Organizational process in teaching English in distance learning process | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (415) май 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 23.05.2022

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Даулетияр, М. А. Organizational process in teaching English in distance learning process / М. А. Даулетияр. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 20 (415). — С. 571-574. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The desire to find ways to resolve the above contradiction determined the problem of our research. In theoretical terms, this is the problem of determining (in the context of the informatization of education) the organizational and pedagogical conditions for teaching learners of pedagogical universities to work independently. In practical terms, it is the problem of selecting content, scientifically grounded forms, methods and means of developing independent work skills in future teachers in the aspect of implementing the idea of lifelong pedagogical education based on information and communication technologies.

The need to fill this gap in scientific knowledge determines the relevance of the study, which is further emphasized by the existing contradiction between the demands and the realities of educational practice in highly qualified teachers who are capable of continuous professional self-development in the context of informatization of education, and the insufficient representation in pedagogical science of research on the problem of shaping the readiness of a future teacher to independent work by means of information and communication technologies. In this regard, we noted that issues related to teaching learners to work independently using information and communication technologies were not the subject of a special study. A number of unresolved questions include the content and structure of the future teacher's readiness for independent work in the conditions of informatization of education, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for teaching learners to work independently by means of information and communication technologies.

Petrova L. I. considered that the distance learning should contribute to the solution of such socially significant tasks as:

– increasing the level of education of society and the quality of education;

– implementation of the needs of the population in educational services;

– meeting the country's needs for high-quality trained specialists;

– increasing the social and professional mobility of the population, its social activity, the level of self-awareness;

– broadening one's horizons;

– preservation and enhancement of knowledge, human and material potential accumulated by the domestic higher education [1, p. 63].

Methodology of the research

Features of the organization of the educational process with information and communication technologies in secondary schools by substantiating the system of English lessons in this area and creating their pedagogical and psychological conditions have been determined. They are:

– The study clarifies that the system of innovative technologies is purposefully designed and organized consciously;

– The study clearly shows the interconnectedness of the methods used in the teaching of information technology.

Methodical organization of teaching English in general education institutions with the help of mobile communication technologies. It can be recognized as a contribution to the modernization of the English language as an integral part of the system of theoretical points and didactic principles about the structural and content nature and technology of the platform.

Findings and results

The results considered in the work proved and substantiated the advantages of implementation of information technology, computer multimedia as an effective system of formation of speaking skills in the teaching of foreign languages ​​in high schools on the basis of communicative learning technologies.

Thus, in innovative technology there is a relationship and reasons for the content, methods and tools, and the ability to select the necessary content, effective methods and tools in accordance with the program and the pedagogical task depends on the pedagogical skills of the teacher. Implementation of distance learning technologies in foreign language teaching play important role [2, p.42].

Modern teaching technologies are associated with the teacher's ready-made knowledge. The purpose of the formation of creativity, cognitive knowledge and skills of learners should be organized on the basis of a system of three special methodological recommendations: new knowledge, skills, knowledge. These recommendations should be implemented through the improvement of teaching methods, tools and types, implementation of modern technologies. Finally, the modern lessons consist of stages of the learning process. Instead of the traditional lessons, they consist of stages such as: explanation, consolidation, discussion. These are satellite TV, video conferencing, tele-forums,, portfolio and chatrooms.

According to Polat E. S., the importance of using distance learning technologies in English lessons is reflected in the following:

– the ability to use existing distance learning technologies applications in the process of learning to speak and understand English;

– implementation of new versions of teaching to speak in the form of dialogue and monologue through video films and multimedia presentations on a smartphone [3].

The following methods will be effective in teaching English using Internet resources and new technologies:

– e-mail, teleconferencing, videoconferencing;

– the ability to publish personal information or in other words the Web;

– individual release to the server;

– information directories (Yahoo, UltraSmart, Galaxy) search engine (Vista, Open Text), in-system chat (Chat).

– Multimedia — a computer technology designed to combine sound, information, fixed and moving images on a smartphone. It displays information in a complex way — text, graphics, video, audio and animation [4].

– Conducting lessons in a non-traditional way using flipcharts on a smartphone.

The following ways of solving didactic problems can be effectively solved by using the information resources of the global network via the Internet, their introduction into the educational process and the provision of appropriate didactic explanations:

formation of different materials, reading skills and competencies in terms of complexity;

– Improving oral skills based on the analysis of materials obtained from the Internet;

– writing letters to colleagues, replies, reports, abstracts, etc. increase writing skills through the preparation of written works;

– replenishment of active and passive vocabulary, modern foreign language vocabulary, new terms;

– expansion of cognitive knowledge, including the history and culture, customs, features of economic development of the country of study [5].

A. Tikhonov, D. Ivannikov name as methodological resources for implementation of smartphones in the learning process, English language lessons create a language environment through implementation of the Internet, implementation of active text, listening to fluent speakers and communication. All information online is in English and they are connected with:

– inclusion of materials in the content of the lesson;

– research work of learners in the search for information relevant to the topic of the lesson;

– self-study, mastering and development of skills in various foreign languages;

– check the knowledge of English on a specific topic under the guidance of a teacher [6, 112p.].

