The sociological support of the advertising campaign | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (415) май 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 20.05.2022

Статья просмотрена: 24 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Клованич, Ю. Д. The sociological support of the advertising campaign / Ю. Д. Клованич. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 20 (415). — С. 538-540. — URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

The article considers the use of sociological support for an advertising campaign.

Keywords: advertising, advertising campaign, sociology, society, social environment, psychology.

В статье рассматривается использование социологической поддержки для проведения рекламной кампании.

Ключевые слова: реклама, рекламная кампания, социология, общество, социальная среда, психология.


An important element of any advertising company in our time is how well its sociological support was carried out. It is thanks to him that it is possible to achieve the greatest efficiency and thereby get the greatest benefit from the advertising campaign.

Basic definitions

First of all, there are two main definitions. Sociological support of advertising activities — a set of measures to study and analyze social processes and phenomena in the social environment in order to develop and justify specific measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of advertising activities and advertising messages. It is a process of information and intellectual support for the decisions of advertisers by providing the results of sociological research and documents prepared on their basis.

An advertising campaign is a purposeful system of planned promotional activities, united by one idea and concept to achieve a specific marketing goal within the framework of the advertiser's agreed marketing strategy, within the period of time, scope, market and target audience established by a preliminary analysis [1].

Opportunities providing sociological support

Thanks to the use of sociological support, it is possible to obtain a number of competitive advantages when conducting an advertising campaign:

— obtaining a complete picture of the social situation during the advertising campaign;

— optimal use of working time, creative potential, scientific organization of labor of participants in the advertising process;

— predict the impact of managerial and other measures of advertisers on the social sphere;

— methods of social research allow you to establish direct contact with people at the stage of the implementation of an advertising campaign, to develop practical recommendations for improving the process;

— implementation of social expertise, which allows predicting the consequences of advertising and other activities.

To obtain such support, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies in order to collect and analyze primary information as well as secondary data. Secondary data, in turn, helps in assessing the economic and competitive characteristics of the market, and also helps to form the goals and objectives of an advertising campaign [2].

Goals and objectives of sociological support

The main goals that set before sociological support can be called:

— optimization of the work process, the most efficient use of both service, creative and scientific potential;

— identification of reserves and intensification of the work of advertisers, contributing to the creation of favorable conditions for the effectiveness of managerial influence on social processes in the field of social relations and sales, aimed at high-quality problem solving within the framework of advertising activities;

— creation of practical recommendations for conducting an advertising campaign;

— predicting the consequences of advertising activities in the interests of strengthening the solidarity of society.

In turn, the following tasks for the social support of the advertising campaign can be distinguished:

These goals should not necessarily be true for all advertising campaigns, because the advertising industry is a rather flexible and changeable environment, which is why it is necessary to build sociological support goals for specific needs.

At the same time, the following tasks can be identified for the sociological support of the advertising campaign:

— determining the objective readiness of society for a new product or service;

— creation of an advertising product;

— clarification of the main parameters of the information infrastructure for advertising.

However, these tasks are associated with a number of problems in the process of their implementation. One of the main ones is the difficulty associated with finding the answers necessary to obtain information: is the society ready to accept this advertising campaign, their attitude to the product or service, at what levels this acceptance will take place and what factors this acceptance will be associated with. All these problems pose a challenge for advertisers to apply those methods that will be most effective in these matters [3].

Methods for providing sociological support for an advertising campaign

So now it is worth determining what methods help advertisers in providing social support through the provision of sociological research.


One of the main types of obtaining sociological information and statistics. There are several types of surveys: written, oral or another form.


The most popular and basic method for obtaining primary information and statistics. With the help of a questionnaire, you can get a large amount of data in a relatively short period of time. A feature of this method is the correct formulation of questions in the questionnaire. Each of the questions should be related to a certain indicator that we are going to study. Questioning can be both written and oral, for example, a telephone survey.


A qualitative method in sociology, when the respondent is interviewed personally in the course of a semi-formalized conversation on a specific topic. Although more time is spent on interviewing and coding one respondent, the researcher can get more useful information by asking various additional questions. This method requires more preparation on the part of the interviewer.

Expert survey

In fact, it does not differ from a questionnaire or an interview, but the respondents here are experts, that is, people with a high level of knowledge about the subject of research. One of the most well-known forms of expert polling is a round table, where experts are present at the same time and there is a discussion on the chosen issue.

There is a much larger number of methods, however, it is these research methods that are most often used and applied to the advertising environment, due to their relative simplicity and effectiveness [4].


So, summing up all the above, we can conclude that the importance of such an aspect as sociological support during an advertising campaign is difficult to overestimate. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to predict and calculate the approximate effectiveness and expediency of an advertising campaign, as well as its possible consequences. On the basis of which we can conclude that the social environment is important not only for the advertising market in particular, but also for conducting any business and other activities in general.


  1. Sociological support of advertising activities 2014 [Electronic resource]. —–99519.html (date of the application 14.05.2022)
  2. Sociological support of the advertising campaign 2017 [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 15.05.2022)
  3. Sociological support of the advertising campaign 2019 // [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 16.05.2022)
  4. Rakhmanov U. V. METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH// RUSSIAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY them. A. I. GERTSEN, Schoolbook. St. Petersburg, 2021. p. 39–49.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GERTSEN, METHODS, PEDAGOGICAL, RESEARCH, RUSSIAN, SOCIOLOGICAL, STATE, UNIVERSITY, рекламная кампания.

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