Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (408) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 04.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Айдарбекова, Б. Т. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion / Б. Т. Айдарбекова, Зура Мажит. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 13 (408). — С. 99-101. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/408/89915/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article discusses the importance of implementation equality , diversity and inclusion in the classroom of Kazakhstani schools. The concepts of equality , diversity, inclusion are differentiated. The authors of the article believe that in this situation, it is advisable to implement equality , diversity and inclusioninto practice in Kazakhstani schools. Since a large number of foreign students and children with disabilities dominates the country, where disabilities can be visible and invisible.

Key words : equality , diversity, inclusion, Kazakhstani schools.

Equality , diversity and inclusion is a phenomena most used to define a learning format in any educational institution. This type of learning is applied to stimulate existing knowledge of student and learner identities and how to guide diversity in educational institutions [1]. Equality is the notion of ensuring equal prospects via an individualized approach, using unequal allocation of assets to ‘level the playing area’. Exerting equality suggests reasoning in a number of discrepancies within the framework of society that affect students and learners to differing levels. Equality is the annex of concepts generated by equality, diversity and inclusion. “Diversity” refers a great number of differences, which may arise amidst students and learners in any setting, consisting nationality, race, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, etc. This is the ground of the necessity for equality, diversity and inclusion consciousness [2]. “Inclusion” specifies the desirable outcome; providing that those who concern the section of “diverse” sincerely consider themselves safe, desired, and included. Inclusion is a stage past integration, where diversified students and learners merge entirely with the surroundings without hesitation [3]. Since the comprehensiveness of these issues in community, equality , diversity and inclusion is not simple. Although equality , diversity and inclusion is quite familiar as a type of corporate learning, these aspects must be studied in a number of surroundings, containing but not restricted to scientific community, corporate workplaces, educational institutions, and medical departments [4].

Though the terminology and utilization was more visible in society and then corporate segment, variety of the academic institutions began committing themselves to equality , diversity and inclusion in various manners, containing establishing documents, programmes and designating devoted staff members [5].

Information on equality , diversity and inclusion for both students and educators is now common in educational institutions, with various schools demanding training and meetings on the issue. Different scholarships and possibilities at educational institutions even get an additional purpose of cheering diversity. Diversity in any educational institution can be complicated, with diverse students or learners frequently experiencing diminished to fulfilling a ‘diversity quota’. Also, we need to remember that the focus is on teachers and administrative staff, too. Widening these peculiarities of equality to primary and secondary schools is duplicating what has already been noticed in high school: the formation and maintenance of secure and supported surroundings for diverse students and learners. Some schools have even established administrative posts with the goal of assisting students and learners encountering social disparities via resources and teachers [6].

There has never been a more essential period for teaching and stimulating equality, diversity and inclusion in Kazakhstani’s classrooms. Today, 680 thousand people with disabilities live in Kazakhstan, of which 87 thousand are children under the age of 18, which is 1.5 % of the total child population and 12.8 % of the total number of disabled people. In dynamics, there is an increase in the number of children in the general structure of the disabled. Only in the last 7 years — the growth was 2 % [7].

As of January 2021, 141,622 foreigners, 7,049 stateless persons and 504 refugees are registered in Kazakhstan with a permanent residence permit [8]. More than 100 thousand Russian citizens live in Kazakhstan today, more than 6 thousand of them came for work, Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Birzhanov said [9].

In a community so diverse in terms of race, disability, and gender, equality, diversity and inclusion must be promoted throughout Kazakhstani educational institutions. In this direction, we should discuss the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion, and the fundamental concepts that schools should pursue in their aspiration of cultural diversity and comprehensing in the classroom.

While many educational institutions will consider a distinctive approach to contribute equality, diversity and inclusion in the classroom, some principles can be as a foundation for this promotion.

As we discuss and plan our approach to stimulating and encompassing equality, diversity and inclusion in the classroom, we should consider the following principles:

  1. All students are equal regardless of their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, race, gender, and gender identity.
  2. Differences are respected, recognised, and valued because diversity is a strength.
  3. Positive relationships and attitudes are fostered throughout the school.
  4. A shared sense of belonging and inclusion is encouraged in the classroom.
  5. We actively observe and promote equalities practised for our staff.
  6. We have the highest expectations for all our students.
  7. We work hard to raise standards for all our students, especially those most vulnerable.
  8. We challenge stereotyping and prejudice.

