologies. The problem is that many teachers face the problem of «silence». Students do no...

General problems of modern literary translation

Nowadays no one is surprised to realize that translation from one language into another is not an easy task for most people. But few people understand how to communicate with a representative of another country, came to a mutual understanding using a...

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