Using a dialogic approach in English lessons via video chat | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (409) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 07.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Канатова, Ж. Е. Using a dialogic approach in English lessons via video chat / Ж. Е. Канатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 14 (409). — С. 310-311. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The communicative goal, which determines the entire educational process, is the primary and leading goal in teaching foreign languages in a secondary school. One of the most common types of verbal communication is dialogic speech.

One of the most pressing issues in contemporary pedagogical science is the development of dialogic speech in a foreign language under study. This is supported by a number of recent studies, articles, and manuals. Nonetheless, this issue requires further methodological resolution because the modern prerequisites for dialogic speech — teaching students to speak in the foreign language being studied — are not always and fully met.

The current situation necessitates new searches for a more rational methodology for teaching dialogic speech, in which the desired practical results are obtained in the shortest possible time, with the least amount of time and effort expended, and the learning process itself becomes feasible, exciting, and interesting for students. Despite the fact that dialogic speech is more complicated than monologue, both in terms of attention tension and the variety and quality of speech samples used, as well as for a variety of other reasons, preference should still be given to dialogic speech when teaching oral speech. After all, it is through dialogue that individual speech patterns, as well as entire structures, are learned and remembered, and are then used in monologue speech [1].

The contemporary theory of speech activity regards dialogue as a form of social and speech communication that serves as the foundation for collaboration and social comprehension among people engaged in joint activity.

Dialogic speech is formed as a result of activity motives. It serves a specific purpose and achieves a clear objective. A speech act, or speech action, is the unit of both dialogic and monologue speech [2].

Language is the original form of human communication, a direct expression of human's thought process at the level of abstract knowledge. The most natural form of speech activity — the oral form — in its main design, dialogue, has unconditional priority over all other types of speech activity, which include listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The main feature of this method is that the teacher does not provide new knowledge in finished form; instead, the students search for a solution through research activities and hypotheses based on previously acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities. The teacher only directs, leads to correct decisions and conclusions, encourages independent learning, and generalizes the results obtained [3].

The problems posed are solved during the dialogue between the teacher and the students. At the same time, the students are asked reproductive questions that activate the work of memory, allowing for the repetition of basic knowledge.

This method refers to problem-solving learning and reflects the relationship between the activities of the teacher and students while taking into account the specific goals and objectives of the lesson.

A substantial body of research on classroom interaction has shown the significance of dialogic classroom talk in fostering students’ linguistic and cognitive development, mastery of content and engagement in learning; it has also pointed to the critical role played by teachers in creating dialogic spaces in support of democratic classroom communities.

Currently, Internet technologies have made it possible for the majority of those who wish to study remotely, forming a huge network with an unprecedented amount of data for students and teachers involved in training. Actually, it was impossible to imagine in the last 50 years, however, at the present time, this is a reality that claims a dominant role in the education system of both world schools and Kazakhstan ones. The main advantage of Distance Learning is that it is an extremely convenient and flexible form of study, which improves the quality of education through the use of modern means and technologies. Therefore, in this article I will provide the names of some useful video chats and their use in the lessons.

Zoom is the most effective interactive video platform for virtual learning. During the current pandemic, it has aided many schools and colleges all over the world by allowing for a rapid transition to remote virtual learning. The productive environment of a traditional classroom setting was maintained by this virtual learning solution. Zoom has a plethora of features designed to help teachers interact effectively in a remote setting, regulate online classrooms, and avoid interruptions. Zoom provides educators with complete control! Teachers can restrict screen sharing, limit chat access between participants, and even remove them from the virtual classroom. Zoom is a company that creates virtual education systems. Teachers can also incorporate hardware devices such as tabs, computers, or larger screens to improve the learning experience.

Skype is a well-known virtual learning platform that effectively connects teachers and students. Skype is easier to use than other virtual classroom software on the market. You can make and receive audio and video calls, as well as participate in audio and video conference calls and chats. The main page is straightforward and devoid of unnecessary information. Teachers and students can quickly download Skype, sign up for a free account, and begin using it! Skype enables students and teachers to collaborate in a constructive virtual environment. It is a virtual learning system that allows students to grow and develop.

MirrorFly provides text, real-time voice, and video communication modules. It provides the most effective video chat solution for education and online learning. MirrorFly allows teachers to communicate with both students and parents. This virtual classroom software enhances students' learning and increases their involvement. As a teacher, you can create communities that allow for timely and effective interactions.

Microsoft Teams is virtual classroom software that is available from Microsoft. Using MS Teams, educators can create a fun learning environment for their students. MS Teams is a digital workspace designed for collaboration, content, and integrated apps. This platform not only provides video chat for virtual classrooms, but it also includes built-in tools. For example, OneNote Class Notebooks can be used to manage assignments from start to finish, and Professional Learning Communities can be used to share study materials. These tools enable educators to plan interactive lessons and make timely recommendations.

It is possible to conclude that the effectiveness of the educational process is largely dependent on the teacher's ability to properly organize the lesson and select one form or another of the lesson. Use interactive tools to reduce distraction and encourage more active learning in the classroom. Non-traditional methods of teaching allow teachers to not only stimulate students' interest in the subject at hand, but also to foster their creative independence and teach them to work with a variety of sources of information. The use of modern applications has a significant benefit in terms of keeping students motivated and active throughout the lesson, allowing them to improve their language skills.


  1. Агаева, О. В. Обучение диалогической речи на уроках английского языка / О. В. Агаева. — Текст: непосредственный // Актуальные задачи педагогики: материалы I Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Чита, декабрь 2011 г.). — Чита: Издательство Молодой ученый, 2011. — С. 92–94. — URL:
  2. Lefstein, A., and J. Snell. 2014. Better than Best Practice: Developing Teaching and Learning Through Dialogue. London: Routledge.
  3. Wells, G., and M. R. Arauz. 2006. “Dialogue in the Classroom.” The Journal of the Learning Sciences 15 (3): 379–428.
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