Thus, mobile applications often complement the usual textbook, especially effective in the following cases:

– provides fast feedback;

– helps to quickly find the necessary information, which is difficult in a normal textbook;

– saves time.

– shows, narrates, models, etc. along with short text.

It also allows teachers to test the knowledge of an individual in a particular area.

To achieve this purpose, implementation of distance learning technologies provides graphical illustrations of the structure of model applications and the operation of algorithms. This not only increases the level of understanding of learners. But also it contributes to the development of learners’ thinking. The result of the work is that mobile technologies are created in two versions: through the computer Internet and for use in the classroom learning process. It meets the requirements of modern, computer-based teaching aids.

So, the communicative method determines purposes of oral conversation spontaneously, without preliminary preparation. A student has to define purposes of conversation at the very beginning or even in the course of it. The grammatical aspect has a secondary role if it does not confuse understanding and conveying the purpose of the conversation. Grammatical and phonetic correctness is developed not before the speech but in its course.

In conclusion, besides the learners’ needs, the discussion on the readiness of the teacher is also important since the teacher is a crucial part of the process in gaining and implementing competency-based approach. Not just in competency-based education but in all approaches and methods teachers’ readiness both for the lesson and the method, he will use, is essential. The preparation of teacher has two sides, one of them is preparing them for and giving them satisfactory information about the approach and method, the other one is teachers’ self preparation for each lesson that s/he will deliver. As it happens, the teacher candidates who will teach a language or any subject by using competency-based curriculum could be prepared through a program which is designed on the base of the analyses of the competencies and competencies, required for effective teaching.

This training is divided into machine-free and machine-based. Special textbooks, punch cards are used to teach the program without a machine, the main source of data is paper. Learning outcomes are evaluated over time. Recently, computers are widely used for machine programming. Tasks, texts, questions, answers are written on the display and evaluated at the same time.

In a lot of countries, research centers and educational institutions develop a number of specialized computer systems for this educational need, which are aimed at supporting the educational process in various ways. These are the main types of systems.

  1. Distance learning technology is a technology that implements the mechanisms of software learning with the help of computer programs, respectively;
  2. Distance learning technology — involves learners reading new material independently using a variety of tools, including a computer. The nature of the learning activity is not mentioned here, it can be implemented with a set of training instructions. This reveals the essence of the method of software training;
  3. Material-based learning is characterized by implementation of advanced technologies, various types of technological tools (including traditional textbooks, audio and video recordings, etc.).
  4. Distance learning technology — implementation of all possible forms of education (with the participation of the teacher), in fact, corresponds to the above;
  5. Distance learning technology is considered to be a technology of self-learning, but in practice it is an integral part of others. Irrespective of the content of such a subject and the methods used in traditional teaching or in the curriculum;
  6. Distance learning technology is an integral part of all the above technologies, providing education and its conduct. Used to use local, regional and other computer networks. Distance learning technology reflects the capabilities of the information education system of individual educational institutions, cities, regions and countries.

In addition, learners can develop intellectual, creative and communicative work, increase student learning activity, learners can be offered creative work at all key stages of the lesson. The main task today is to improve the quality and efficiency of all levels of the educational process, developing and using learning through implementation of mobile technologies, focusing on the individual and implementing learning objectives.


The main purpose of implementation of distance learning technologies tools in teaching English is to teach learners to communicate in English at a basic level. Accordingly, the content of training includes language, vocabulary, socio-cultural knowledge, skills that provide the formation of basic communicative skills, the ability and readiness to use, if necessary, orally and in writing (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in the process of cultural interaction. Most of the time in English we can use a computer to explain a new lesson, to pass grammatical structures and in the final lesson.

In conclusion, in the modern methodological literature, the term «distance learning technologies» is used in conjunction with the term «teaching». Distance learning technology is the science of teaching techniques, so teaching should be scientific, that is, the teacher must know the unity of knowledge of how to teach, why to teach. Teaching technology is closely related to the scientific concept of how to teach. That is, through what processes, what methods, what teaching aids, how to organize teaching, what factors to consider and how to take into account in teaching English. Thus, the results of experiments and research have shown that we need to update the content and methods of teaching English.


  1. Petrova L. I. Use of computers in foreign languages is a requirement of the time. M: 2015. — 127p.
  2. Shangerey D. K. Implementation of computer technology in the teaching of learners of foreign language universities // Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. –2013.- 142р.
  3. Polat E. S. Computer telecommunications in school№ — M., 2013–213p.
  4. Azimov A. G. Computer text editors for lessons in English. –А.: 2012. -152–159р.
  5. Polat E. S. Telecommunications in organizational- educational process in school // Methodical manual for teachers. M., — 2014p. — 201р.
  6. Tikhonov A., Ivannikov A. D. Technologies of distance learning in Russia // higher education. in Russia — 2010.-312р.

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