Some considerations for the engineering training of newly built areas of exemplary residential buildings on the example of Urgench region of Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Архитектура, дизайн и строительство

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (437) октябрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 25.10.2022

Статья просмотрена: 14 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Атамуротов, О. Э. Some considerations for the engineering training of newly built areas of exemplary residential buildings on the example of Urgench region of Uzbekistan / О. Э. Атамуротов, М. О. Атамуротов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 42 (437). — С. 15-17. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

In the article, the authors touch upon the issues of the development of non-agricultural land. They show the search for tasks on the improvement and engineering preparation of territories for the construction of exemplary residential buildings in rural areas. One of the challenges in the construction of underground facilities and utilities is the high state of the groundwater level. The example of one of the districts of the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan shows the work of builders and architects in this area.

Keywords: development and improvement, town-planning problem, relief, construction and operation, functional and aesthetic, scientific and technical progress, gardening, watering, lighting, methods and methods of change, engineering improvement, earthquake prediction, design methodology, environmental engineering measures, “abandoned ”or“ uncomfortable” lands.


The development and improvement of the territories of populated areas is an important architectural and town-planning problem. Any city, village, rural settlement, architectural complex or a separate building are built on a specific territory, a site characterized by certain relief conditions, the level of standing of groundwater, the danger of flooding by flood waters, etc. It is possible to make the territory most suitable for the construction and operation of architectural structures and their complexes without excessive costs by means of engineering training.

During the construction and operation of populated areas and individual architectural structures, tasks inevitably arise to improve the functional and aesthetic properties of the territories, planting it, watering it, lighting it, etc., which is provided by means of improvement of urban areas.

Works that are based on techniques and methods for changing and improving the physical properties of a territory or protecting it from adverse physical and geological influences are usually referred to as engineering preparation of a territory landscaping.

Scientific and technological progress opens up new opportunities not only in the development of industrial technologies or in basic scientific research. In the field of applied disciplines, one of which is engineering training and improvement of urban areas, the development of productive forces based on the achievements of science and technology also opens up new horizons. First of all, this can be attributed to significant progress in the field of earthmoving equipment, improving the prediction of earthquakes, floods, mudslides, avalanches, etc. The use of all these achievements in the practice of urban planning can fundamentally change our understanding of the feasibility of carrying out certain engineering activities in their traditional form, about the design methodology and technology for their implementation.

Main Part

Due to the rapid development of industry, energy, transport of the territory of populated areas, all on a large scale are beginning to experience negative impacts from harmful emissions and sinks, noise, electromagnetic emitters and other adverse phenomena. The basis of the fight against these phenomena, as a rule, are engineering measures. Therefore, the engineering fundamentals of environmental protection can also be considered an essential component of the improvement of urban areas.

Transition to intensive methods of work, improvement of their quality pose serious tasks for architects in the field of development, preparation and improvement of urban areas. Intensification of the use of urban land, for example, is impossible without the active development of so-called “waste” or “inconvenient” lands free from development of the territories by means of their engineering training. The expressiveness of the building largely depends on the quality of the external improvement, and the protection and improvement of the urban environment depends on the effectiveness of environmental engineering measures.

Means of engineering preparation of the territory solve complex and diverse architectural and planning tasks. Selection of the most suitable for urban development of territories, creation of favorable conditions for planning, building and improvement of cities, towns and rural settlements, protection of architectural structures and complexes from floods, mudflows, permafrost and other adverse natural phenomena, ensuring good sanitary and hygienic and microclimatic conditions in cities and other populated areas, the solution of other large-scale town-planning tasks is impossible without engineering molecular weight training areas.

The main purpose of the engineering preparation of the territory is to improve the physical characteristics of the territories or a separate site, to make them as suitable and effective as possible for industrial and civil construction, to protect them from the effects of adverse physical and geological processes — flooding during floods and high waters; development of ravines, landslides, karst, etc. In accordance with this, the main tasks of engineering preparation of a territory are connected with the development and implementation of various specific measures necessary for the development of territories and the preparation of a territory for building or other functions.

