Melon variety mirzachul: characteristics | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Melon variety mirzachul: characteristics / Д. К. Максумова, Р. Ш. Эрназарова, Д. Э. Зуннунова [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 11 (406). — С. 48-52. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article presents the results of a study of obtaining oil from seeds of non-traditional oilseeds. The characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of the Mirzachul melon variety for oil production are given. The analyses of studies of the primary results obtained for obtaining oil from melon varieties Mirzachul and Airport are compared.

Keywords: oilseeds, seeds, melon varieties, Cucumis melo subsp. Melo var. torpedo, Mirzachul, Airport, melon peel, carbohydrates polyunsaturated fatty acids, pectins, enzymes, comparative analysis.

Uzbekistan is one of the leading states in the production of melons — especially the most valuable varieties of melons. The nutritional value of melons is primarily due to the high sugar content, and the taste value is due to the sucrose content. The most sugary varieties are considered to be summer varieties with a sugar content of 12–19 %; early summer varieties — 8.5–12 %; autumn varieties — 9–11 %. At the same time, in summer melon varieties, the sucrose content is 60–80 %.

Melon peel is a raw material that can be used for the production of pectin or used as a highly nutritious feed additive in the form of flour. Seeds are the raw material for the production of vegetable oil, comparable in properties with the best varieties of olive oil [1]. In several such varieties, one can say melons «Torpedo» (Mirzachul). The Latin name Cucumis melo subsp. Melo var. torpedo.

«Torpedo» is considered one of the best varieties of melons. It is easy to recognize by its impressive size, oblong shape, and rich melon aroma. Despite its Uzbek roots, Torpedo is growing well in Russia. Learn how to plant and grow Uzbek melon in a temperate climate.

Torpedo is originally from Asia Minor and Central Asia. In sunny Uzbekistan, this melon has been grown for about three centuries. Uzbekistan calls this variety in its way — Mirzachul. This is a real business card of Uzbekistan. The official name under which the variety is registered in the Russian Federation is «Rainbow».

Varietal signs of «Torpedo»:

— fruits of oblong shape;

— the crust is yellow, dotted with thin silver veins;

— the flesh is white, juicy, has an oily consistency, thickness — 5–6 cm;

— there are many seeds inside the fruit.

— stems are strong. Shoots reach 2 m in length — they can be tied to supports.

The «Torpedo», grown in Uzbekistan, fruits reach half a meter in length. Ripe «Torpedo» is easy to recognize by its aroma. This variety is characterized by increased adorability — the fruit exudes a specific melon aroma — delicate and sweet [2].

Main Characteristics of Melon Mirzachul



Maturation dates

late-ripening, matures no earlier than August

Achieving technical ripeness

60 days

Fruit weight

in Uzbekistan — up to 15 kg, in Russia — up to 5–7 kg




excellent (but with a lack of sun, the taste worsens)


Bright, rich, combines notes of pineapple, duchess and vanilla

Fruits grown without hazardous chemicals do not appear on the market until the end of August. Until that time, it is not worth buying oblong melons — they are either unripe or saturated with harmful additives that stimulate the growth of culture [10].

Advantages and disadvantages

— Fruits are well transported — melons are transported over long distances without any problems.

— It can be grown not only in the south of Russia but also in regions with a temperate climate.

— The fruits are distinguished by remarkable commodity and taste characteristics.

— Fruits can be stored for a long time. In the basement or just in a cool room, «Torpedoes» can stay fresh and delicious until spring.

— This wonderful variety has one drawback — the plant is demanding of the growing conditions.

Torpedo needs warmth, and even better — sun, lots of suns. It is because of this that it is so difficult to grow really sweet melons in the middle latitudes. Unlike its main competitor, the «Collective Farmer», it is not able to mature completely in a temperate climate, therefore it does not reveal its true taste.

