The use of video materials in teaching auditing | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (409) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 11.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 46 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бекполатова, И. У. The use of video materials in teaching auditing / И. У. Бекполатова, Енлик Нурбеккызы. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 14 (409). — С. 297-300. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article is devoted to the study of the process of selecting authentic video materials for the purpose of teaching auditing. Video material stimulates interest, expands students' knowledge of the linguistic and cultural features of the language being studied. The advantages of using video materials as a dynamic support in teaching auditing are shown. In this article, we will look at the features of using video materials in foreign language lessons.

Keywords : foreign language teaching, auditing, listening, audiovisual materials, teaching tools, skills, video material.

The use of video materials in teaching a foreign language is based on one of the oldest and most basic historical principles — the principle of visibility. Perception and processing of information are embodied in the form of auditory-visual synthesis, which formed the basis of a whole direction in the methodology of teaching foreign languages and served as the basis for the creation and development of audio-lingual and audiovisual methods of teaching foreign languages.

The use of video materials is a huge contributing material to the process of mental development of students, first of all, in the development of attention and memory. When watching movies, cartoons, and clips, the audience creates an atmosphere of cognitive activity. At the same time, even the students themselves, who are studying at the worst, begin to take an active part. It is enough for students to make every effort to understand the content of the film. Intense attention affects good memory.

Foreign methodologists recommend using video materials at least once every two weeks. Classes with video materials can last from 45 to 60 Minutes. However, teachers prefer to show students video clips lasting from 30 seconds to 5–7 minutes in one lesson.

This is based on such features as the clarity and completeness of the information used in the video materials. Such features include short passages dedicated to the intensive lesson process.

Effective use of video materials is practically guaranteed at all stages of the process of learning a foreign language:

1) using language materials in the context of real situations;

2) training with language materials in various conversational situations;

3) develop conversational skills;

4) skills of intercultural competence.

Lexical exercises using video lead to the use of the following approaches in an audiovisual context:

1) prediction of the words of the characters in the video clip, their upcoming actions, actions, as well as their external facial expressions, obeying the sound without seeing them on the screen (prediction);

2) recognition, detection (identification) of real objects, scenes, actions, and colored objects in the video clip recorded on the blackboard;

3) comparison of adjectives written on a map or blackboard, synonyms of keywords in a video clip (matching).

When teaching grammar, video materials allow you to show how grammar and language are subordinate to each other, and how grammatical word formation is formed on language carriers. When using video materials effectively in the classroom, you should pay attention to the following points:

1) the content of video lessons should correspond to the level of language proficiency of students.

2) the duration of the video material and its work should not exceed the duration of the lesson.

3) the video film provides an opportunity to develop students ' language and cultural and social competencies.

4) the content of the video should be innovative for students.

5) working with video clips is understandable to students and includes educational tasks it must contain specific instructions.

Sometimes using a video may not lead to the desired result. Such as situations may arise when the teacher does not take into account the following situations:

— Neglect of students ' true interests, opportunities and features when choosing a video course;

— Inability to adequately explain the goals and objectives of the lesson;

— Classes may fail due to the first use of video during practice;

— Doubts that working with video clips is useful and interesting for students.

The above methods and approaches the use of video materials in English lessons opens up great opportunities for teachers and students to develop socio-cultural competencies as a component of intercultural competence.

One of the most positive features of video materials is their emotional impact on students. Students who are both viewers and listeners, enter another world, and even if they have a fictional scenario in front of them, the language is still pure and real.

A video film is an» audiovisual experience», which means that the student hears and sees the words spoken when watching a movie with subtitles. Then the difference in language in formal and informal situations becomes clear and obvious. The possibility of using various technologies in working with video materials helps to create conditions for the tendency to integrate into the cultural environment of the language carrier, which occurs during language learning.

Currently, video materials are one of the most common audiovisual tools used in teaching foreign languages. Videos and films are a separate work of cinema art. From a technological point of view, a film is a set of photos (frames) connected by a single part. Movies are created in the process of taking photos from the surrounding world using cameras, or using animations and special effects from individual photos. Similarly, there are several types of video materials:

1) artistic (cartoons, various art films, excerpts from shows);

2) 2)scientific and educational, journalistic (interviews, documentaries and educational films);

3) Information (advertising, News, TV broadcasts, videos).

4) Country Studies (video tours).

In the methodological Plan, video materials are classified as follows:

  1. specially designed materials for teaching a foreign language (video courses and other educational films);
  2. materials for fluent speakers of a foreign language (art films and live TV programs on the air);
  3. materials created by teachers and students.