As a teacher, some of our commitments when stimulating equality, diversity and inclusion may have:

— Making it very precise to students and learners the level of implement that we expect to see in their cooperation and communicating adequately and promptly with bad behaviour.

— Discovering prospects for students and learners to operate collaboratively in diverse teams within our teaching schedule.

— Paying steadfast attention to the requirements of students and learners in diverse teams as part of our lesson. As we evolve our curriculum, we may crave to include an equality analysis. This will assist us to ensure that accurate consideration is provided in the sense of accessibility and inclusivity.

— Discovering respecting and creative approaches to apply the diversity of our students to enhance the overall learning experience for everyone.

To promote equality, diversity and inclusion in our schools, we should consider:

— Challenging negative attitudes amongst students and learners.

— Avoiding stereotypes in curricular resources and examples.

— Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other.

— Treating all students and staff equally and fairly.

— Creating an all-inclusive environment for students and staff.

— Actively using resources that have multicultural themes.

— Working to promote multiculturalism in lessons.

— Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom.

— Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities.

— Using a variety of assessment methods.

— Using a range of teaching methods.

— Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory.

— Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone and are accessible to all even if this means adapting to audio, large print, or video.

The idea of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the classroom is that it assists to rig students and learners with the attitudes and skills required to thrive during their lives. By instilling positive outlooks and challenging stereotypes from an early age, students can mature with an all-encompassing, unbiased view on life.

By performing these suggestions aforementioned throughout this article, we can assist change the situation in the lives of our students and learner, their surroundings, and society in general [10].


  1. «Seven Steps to Successful DEI Training». ASAE. https://www.asaecenter.org/en/resources/articles/an_plus/2021/march/seven-steps-to-successful-dei-training
  2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — A Professional Development Offering of the eXtension Foundation Impact Collaborative. https://dei.extension.org/
  3. «Diversity, Equity & Inclusion». Code for America. https://codeforamerica.org/about-us/diversity-equity-inclusion/
  4. Rosenkranz, Karl M. «Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Medicine: Why It Matters and How do We Achieve It?". Journal of Surgical Education: p. 1–2 — via Google Scholar, 2020
  5. University, Carnegie Mellon. «Homepage — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — Carnegie Mellon University». https://www.cmu.edu/diversity/index.html
  6. Ph.D, Jay P. Greene. «Equity Elementary: «Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion» Staff in Public Schools». The Heritage Foundation. https://www.heritage.org/education/report/equity-elementary-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-staff-public-schools
  7. https://kz.kursiv.media/2019–04–15/v-kazakhstane-rastet-chislo-detey-s-invalidnostyu/
  8. https://ratel.kz/raw/skolko_inostrannyh_grazhdan_v_kazahstane#:~:text= %D0 %91 %D0 %BE %D0 %BB %D1 %8C %D1 %88 %D0 %B5 %20 %D0 %B2 %D1 %81 %D0 %B5 %D0 %B3 %D0 %BE %20 %D0 %B8 %D0 %BD %D0 %BE %D1 %81 %D1 %82 %D1 %80 %D0 %B0 %D0 %BD %D1 %86 %D0 %B5 %D0 %B2 %2C %20 %D0 %BA %D0 %BE %D1 %82 %D0 %BE %D1 %80 %D1 %8B %D0 %B5 %20 %D1 %81 %D0 %BE %D1 %81 %D1 %82 %D0 %BE %D1 %8F %D1 %82, %D0 %B1 %D0 %B5 %D0 %B7 %20 %D0 %B3 %D1 %80 %D0 %B0 %D0 %B6 %D0 %B4 %D0 %B0 %D0 %BD %D1 %81 %D1 %82 %D0 %B2 %D0 %B0 %20 %D0 %B8 %20504 %20 %D0 %B1 %D0 %B5 %D0 %B6 %D0 %B5 %D0 %BD %D1 %86 %D0 %B0
  9. https://ru.sputnik.kz/20220330/bolee-6-tys-rossiyan-priekhali-v-kazakhstan-po-rabote-s-nachala-goda-23839145.html
  10. https://cpdonline.co.uk/knowledge-base/safeguarding/promoting-equality-and-diversity-in-the-classroom/
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ASAE, DEI.

Ключевые слова

equality, diversity, inclusion, Kazakhstani schools

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