Assessment Methods in Learning English at Distance Learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Мищенко, А. Н. Assessment Methods in Learning English at Distance Learning / А. Н. Мищенко, А. Г. Кенжебекова, М. Ж. Керимбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 22 (417). — С. 503-506. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Nowadays, in the modern world, the use of modern technical teaching aids has become a ubiquitous phenomenon. Information educational technologies in our country have received intensive development and began to confidently gain its place in the educational process along with traditional forms of education, so we are increasingly talking about distance learning. The article is devoted to checking the quality of knowledge control in teaching foreign languages through distance learning. The methods of assessment are considered, which allow not only to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills but also to identify the gaps of students in the passed material, allow the teacher to adjust the further curriculum by the results, and pay more attention to poorly mastered material.

Keywords: learning, distance learning technologies, remote learning process, motivation, technical platforms,assessment, control.

The use of a distance education system in teaching a foreign language is a big breakthrough in teaching students who do not have the opportunity to raise the audience by respectful choice and gain knowledge about character. The work includes that with the most modern tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication systems, they can be expected to work in a constant normal rhythm.

The period of organization of distance learning by students of the main educational programs in the subject «Foreign language» is one of the most difficult processes to organize, due to both the specifics of the subject and the peculiarities of the methodology of teaching a foreign language. Distance learning, with all the complexity of its organization, can not only preserve all the traditional components inherent in the educational process, such as goals, content, methods, organizational forms of students' work, and teaching aids but also help increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language, differentiate the educational process depending on individual requests and difficulties of students in the subject. With a conscious approach of the teacher to the planning and organization of the educational process, distance learning can become one of the effective and useful forms of mastering the subject of “Foreign language” [1].

In this way, the distance or distance learning process is carried out using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous tools, while maintaining flexibility and convenience and expanding the quality and efficiency of both modes of communication. Especially by applying a combination of pedagogical knowledge and modern technologies, it is possible to implement a successful distance learning course in a foreign language. The designated tasks of the work are to show the effectiveness of e-learning and compare it with the traditional form of language learning.

At the time of the development of high technology in the world, the use of distance learning through electronic devices, the Internet, and computers in the learning process is growing, and we must synchronize the traditional way with it and increase our ability to be able to work with technology to expand knowledge. More and more educators and students are getting to know technology, using it, and incorporating it into their learning style, and these technologies provide practical and creative insights and challenge them to create their modern learning methods. Having studied the theoretical and methodological base of distance learning within the framework of legal acts and scientific literature, having identified and analyzed the technological platform of electronic distance education, theoretically substantiating the impact of the use of ICT on the educational process of students and control methods.

The pro-European course of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the rapid development of modern information technologies, has made a significant impact on all aspects of public life and the field of education, in particular. At the same time, understanding the current trends and processes taking place in the world, an urgent need has arisen in our country to reform the education system to crease its efficiency. One of the main directions that can modernize the educational process in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the introduction of new forms and methods of presenting educational material into it, as well as the deepening of a certain communication between the one who teaches and the student. To this end, special attention should be paid to distance learning.

The distance form of education is defined as such a form of organization of the educational process in educational institutions, which ensures the implementation of distance learning and provides for the possibility for graduates to receive state documents on the corresponding educational or educational qualification level [2].

Distance education is characterized by flexibility, modularity, parallelism, large audience, economy, manufacturability, sociality, internationality, a positive impact on the student, the new role of the teacher, and quality [2].

The purpose of the discipline «Foreign Language» is to form the ability for intercultural communication, which has a professional direction, and is implemented based on the formation of intercultural communicative competence.

The latter, in turn, is defined as a level of proficiency in a language, speech, socio-cultural and professional-subject knowledge, skills, and abilities in native and foreign languages, which allows for communicatively acceptable intercultural communication [3].

Despite the increase in communicative contacts, the strengthening of the integration processes of the Republic of Kazakhstan into European and world structures, oral and written speech in English is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, distance learning effectively solves this problem by providing the possibility of constant and fairly dynamic telecommunication communication between a teacher and a student at a distance, students between themselves and with native speakers during the educational process, and initiation of this communication is possible from any of the listed subjects «objects of an educational process [3].

In the context of distance learning, the role of written work increases many times over. Written work becomes the main means of feedback for the teacher. It can be exercises from textbooks; tasks offered on educational platforms; interactive worksheets prepared by the teacher; tests and practical tasks sent to students by e-mail or posted on the school website (teacher); reports on laboratory work performed at home; abstracts, reports and much more.