Video materials belonging to the first two categories are widely used in the educational process due to their accessibility and low difficulty in use. Self-made video materials are able to solve many of the tasks set for the teacher, because the teacher himself chooses fragments for shooting and, directing them differently, can influence the process of creating a film.

Educational video materials are considered available at almost all stages of teaching English. They consist of several episodes and additional didactic material. According to B. Tomalin, there are 2 types of educational video materials:

1) Language Teaching (direct teaching video);

2) materials that are considered as additional sources of learning in language teaching (resource video).

The first type of training material includes screen training. The role of the teacher here is to increase the learning and learning opportunities of students with the help of books and auxiliary tools for teachers. The second type of video materials consists of cognitive information that shows how language is used to varying degrees. Most often, such materials depend not on the content of the episode, but on the varying degree of difficulty in language activity and language [1]. From the point of view of methodology, educational films are methodological and directorial materials specifically designed to create a natural environment in language communication [2].

Authentic, i.e. authentic, video materials present different patterns of language and speech, add different regional accents, common and special Vocabulary, Idioms, and create similarities in the language environment in a real context. They consider opportunities for mastering a foreign culture. However, when choosing video materials, it is important to take into account the level of language training of students, in particular, most of the authentic materials are aimed at listeners whose level of language proficiency is average and high.

Authentic video materials have different methodological features. According to the genre-thematic orientation, they can be divided into 3 groups [1]:

1) entertainment programs (all types of dramatic works, show, music video, Sports and educational programs, etc.);

2) programs based on fact information (factual videos, teletypes, etc.);

3) «short programs» lasting from 10 to 10–15 seconds (shorties), weather, results of sports competitions, advertising ads, etc.).

Any videos belonging to the above categories occupy a huge place in the process of teaching a foreign language. When viewing video materials at the same time, there is a synthesis of hearing and vision, simultaneous perception of sound and image contributes to the development of active auditing skills and other abilities, as well as language and reading abilities in expressing one's own opinion, communication, search for arguments and arguments. The course of practice showed that students remember what they hear and see more than they just listen to.

Currently, there are many opportunities to use video materials in the classroom. This method of information-preparation or understanding based on perception-is very popular with both teachers and students. The reason students like it is because it is very interesting, it is something new, and it encourages students to look and listen attentively. The video shows the culture of the people of the studied language, their way of life. Teachers like it because it is a very effective tool for learning a foreign language. Video materials also help us easily explain things that are difficult to interpret verbally by mixing images [3]. However, it is impossible to learn to speak without listening and understanding. The development of the ability to listen and understand a foreign language plays a special role.

Understanding a spoken word depends on the ability of a person to analyze the meaning of the words he hears, express the finished thought, and mentally accumulate it.

The main groups of listening comprehension include:

A) ability to understand words and phrases;

B) listening comprehension skills (ability to recognize grammatical and morphological forms of text);

B) ability to distinguish sounds, voice intonation.

The process of listening is closely related to the mechanism of auditory perception. Hearing, the ability to listen can be developed by performing exercises with the help of technical means. The mechanism of logical understanding is considered complex in the process of analysis.

The teacher's speech in classroom classes, the teacher's reading with the demonstration of a video film become a great example for the student. At first, the percentage of listening to speech may be higher. During the lesson, we sometimes limit ourselves to repeating the material we hear, and often do not pay attention to the ability to understand it.

The method of using audiovisual tools in teaching a foreign language is aimed at explaining and memorizing the goals and objectives of teaching English. Understanding and mastering educational materials largely depends on the effective use of audiovisual tools used in the educational process in the classroom. The method of using audiovisual means is closely related to the practical methods of teaching English and perceives phenomena and processes in the form of videos through various images, recordings, videos, videos that influence the educational process when familiarizing students with phenomena. Screen and audio tools are widely used in schools to achieve these goals. The introduction of audiovisual teaching tools in teaching a foreign language in the classroom increases the possibilities of the visual method of teaching. Today, in order to widely use such tools in the classroom, special attention is paid to increasing the number of computers and electronic devices used in accordance with the individual. Thanks to these tools, students have the opportunity to read texts from textbooks in a new and visual way.

Currently, there are a lot of opportunities for learning a foreign language (by hearing, listening, reading), watching educational films, listening to soundtracks, etc. There are a lot of soundtracks and videos written by foreign specialists. But there is a difference between listening to an audio recording and a face-to-face oral conversation. The lack of the ability to communicate with the speaker by word of mouth causes some difficulties in listening through the intercom. Therefore, special audio exercises and audio texts are needed to develop listening skills with the help of audio recordings. In this regard, it is important to listen to the text, to read the text by listening to the speech of the person who reads it.

