The Importance of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Water Management in the Post-Soviet Central Asian Countries | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (409) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 12.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сахова, Д. Т. The Importance of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Water Management in the Post-Soviet Central Asian Countries / Д. Т. Сахова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 14 (409). — С. 66-69. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article describes the use of blockchain technology to ensure the sustainable use of water in the Central Asian region. The main obstacles to equitable water use on the Syrdarya River will also be identified and possible solutions to achieve the goal will be proposed. Particular attention is paid to the current problems of the country, left over from the Soviet government and the incomplete experience of using automation, as well as the difference between automation and blockchain technology.

Keywords: Central Asia, automation, digitalization, blockchain, Centralized Management.


The Syrdarya river basin is currently experiencing problems due to uneven water use between countries, which consequently affects the sustainability of water resources. The main problem of irrational use of water resources in the region is the lack of effective management for independent countries. Previously, the countries were dependent on the USSR and at that time the water management was administrative, that is, all water resources were distributed by the Ministry of Water Resources according to certain schemes. According to a research project of the International Institute for Water Resources Management, the Syrdarya river basin is currently water distribution rules and regulatory elementssimilar to what existed under the Soviet regime. They also write that after the collapse of the USSR in The states of Central Asia did not change these waters Principles of distribution in general. However, there are also authors who write that this type of administration is good with plans for the future. The Soviet government, realizing the importance of sustainable water management resources as the basis for future development and long-term well-being, took take full responsibility for the organization, structure and financing of the water sector (Jupe L. G. de Schutter and V. A. Dukhovny). Kipshakbaev also confirms that the use and protection of water resources were carried out in accordance with the Water Legislation of the USSR and the Water Code of the Union Republics. The laws of the union republics strictly corresponded to the union water law, therefore they did not contradict each other.

These facts indicate that introductory management and water use in Central Asia belong to the same administrative department, that is, it is not efficient for countries to use different management of water resources. Erika Weinthal (2002) notes that all five countries rapidly left the communist system and, although four of them declared themselves republics, their political systems, aspirations and ideals were different from any known political model of republics, and from each other. If at the beginning some countries tried adapt the «Turkish model», others began to introduce the «Western model», which, in fact, was a rather far-fetched model. The use of different models will affect the development of the region in one way, and this article points out that the application of innovative technologies can be one solution or model for water management to achieve sustainable water use.

The purpose of this article is to explore the possibility of using innovative technologies such as blockchain for the sustainable use of water resources. In addition, the difference between automation and blockchain technology is related to technological innovation and gradual application.

  1. Centralized management of water resources or excessive control

During the USSR, the distribution of water resources was carried out with the help of large hydraulic structures, main water intake facilities and inter-republican canals, which made it possible to provide water to the largest consumers of the region, primarily the agricultural sector. In Central Asia, there is more emphasis on increasing water supply than on managing water demand. Water resources management is carried out within the framework of administrative-territorial units, and not hydrographic ones. E. Weinthal (2002), who wrote that “in Central Asia, the system of water management, water allocation, protection of water resources and delivery of water to consumers was highly centralized, vertically integrated and exclusively bureaucratic». According to E. Weintal (2002), he wrote that “in Central Asia, the system of water management, water allocation, protection of water resources and delivery of water to consumers was highly centralized, vertically integrated and extremely bureaucratic”.

Prior to gaining independence, the countries used the Syr Darya rivers centrally under the leadership of the USSR. The difficulty of managing the Syrdarya River lies in the regulation of water, the total volume of water is 36 billion, and hydrotechnical water regulates about 30 billion of water.

Excessive control gives states power over water resources, which is reflected in the unfair distribution of water between countries. Étienne Rey said that «excessive force always breeds cruelty». Dukhovny describes situations, referring to the words of Weinthal, related to the acceleration of the process of collectivization by establishing centralized control over them.

The structure of centralized management is still assigned to a single metropolitan body in Moscow. For 30 years, the countries of Central Asia could not solve the problem of effective management, because the management system was inefficient by five. In addition, five countries are accustomed to working under the same leadership as before, which means that blockchain technology gives 5 countries trust in one. According to Edi Srijono, the implementation of blockchain technology will bring trust, transparency and accountability between individuals and other economic actors.

  1. Development of hydraulic structures from manual control to digitization

An important role is played by a hydraulic structure for water use, with the help of hydraulic structures, issues of the use and protection of water resources, combating the harmful effects of water, etc. are solved in practice. To use water resources, it is necessary to build a hydraulic structure and, according to M. M. Grishin, the main task of hydraulic structures is to adapt, change, transform the existing natural regime of a water body — rivers, lakes, seas, groundwater for targeted and economical water use and protect the environment from the harmful effects of water.