Engineering preparation of the territory includes a variety of activities related to hydraulic engineering, earthworks, concrete and other works. Some of them (vertical layout, the fight against flooding and flooding of the territory) are carried out everywhere. Others (anti-landslide anti-mudflow measures, karst control, etc.) are confined to the distribution areas of the corresponding natural phenomena. In general, the following types of work are usually referred to as measures for engineering preparation of urban areas: vertical planning; organization of surface water flow; protection of territories from flooding; protection of territories from flooding, control of ravines, landslides, mudslides, avalanches, karst; work in the special conditions of the areas of permafrost and seismically hazardous zones.

Depending on the site conditions, one or several types of engineering work may be required. However, it should be borne in mind that the increase in the cost of site development associated with engineering training cannot be too large (up to 30 % of the construction cost), otherwise the territory will be uncompetitive with other sites. To clarify the situation, determine the need for these or other types of work on engineering training helps urban planning analysis of the territory.

The built residential complex in the village of Chandirkiyot in the Killavut makhalla during the construction of optimized farm buildings of household plots of rural houses and cesspools of the outdoor toilet revealed the highest levels of groundwater at a mark of 1.05 meters from zero marks of a dwelling house. In such areas, the construction of facilities is much more expensive than in normal, normal areas. To prevent the influence of the groundwater level at the facilities, measures were taken to eliminate groundwater with the help of engineering site preparation, that is, at the site along the perimeter of the construction site, the improvements of drainage collector for natural groundwater drainage.


In some construction arrays of the Urgench district, the territory is distinguished by a large variety of natural and socio-economic conditions, on which the nature of its urban planning use, architectural and planning decisions of populated places and their parts, and the specific location of various construction objects depend. Especially important in this case is that about 20 % of the territory is represented by perennial inactive, small channels and collectors, which, after being backfilled with soil on the foundations of construction sites, turn out to be subsiding, sometimes undermined soils, etc. For the engineering preparation of the territory, the most important are the natural conditions and factors that initially determine the possibilities of using a particular territory. These conditions and factors can be divided into two groups — natural conditions proper and physical-geological processes and phenomena. The assessment of the natural conditions and physical-geological phenomena of a given locality for the purpose of taking them into account and transforming during the development of the territory is an important part of the urban planning analysis of the territory — the initial base of its engineering preparation. Another important component of such an analysis is a comprehensive assessment of the territory and the determination of the composition of measures for the engineering preparation of a territory in accordance with its identified properties. So, the model residential houses built in 2014–2015 in the massifs in the village “Gaibu” in the soils of the construction sites were carried out additional engineering activities to prepare the grounds, which in turn affected the quality of construction of residential houses.


  1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures for Further Improvement of Architecture and Urban Planning in the Republic of Uzbekistan” of 26. V.2000 No. VII -2595.
  2. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 165 of 2000 “On the improvement of urban planning of cities”.
  3. Vladimirov V. V. Engineering training and improvement of urban areas. M.: Architecture-C, 2004
  4. Bakutis V. E. Engineering training of urban areas. M. 1976.
  5. Gorokhov V. A., Lunts L. B., Rastorguev OS Engineering improvement of urban areas. M., 1985.
  6. Denisov M. F. Landscape design of small architectural forms. Teaching aid. M., 1986.
  7. Reference book on the design, construction and operation of urban roads, bridges and hydraulic structures. Part 11. M., 1961.
  8. ShNK 2.07.01–03 * «Shagar v қ sylok ҳ akoli punctlari ҳududlarini ryvozhlantirish va Kurilishini rezhinalashtirish» Toshkent-2009.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): VII.

Ключевые слова

relief, development and improvement, town-planning problem, construction and operation, functional and aesthetic, scientific and technical progress, gardening, watering, lighting, methods and methods of change, engineering improvement, earthquake prediction, design methodology, environmental engineering measures, “abandoned ”or“ uncomfortable” lands

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