Audiovisual teaching aids in English lessons are most suitable for teaching the language and occupy a special place among other teaching aids. They connect the perception of materials and their memorization. In addition, in the 80s of the last century, N. P. Kovalev studied the problems of using authentic art films. He noted that in the absence of a language environment, with the help of films, a foreign language environment is formed in the process of listening and viewing students in communication components [4].

I. A. Shcherbakova came to the following conclusion about the psychological and methodological possibilities of cinema in the educational process: during the viewing of the film, students become active participants in the screening, are able to make decisions, and begin to come to a conscious conclusion, if not in a real situation, but in a conditional situation [5]. I. B. Smirnov was engaged in the study of the use of authentic art films in teaching to speak a foreign language.

One of the most important features of the video is its emotional integration with students. The use of video materials helps to develop the child's attention and memory. To understand the content of the film, students need to make a certain effort. Thus, involuntary attention is transferred to voluntary attention. A video is an audiovisual experience. When a student sees a movie with subtitles, he hears the words being said and sees them at the same time. The student will quickly understand the speech of the main characters when they see what is happening on the screen and will be able to find an answer to the question of why they use these words and phrases.

According to pedagogical research, the following achievements can be achieved by using audiovisual tools in English lessons:

— Students who have achieved the multiplicity of information, the ability to simultaneously hear, see and speak, will be able to immerse themselves in the natural language environment in the process of learning;

— It is possible to develop communicative competence through many tasks;

— As soon as you learn one information, you can move on to the next. Because the information base is rich and accessible;

— The time allocated for a single task and its content will be unlimited;

— Students have the right to choose any information definitions: vocabulary alignment, etc.

For students, mastering the language through audio and visual visual manuals, rather than well-written traditional textbooks, helps to conduct the lesson more effectively. There is no doubt that such tools will certainly contribute to the education of students in a technologically competent and culturally educated way. It has also been demonstrated and proven experimentally.

The most important advantage of using video materials in training is the development of various types of mental activity, especially attention and memory. When watching videos in the classroom, an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity arises. However, students need to make some efforts in order to understand the content of the film, to concentrate. Thus, the process of memorization improves due to the intensity of attention.

The behaviorist approach is based on the audiovisual (structural-global) method, the main interpretation of which is considered to be working with video material. One of the most important features of the video is its emotional integration with students. The use of video materials helps to develop the child's attention and memory. When a student sees a movie with subtitles, he hears the words being said and sees them at the same time. The student will quickly understand the speech of the main characters when they see what is happening on the screen and will be able to find an answer to the question of why they use these words and phrases.

It is known that in the current conditions of increasing public demand for foreign languages, people who speak them,it is necessary to pay special attention to the methodology of teaching a foreign language, its actual problems. Modern requirements of the communicative direction of teaching foreign languages imply the use of audio and video materials at each stage of training. Both are designed to convey educational information, as well as increase the transparency of perceived knowledge. Various audiovisual technical means were used in various forms of educational activity. Providing audiovisual teaching aids in foreign language lessons has increased the effectiveness of teaching.

When viewing video materials at the same time, there is a synthesis of hearing and vision, simultaneous perception of sound and image contributes to the development of active listening skills and other abilities, as well as language and reading abilities in expressing one's own opinion, communication, search for arguments and arguments. The course of practice showed that students remember what they hear and see more than they just listen to.

Currently, there are many opportunities to use video materials in the classroom. This method of information-preparation or understanding based on perception-is very popular with both teachers and students. The reason students like it is because it is very interesting, it is something new, and it encourages students to look and listen attentively. The video shows the culture of the people of the studied language, their way of life. Teachers like it because it is a very effective tool for learning a foreign language.

The use of modern visual aids, audio materials, and multimedia tools for the formation of intercultural competence in teaching a foreign language made the lesson interesting and increased students ' interest in the lesson.

There is no doubt that such tools will certainly contribute to the education of students in a technologically competent and culturally educated way. It has also been demonstrated and proven experimentally.


1 Т. П. Леонтьева, «Опыт и перспективы применения видео в обучении» Минск, 1995. — 255 с.

2 И. М. Андреасян, Практический курс преподавания иностранных языков под общ. ред. И. М. Андреасян. — Минск: Тетрасистемс, 2009. 155 с.

3 «Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі» педагогикалық әдістемесі. 3(71). 2016

4 Н. П. Ковалев, Аутентичные кинофильмы в обучении творческому высказыванию на начальном этапе,- Минск, 1981. — 125 с.

5 Л. З. Якушина. Методика построения урока иностранного языка. — М., 2004. — 245 с.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Минск.

Ключевые слова

listening, foreign language teaching, skills, video material, auditing, audiovisual materials, teaching tools

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