Human resource management of internet enterprises in the era of big data | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (416) май 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 28.05.2022

Статья просмотрена: 56 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хао, Юй. Human resource management of internet enterprises in the era of big data / Юй Хао, А. И. Труфанов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 21 (416). — С. 225-226. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The research draws lessons from the practices of large Internet companies Google and Tencent in human resource big data.

Keywords: big data; human resource management; data analysis.

The economic globalization in the 21st century is both an opportunity and a challenge for business [1]. Enterprises are faced with huge competitive pressure, so an entity of human resources becomes of greater value. However, as one of the indispensable factors of production, «people» is difficult to quantify. In whole the value, professionalism and discourse power of human resource management are difficult to be objectively evaluated and determined. With the advent of the Internet wave, big data has become a brand factor of production for enterprises. The concept of big data makes it easier to quantify «people».

The use of big data concept and pertinent technologies with the techniques and methods of human resource management provides the opportunity to find successful personnel for the enterprise [2]. This means that new ideas will be elaborated and implemented just to support prospects for business development.

Case study of HR management at large enterprises

Through the study of Google's human resource management model, we find that the core of Google's human resource big data practice is data-based decision making and weakening subjective decisions [3]. The latter has two components: the first concentrate on development of mathematical algorithms for the analysis of problems in the field of human resources based on large-scale data. The second focuses on analysis of human resources, followed by problem solving and trend predicting.

Our exploration of Tencent’s human resource management mode, shows that Tencent's human resource big data practice is roughly at the level of preliminary construction of data platform. Its big data platform is mainly composed of application layer, function layer and team. It is a comprehensive team with experience and background in HR, regional center, information technology, database and HR consulting.

For most traditional enterprises in China and small ones that are not qualified for big data application, it is also an innovation in the field of human resource management to refer the data-based decision making and collaborative data platform ideas of the two companies to the human resource management practices of small and medium-sized enterprises. The thinking mode of data-based human resource management and decision-making will make the human resource decision-making of these enterprises more factual basis, more reasonable and effective, and more overall.

Case study of HR management in small and medium-sized enterprises

Although small and medium-sized enterprises cannot meet the basic conditions of big data analysis and it is unrealistic to build big data platforms and data collection by themselves, on the one hand, they can provide reference for human decision-making by referring to the open big data of the third party. On the other hand, it can also summarize a set of feasible methodology, which can apply the lofty big data technology to the practical small data analysis, find the correlation, and make analysis and prediction.

MHY Company, founded in 2005, is a private B2C e-commerce company, which mainly sells fresh, fruits, vegetables and other organic food. At present, its main sales channels are e-commerce websites, wechat, Weibo and APP new media sales channels. At present, it has 600,000 registered members and an average of 4,000 orders. In the field of organic fresh e-commerce has considerable achievements.

As a medium and small Internet company, MHY company is facing great competition pressure in the market. In 2016, enterprises in the Internet industry are facing the phenomenon of capital winter and market shrinkage, which is testing MHY. The company urgently needs to solve the following problems: 1. Most of HRBP's work is recruitment, not real business partners; 2. 2, the salary system is not perfect, can not ensure the fairness of internal and external; 3. The performance appraisal system is not perfect, even there is no performance appraisal for department posts; 4. The phenomenon of brain drain is serious, which greatly weakens the competitive advantage of enterprises.

In this paper, the idea of big data is applied to small data analysis, data-based analysis method is established, and the data of human resource management is integrated and unified. Small data analysis method is used to make these data speak and provide more scientific human resource strategies. The specific operation methods are summarized as follows.

First, identify the business problem to be solved; Secondly, set the output result of the achievement index and determine the analysis unit to change the output result. Third, according to the unit of analysis, identify the explanatory variables that produce the difference. Fourth, determine the analysis method. Fifth, specific analysis steps. Sixth, formulate the corresponding human resource strategy. Find the ability gap between high performance managers and low performance managers, and provide targeted training strategies to help improve the ability of low performance managers, and then produce high performance

Such methods and steps can be extended and applied to other fields of human resource management. As long as the data are generated, corresponding analysis can be carried out to provide targeted human resource strategies for business development.

HR Application suggestions in the era of big data

Enterprises can establish basic skills and ability models required by posts through developmental data and performance data, and make personal career development plans and provide targeted training plans for new employees [4]. By analyzing the gap between employee ability evaluation data and post high performance skill model requirements, formulate personal development plans to make training more targeted and effective; Through reasonable evaluation data, analyze the current situation of talent development, establish talent pool, so that the construction of talent echelon has more basis.

In a nutshell, the idea of numerical analysis can be applied to every field of human resource management, as long as there is data, can effective analysis, and according to the analysis of the objective and effective, provides objective basis for decisions on to improve the human resources department professional and work efficiency, increase the HR of persuasion and influence, so as to achieve «outside-in» HR, Provide a powerful support and guarantee for the enterprise's human resources decision-making and business development [5].

Conclusion and Prospect

Through the study of the concept and theory of big data, it is found that any field of enterprise management can be digitalized. Massive and complex data can also be objectively analyzed through data; The value of data analysis lies in the improvement of management efficiency.

In the era of big data, large Internet enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises can effectively combine big data approaches with human resource methods, apply it in the field of HR management in different ways, and create value.

Funding: The reported study was partially funded by RFBR and MECSS, project number 20–57–44002.


1. Rifkin J. The third industrial revolution. — Beijing: CITIC Publishing House, 2016.

2. Cui X., Han Q. Speaking with data: management practices in the age of big data. — Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.

3. Bughin J., Chui M., Manyika J. Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch. —McKinsey Quarterly, 2010.

4. Zhou G. Reflections on Human Resource Management Based on the Value of «Big Data»—Jiangxi: Science and Technology Square, 2013.

5. Wan T., Zhai T. Thinking of Human Resource Management in big Data Environment—Jiangxi: Science and Technology Square, 2014.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MHY, APP, CITIC, MECSS, RFBR.

Ключевые слова

big data, human resource management, data analysis

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