Useful properties. In principle, any melon is considered a low-calorie and very useful food product. Torpedo is a sweet variety that has the highest calorie content among other types — 35 kCal / 100 g. This is a low-calorie index, so the fruits can be consumed without restrictions even for overweight people. The pulp of the fruit is 90 % water — that's why they are so good at quenching thirst. It also contains a lot (7.5 g) of carbohydrates, but they are all simple and quickly digestible. The amount of proteins and fats is minimal — 0.6 and 0.3 g, respectively. Ripe melon contains organic acids, a lot of dietary fiber, pectins, enzymes that improve intestinal function, as well as the whole set of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, P, PP [7].

The mineral composition is represented by potassium (118 mg), chlorine (50 mg), sodium (32 mg). A smaller amount contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium. Of the trace elements present in the pulp of fruits: iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine [3].

And also during research, we found that the composition of melon seeds of Mirzachul contains many valuable substances, but polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate, which help regulate the level of lipemia, hemostasis activity, as well as activation of metabolic processes. Unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of natural melon oil are represented by linolenic, linoleic, and oleic, while saturated ones include palmitic and stearic [4].

As an effective preventive agent that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular ailments, cholesterol levels in the blood, and the accumulation of fat in the liver, the melon seed oil is recommended for use by many specialists. In addition, it prevents hair loss, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and also provides non-specific protection of the entire human body [8]. This oil is especially useful for elderly people, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, in case of deterioration of sleep quality [5].

In the treatment of women's diseases: the use of sunflower seeds has a beneficial effect both on the elimination of symptoms of diseases and on the recovery of the body after surgical manipulations on female organs. To reduce pain during menstruation, as well as relieve nervous disorders and tension during critical days and menopause. To improve and strengthen hair, nails. For skin rejuvenation. Preparation of masks and various preparations with this product will quickly solve the question of how to clean and whiten the skin without resorting to the help of cosmetologists. During pregnancy, melon seeds in the diet are simply irreplaceable. They contain folic acid, B vitamins, which favorably affect the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the well-being of the woman herself. As well as the use of this oil, it helps to increase the number of spermatozoa in men and increases the effectiveness of conception of a child, and zinc in the composition of the oil is the main cure for prostatitis [6].

To obtain fat from non-fat seeds, we in our experiments took 2 different varieties of melon seeds, compared the number of seeds in them and the weight of dried seeds, the output of fat from the seeds. To do this, we selected Mirzachul and the airport variety melon variety. After separating their seeds, it was determined how many grains they dried.

Seeds from the melon of the mirzachul variety contained 327 GR in a moist state, and in the dried state 100,1 GR, the number of seeds 1756 PCs.

The seeds from the airport variety melon were 173,4 GR in wet condition and 38,1 GR after drying, the number of seeds was 780.

Based on the research, I came to this conclusion, the yield of the mass and the number of melon seeds of the Mirzachul variety is greater than the Airport variety. Therefore, I decided to use the Mirzachul variety in my dissertation work.

Mirzachul Airport

Comparison units




Weight of seeds in wet condition, gr




Weight of seeds in dry condition, gr




Number of seeds




  1. Improvement of processes and devices of complex melon processing and their hardware design. Maksumova Dilrabo Kuchkarovna. Tashkent-2010.
  2. Abu Ali ibn Sino Canon of Medical Science Volume III Tashkent, 1996.
  3. Asghar M. N., Shahzad M. T., Nadeem I., Ashraf C. M. Phytochemical and in vitro total antioxidant capacity analyzes of peel extracts of different cultivars of Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanatus — Pharm. Biol. 2013, Feb., 51(2), 226–232. doi: 10.3109/ 13880209.2012.717228.
  4. Buggiani G., Tsampau D., Hercogovà J., Rose R., Brazzini B., Lotti T. Clinical efficacy of a novel topical formulation for vitiligo: compared evaluation of different treatment modalities in 149 patients — Dermatol. Ther. 2012, Sep., 25(5), 472–476.
  5. Ibrahim S. R. New chrome and triglyceride from Cucumis melo seeds — Nat. Prod. Commun. 2014, Feb., 9(2), 205–208.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III.

Ключевые слова

airport, comparative analysis, oilseeds, seeds, melon varieties, Cucumis melo subsp. Melo var. torpedo, Mirzachul, melon peel, carbohydrates polyunsaturated fatty acids, pectins, enzymes

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