The simplest option for providing completed written works to the teacher is forwarding them by e-mail. These may be scanned handwritten texts; texts typed in text editors; assignments based on templates provided by the teacher, etc.

But this method cannot be called convenient for the teacher and students, especially if the teacher conducts classes in several classes and the volume of tasks sent is significant. One of the options for simplifying interaction is the use of cloud storage.

Cloud storage as a place to place assignments, completed work, and assessment results are especially relevant.

Cloud data storages: Dropbox (, Cloud (, Yandex. Disk ( ) allows users to upload and store files on servers distributed on the network and make them available to other users.

The advantage of cloud storage is the ability to access resources from any mobile device. Dropbox provides 2 GB of space for free, Cloud — 25 GB, Yandex. Disk — 3 GB initially and up to 20 GB can be received as bonuses for participating in various promotions. The advantage of cloud storage is the ability to access resources from any mobile device. Dropbox provides 2 GB of space for free, Cloud — 25 GB, Yandex. Disk — 3 GB initially and up to 20 GB can be received as bonuses for participating in various promotions.

Google Drive ( and Microsoft OneDrive ( cloud storage, in addition to storing and sharing files, allow you to work with documents collectively by editing them directly in the browser. OneDrive supports Office Online — the web version of Microsoft Office, so here you can upload, create, edit Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft OneNote, OneDrive files and store up to 15 GB of information.

Sharing and co-authoring also support Google's cloud storage. A set of office applications provides work with text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, web forms, and other types of files. You can also store audio, video, and PDF files on the disk. The teacher can use cloud storage, both for placing his assignments and for placing the completed work of students with the results of their assessment.

The main means of distance learning in English is an electronic textbook, the material of which should be concluded by taking into account the principles of programmed management of the process of mastering knowledge. Such a textbook should ensure the implementation of the leading didactic principles, namely, visibility, consciousness, activity, systematicity, consistency, accessibility, the strength of assimilation, etc., and also meet the requirements of a personal approach in the methodology of teaching foreign languages [3].

Control in the distance learning of foreign languages can be carried out in the form of tests, control translation, and oral communication with the teacher. Moreover, in the case of a test, the verification and evaluation of answers are carried out automatically by the distance learning system.

The relative underdevelopment of the information infrastructure and the low availability of computers make it necessary to optimize the educational process to make the most rational use of the student's contact time with computer technology and the use of information communication channels. To this end, part of the logic for managing the issuance of material and control functions can be integrated using information technology (for example, VBScript, JavaScript) with the educational material itself and used by the trainee off-line, while due to the flexible adaptive structure of the lesson, its duration will be optimal.

The creation of an automated control system requires the formalization of the process of questioning the student. For this, a system of formal questions is used. Distinguish between open and closed questions. Open-ended questions require the user to enter an answer from the keyboard.

Open-ended questions do not imply ready-made answers, among which one or more are correct, but require an independent synthesis of the answer. On the one hand, this increases the educational value of the question, but on the other hand, it significantly complicates the automation of processing the results, since such questions, as a rule, allow several correct answers. Most often, the correctness of answers to open questions is checked by the teacher, and the functions of the computer system include only the delivery of information, recording, and storage of control results. At an advanced stage of teaching a foreign language, answers to open-ended questions can help the teacher create a psychological portrait of the student, and for this, the database of control results should provide appropriate information fields.

Closed questions are much more often used in the practice of distance learning since they are much easier to process automatically.

The following characteristic types of closed questions can be distinguished: alternative and multi-alternative questions require the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options or several correct answers from the proposed options;

— sequential, where the student must arrange the given words in the correct sequence. For example, make a sentence from given words, arrange historical events in chronological order, etc.;

— for comparison, required to make the right pairs of options in the left and right parts of the question, for example, find synonyms or antonyms, find the continuation of the sentence, match foreign words and their Russian equivalents, etc.;

— search, requiring the student to find in the text (figure) a paragraph (fragment) that satisfies the condition of the question;

— evaluative, offering the student to evaluate something on one of the scales (Leikert, importance, rating scale, etc.)

Closed questions, thanks to a simple algorithm for interpreting the answers, can be integrated into the educational material and used to determine the moment of termination of the issuance of exercises and the transition to the next educational question, determine the level of difficulty of the next educational task, etc.

