The place of CLIL in bilingual education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №45 (440) ноябрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 11.11.2022

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нуржанова, Ж. Ж. The place of CLIL in bilingual education / Ж. Ж. Нуржанова, Ж. С. Омиргали. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 45 (440). — С. 385-387. — URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).

In this article, we consider another way of conceptualizing blended learning through an ecological lens. In the face of a rapidly changing global landscape, the complexity of context variables has led to different interpretations of CLIL, raising ongoing questions about the nature of its educational and linguistic requirements and the quality of learning outcomes. CLIL takes a central position in redefining its potential as a pedagogical phenomenon rather than a linguistic phenomenon within the (multilingual) education agenda. Focusing on three fundamental elements — i.e. language, literacy and learning — a new pullliteracy approach to teaching for deeper learning is presented. This approach not only shows how content and language are related, but also enhances learner self-efficacy and teacher control over student learning prioritizing pedagogical principles to guide classroom practice. We are also aware of the conditions under which we support it. CLIL's potential to help sustain deeper learning suggests that it may play an important role in advancing pedagogical thinking beyond the bilingual classroom.

Keywords: CLIL, bilingual education, integrated approach to the subject and language.

В этой статье рассматривается альтернативный способ концептуализации интегрированного обучения через экологическую призму. На фоне быстро меняющихся глобальных ландшафтов сложность контекстуальных переменных привела к различным интерпретациям CLIL, которые поднимают постоянные вопросы о характере его педагогических и лингвистических требований и качестве результатов обучения. CLIL занимает ключевую позицию в переосмыслении своего потенциала как педагогического, а не лингвистического феномена в рамках программы (многоязычного) образования. Фокусируясь на 3 фундаментальных направлениях — то есть на языке, грамотности и обучении — формирующийся плюрилитературный подход к преподаванию для более глубокого представления обучения. Этот подход не только показывает, как взаимосвязаны содержание и язык, но также признает условия, способствующие самоэффективности учащихся и наставничеству учителей в процессе обучения учащихся, которые ставят во главу угла педагогические принципы для руководства практикой в классе. Потенциал CLIL как фактора, способствующего поддержанию более глубокого обучение, предполагает, что оно может сыграть значительную роль в продвижении педагогического мышления вперед — за пределы двуязычных классов.

Ключевые слова: CLIL, билингвальное обучение, интегрированный подход к предмету и языку.

After reviewing many articles over a considerable period of time, focusing on different perspectives on integrated content and language learning (CLIL), three points continue to stand out. Quality of Learning Processes and Outcomes. and the need for evidence, particularly longitudinal studies, to provide insight into successful learning in practice. A fundamental principle of CLIL is that it is open to interpretation and facilitates blended learning, using vehicle language to study curriculum subjects or projects, assignments, and conduct subject research is not the learner's first language, but also his language, which is the center of learning. CLIL emerged from a European movement in the 1990s, but the acronym is not used consistently across borders. Blended learning is also called bilingual education, immersion education, interdisciplinary learning, etc., depending on contextual variables and preferences in a particular country.

It is more and more more widespread that CLIL, as an umbrella term, entails a extensive variety of 2 nd or extra language contexts in schooling. This indicates a shift from the early degrees of bringing collectively content material coaching and language gaining knowledge of/the usage of where, in lots of instances, a topic trainer taught a curricular difficulty thru the medium of some other European language. A developing emphasis on standards and practices that combine content material and language gaining knowledge of has exposed its complexity and diagnosed a developing want to deal with the results for character and collaborative understanding production and meaning-making throughout languages. This calls for all the ones worried with gaining knowledge of and coaching to take an energetic and essential stance, to percentage what a success gaining knowledge of seems like and to apprehend the standards and situations that allow deeper gaining knowledge of to develop. Although early CLIL research counseled normally effective consequences, extra latest studies identifies worries approximately gaining knowledge of consequences connected to contextual and pedagogic variables which effect on lecture room practices (e.g., Bruton, 2013; DaltonPuffer, 2013; & Vollmer, 2008). Moreover, a hastily shifting international panorama regarding socio-cultural, economic, technological, and political phenomena way that school rooms have irreversibly modified in phrases of the character of learners, their linguistic profiles, and cultural roots. In addition, the belief of the essential position of literacies in included gaining knowledge of (CLIL) shows that the interdependent roles performed with the aid of using language and literacies are essential to gaining knowledge of and to enhancing the pleasant of plurilingual schooling for learners.

Opportunities and challenges

It is beyond the scope of this article to explain the implications of refinement and adaptation of this model.

However, it does help illustrate how CLIL challenges can provide opportunities for discussion, and can lead to concrete and practical results. Seeing CLIL as a vehicle for change and the potential to transform classroom learning in bilingual classrooms and first language classes is a radical step. But I don't think this is an exaggeration. This position was born out of carefully listening to and responding to decades of common concerns set in changing circumstances. We know multilingual learning is complex, fluid and contextually hybrid.

We recognise that included mastering has now no longer most effective to consciousness on language and content material however on plurilingual mastering consisting of the increase of learner-trainer partnerships (plurilingual right here additionally consists of reputedly monolingual lecture rooms a good way to want to shift in the direction of plurlingualism). Educators additionally recognise that they have got to take a crucial view of what a success mastering looks as if withinside the broadest feel withinside the right here and now via way of means of unpicking and together dealing with as much as the tough questions. In particular, I emphasize the subsequent as desiring pressing action:

– Working in multilevel groups for transdisciplinary mastering and studies,

– Asking tough questions that develop from shared concerns,

– Translating practices into standards and theories into expert understanding,

– Exploring how a success situations for deeper mastering evolve thru the codesign of mastering via way of means of instructors and learners,

– Identifying and performing upon the demanding situations and possibilities in advance if CLIL is realise its ability as an ecological pluriliteracies flow in the direction of maintaining deeper mastering, and

– Carrying out sturdy longitudinal empirical studies into school room practices.

When challenges turn into opportunities, CLIL is important as a change agent.

Based on the ecological model of supporting deeper learning, the role of CLIL can be seen beyond the bilingual classroom as contributing to the advancement of pedagogical thinking.


  1. Alexander, B. (2008). Web 2.0 and emergent multiliteracies. Theory into Practice, 47, 150–160. doi:10.1080/00405840801992371
  2. Balsamo, A. (2010). “Working the Paradigm Shift”, Chapter 19. In D. Araya. & M. A. Peters (Eds.), Education in the creative economy: Knowledge and learning in the age of innovation (pp. 423–427). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  3. Becher, T., & Trowler, P. (2001). Academic tribes and territories: Intellectual enquiry and the culture of disciplines (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press. Bruton, A. (2013). CLIL: Some of the reasons why … and why not. System, 41, 587–597. doi:10.1016/j. system.2013.07.001
  4. Byrnes, H. (2005). Reconsidering the nexus of content and language: A mandate of the NCLB legislation. Modern Language Journal, 89, 277–282.
  5. Do Coyle The Place of CLIL in (Bilingual) Education, Theory Into Practice, 57:3, 166–176, DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2018.1459096
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CLIL, DOI, NCLB.

Ключевые слова

CLIL, bilingual education, integrated approach to the subject and language

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