In the book “Water in Central Asia”, Jup L. G. de Schutter and V. A. Dukhovny gave precise definitions about the development of hydraulic structures, for example, before the colonization of the USSR, manual temporary structures such as karabura and sepoy, chigiri, etc. were used for irrigation. They also write that after colonization, that is, the times of the tsarist empire, mechanical structures grew and began to build canals like Doslik to irrigate the hungry steppe. In Soviet times, hydraulic structures were built at the highest level, such as Toktogul, Naryn cascade and Chardara, and the countries of Central Asia still use these reservoirs. In addition, the development of hydraulic structures has affected the use and management of water resources. As evidenced by the research works of I. Abdullaev and Sh. Rakhmatullaev, where the history of water management was divided into 5 paradigms in Central Asia, which determined the paradigm period for many years.

Over time, water management developed, for example, first manual, then mechanized, and at the end of the 19th century, automatic. Each time had its own need, and now the time is informational and requires not only the use of water, but also analysis, that is, automation is not enough. Population growth, climate change and other factors require careful consideration of water resources to ensure water security. Efficient use of water is about analyzing the collection of water data and making decisions in accordance with this information. Water distribution technology only provides information for our time, just collecting data is not enough.Seung Won Lee et al. explains that the next generation water management system is smart grid (SPG) integrated for collection of alternative energy sources and optimization water-related energy consumption.

  1. Digitization over automation for optimal solutions

In the regions of Central Asia, there were many dense projects for the automation of canals and waterworks. In Uzbekistan, there were projects “Automation of the channels of the Fergana Valley”, which were automated using SCADA system equipment on such channels as the Aravan-Akbura Canal (Republic of Kyrgyzstan), the South Fergana Canal (Republic of Uzbekistan) odjabakirgan (Gulyakandoz) canal (Republic of Tajikistan). BWO «Syrdarya» shared the results of the pilot project «Automation of the canals of the Ferghana valley”, and this is indicated by how much information provision has improved, thanks to the continuous collection, storage, transfer and processing of measured values ​​of water levels and discharges in computers. However, these projects were short-lived, as they did not affect the solution at the level of the entire Syr Darya basin, since the automation system provides information, not a solution.

Automation provides information — this is a step towards digitalization. Blockchain is a secure, transparent and distributed public ledger that records transactions between parties. If a public blockchain is used for water quantity and quality data, this information cannot be hidden or changed due to the corrupt behavior of governments, corporations, or powerful individuals. Water quality and quantity data can now be used to make better decisions during periods of increasing water scarcity. Computerized changes have become an important part of improving the fundamentals and procedures (Yu et al., 2010). New growing advances including blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), The Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) are rapidly replacing inheritance structures and accelerating progress in society.

Recently, climate change has come to the fore, threatening water and food security and many countries have switched to water management with the help of digitalization technology. The use of digital technologies in the water sector is practiced in developed countries such as the USA(National smart water grid NSWG), Singapore (Water Supply Network Department), and Korea (Smart water management SWM).


This article shows how digitalization can be the next solution for the sustainable use of the Syrdarya basin. The countries of Central Asia are still using the strategies of the scheme left over from the USSR, but do not manage like the Ministry of Water Resources like the head of Moscow. Due to of the limitation of water and the exchange of resources, many conflicts arise and, as a result, lead to mistrust towards each other. Climate change and saving the small Aral Sea is a common main problem for all five countries that requires a single solution, and this may be the use of digitalization technologies for water management. Blockchain digitalization technologies can solve problems in the context of Central Asia, i.e. provide a suitable solution for everyone.


  1. N. Kipshakbaev, Management of water use and protection.—Astana, 2014.-452s.
  2. L. G. Schutter, V. A. Dukhovny, Water in Central Asia, past, present and future.— 2011
  3. Water Productivity in the Syr-Darya River Basin, Hammond Murray-Rust, Iskandar Abdullaev, Mehmood ul,Hassan and Vilma Horinkova. International Water Management Institute P O Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  4. Edy Sriyono (2020) Digitizing water management: Toward the innovative use of blockchain technologies to address sustainability, Cogent Engineering, 7:1, 1769366
  5. Seung Won Lee, Sarper Sarp, Dong Jin Jeon & Joon Ha Kim (2015) Smart water grid: the future water management platform, Desalination and Water Treatment, 55:2, 339–346
  6. I. Begimov V. A. Dukhovny, Automation of canals of the Ferghana Valley
  7. Shavkat Rakhmatullaev, Iskandar Abdullaev (2015), Transformation of water management in Central Asia:from State-centric, hydraulic mission to socio-political control, Environ Earth Sci
  8. M. Peter-Varbanets, C. Zurbru¨gg, C. Swartz, W. Pronk, Decentralized systems for potable water and the potential of membrane technology, Water Res. 43(2) (2009) 245–265.
  9. M. Qadir, B. R. Sharma, A. Bruggeman, R. Choukr Allah, F. Karajeh, Non-conventional water resources and opportunities for water augmentation to achievе food security in water scarce countries, Agric. Water Manage. 87(1) (2007) 2–22.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USSR, BWO, NSWG, SCADA, SPG, SWM, USA.

Ключевые слова

blockchain, Central Asia, automation, digitalization, Centralized Management

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