It should be noted that an informative indicator, in addition to the received answer, is the time that the student spent preparing the answer.

When compiling a scenario for a training session, one should strive, on the one hand, to compose training tasks and test questions in such a way as to ensure the consistency of presentation and the continuity of the material, and on the other hand, to avoid monotony and monotony, since this reduces the motivation of the student and the effectiveness of the lesson as a whole.

The above classification of questions allows us to formulate requirements for an automated system designed to prepare a database of questions and build adaptive training sessions.

When designing and managing a distance learning course in a foreign language, the teacher (tutor) faces the important task of optimal organization of the educational process. One of the effective tools for its solution is the continuous monitoring of educational activities as an integral part of the process of vocational education.

The transition to distance learning should take place in stages and thoughtfully. Such a proposal seems to be balanced and logical, because, firstly, it will ensure that both teachers and students gradually get used to the new form of education, and secondly, individual elements of distance learning can be successfully used in the training of full-time and correspondence students, especially taking into account the tendency to reduce the hours in the classroom with their subsequent compensation due to the independent and individual work of the student. Thirdly, this approach will allow scientists enough time to develop appropriate distance courses, which will improve the quality of the latter and help avoid many technical problems [4]. Thus, one of the first attempts to introduce elements of distance learning may be to consult students by e-mail or via Skype instead of or in addition to the traditional face-to-face consultation within the walls of a higher educational institution.

As you already know, Zoom is a video conferencing, online meeting, and distance learning service. Any teacher who has created an account can organize an online lecture. After trying several different services in practice, lecturers and students agreed that Zoom was the most convenient platform for them to conduct online classes. Zoom allows the teacher to lecture with the camera turned on, audio connection, demonstration of his screen (or a separate window, part of the screen, etc.) and use the built-in interactive whiteboard. In addition, the teacher can control the connection and disconnection of listeners' microphones — this is convenient if you need silence during the lecture. Of course, these are not all Zoom features. Voting in Zoom is a rather useful feature with which you can find out the opinion of conference participants on a particular topic. It is composed of a question and several answers to choose from (two or more). The system is implemented quite conveniently, but is not available for all users, because there are several reservations.

The free version of the account gives only limited access to the service. The user can join conferences, organize them, enable recording, set up a profile, etc. But in this case, the Voting function is absent. That is to use it, unfortunately, will not work. It is only available with a paid account.

The basic version of Zoom does not provide the «Poll» function. So, unfortunately, you won't be able to use it. But there is one tricky solution that turns out to be very convenient. The bottom line is that there are many online services where this feature is present, and they work completely free of charge. It remains only to set everything up. We will analyze this procedure using the example of a Google Form resource [5].

Google forms can be used in the format of a survey or test. Google forms allow the student, after answering the test, to immediately see which questions he answered correctly and where he made mistakes. At the same time, the teacher has detailed analytics in his hands: he sees which tasks caused difficulties, which erroneous answers were most often chosen, and how each of the students coped. In the auto-check format, you can create questions with single and multiple-choice and with a short answer (and the answer must be unambiguous, options are not allowed). You can add tasks with a detailed answer, the answers will also go to the teacher, but the student will be able to get an answer whether he thought correctly only after checking by the teacher. It can be added in Google forms and just text, which means you can include information blocks [5].

In this case, the teacher will receive a summary of answers with detailed analytics for the whole class, as well as the answers given by each student. Google asks the teacher to create a table in which all answers will be collected.

At the end of this paper, it is possible to realize that this type of control has great advantages that can improve the efficiency of teaching full-time and part-time students.

These elements of distance learning greatly facilitate the control of students' educational activities, since they allow you to track the work of each student separately and the quality of its performance, as well as encourage students to work more efficiently. At the same time, the teacher's time is largely saved due to automatic verification.


  2. Polat E. S., Moiseeva M. V., Petrov A. E. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning // Ed. E. S. Polat. — M., «Academy», 2006.
  3. The role of feedback in the educational process -
  4. Polat E. S., Moiseeva M. V., Petrov A. E. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning // Moscow: Academy Publishing Center, 2017. — 400p.
  5. Team of authors: E. K. Samerkhanova, E. P. Krupoderova, I. V. Panova Digital resources for organizing the educational process and assessing the achievements of students in a distance format: a review of digital resources for distance education // N. Novgorod: Mininsky university, 2020.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, PDF.

Ключевые слова

learning, motivation, control, assessment, distance learning technologies, remote learning process, technical platforms

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