Advertising attractiveness and its importance in advertising strategy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №46 (441) ноябрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 13.11.2022

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Клованич, Ю. Д. Advertising attractiveness and its importance in advertising strategy / Ю. Д. Клованич. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 46 (441). — С. 466-469. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article contains information about the features of the advertising campaign.

Keywords: advertising, advertising campaign, sociology, society, social environment, psychology.

Статья содержит информацию об особенностях проведения рекламной кампании.

Ключевые слова: реклама, рекламная кампания, социология, общество, социальная среда, психология.

The concept of the attractiveness of advertising is divided into economic attractiveness and psychological. The economic attractiveness of advertising is the economic result obtained from the use of an advertising medium or the organization of an advertising campaign. This result is usually determined by the ratio between the gross income from additional turnover as a result of advertising and advertising costs. Psychological attractiveness is the degree of influence of advertising on a person (attracting the attention of buyers, memorability, etc.).

Main points

To study the effect of the psychological impact of advertising on buyers, methods based on accounting and assessing the nature of the impact of individual advertising media on a person are used. The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising media is characterized by the number of customer coverage, the brightness and depth of impressions that these media leave in the memory of a particular person, the degree of attraction of his attention. The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer can be determined by observation and experimentation. The method of observation is passive in nature, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way. With the experimental method, the experimenter can create a variety of combinations of advertising media and, by receiving feedback from the consumer, choose the most successful of them.

Attractiveness depends on many factors, so we will highlight only the most significant ones in modern enterprises. Including we are talking about such factors as: total organic reach, selection of the target audience, information content, control over the progress of the advertising campaign, campaign mobility and ease of use [1].

As soon as the consumer realizes his need for the advertised product, he is ready to make a decision about its purchase. The task of marketing when planning promotional events is to correctly determine the target audience and the means of conveying information about the product. Do not try to force the buyer to purchase the product by force, but to facilitate his independent decision to purchase [2].

All promotional activities in the aggregate, aimed at a specific target audience, are called an advertising campaign. An advertising campaign is a set of promotional activities developed in accordance with a marketing program and aimed at consumers of goods representing the relevant market segments in order to evoke their reaction, which contributes to the decision of the manufacturer of its strategic or tactical tasks [3].

An advertising strategy can contribute to the solution of the tasks set. Advertising strategy is a strategy of the optimal form, content, time and way of delivering a mass advertising message to a specific audience, which is part of the implementation of a communication marketing strategy. The purpose of the advertising strategy is to achieve a certain communication effect in the audience in contact with the advertising message and encourage it to the target behavior. Strategy refers to the goal it serves as a plan towards an end result. The strategy is always subordinate to the set goal, which is separated in time, determines the path for its achievement and is a guide to current and planned actions [4].

The structure of any strategy, in general terms, can be reflected as follows:

– analysis of the current situation;

– setting desired goals;

– development of an action plan necessary to achieve the set goals, taking into account the available resources and capabilities;

– efficiency mark.

Comparison of the activity plan with the actual state of affairs, making adjustments, tracking changes.

E. V. Romat wrote that the main components of an advertising strategy are:

1) target audience;

2) the subject of advertising, the concept of the product;

3) development of advertising communication channels;

4) advertising appeal [5].

The target audience is the addressee of advertising communication. As a rule, it includes current and potential consumers of the goods and services offered, but it is not always the final consumer who makes the purchase decision. For example, advertisements for children's toys should be directed more towards parents, since they are the ones who make the decision to buy them. Such features are inherent in some groups of goods, therefore, such features must be taken into account and influenced not only by consumers, but also by those who make a purchase decision.

When forming an advertising strategy, it is necessary not only to have a specific idea of the subject of advertising, but also to form the concept of the advertised product or service. In this context, the concept refers to how advertising presents the product to the target audience.

To formulate the concept, it is necessary to understand how the product is positioned on the market, what are its distinctive features, take into account not only its features, but also the features of competitors and the situation on the market as a whole. It is worth emphasizing that an effective advertising appeal should be based on a “strong” advertising id. her. The task of the advertising manager is to ensure that these elements are clearly aligned with the objectives of the advertising and marketing strategies, as well as the characteristics of other elements of the advertising strategy.

Types of advertising strategy

An advertising strategy can be implemented in detailed operational plans for advertising campaigns. At each stage of planning, the results of planning at earlier stages are evaluated. If possible, plans are promptly adjusted or measures are developed to improve marketing work. [eleven]

There are four types of advertising strategy:

  1. Consistently constant.
  2. Imulse.
  3. Seasonal.
  4. Flight.

Consistently constant promotion consists in the uniform and continuous distribution of advertising messages with a constant weight during the calendar period. This strategy is the most resource-intensive, but it provides the maximum increase in consumers and allows you to maximize and retain brand knowledge in the minds of consumers. This strategy is used in the promotion of large brands, in a highly competitive environment.

Impulse promotion — placement of advertising messages at regular intervals for a certain calendar period. The complexity of the implementation of this strategy lies in the need to accurately determine the intervals between advertising messages. Intervals should be chosen in such a way that between them the level of accumulated knowledge about the organization is maintained in the minds of consumers.

Seasonal promotion involves the placement of promotional materials during periods of peak seasonal activity. Using this type of promotion, it is necessary to correctly determine the beginning of the advertising campaign, so that by the beginning of sales, the consumer has already formed the image of the advertised object. This strategy is used in the promotion of goods and services with a pronounced seasonality of use: ice cream, soft drinks, hotels, travel packages.

Flight placement or dash strategy. This strategy consists in placing the most significant advertising materials with high weight and high frequency of display at the very beginning of the advertising campaign, followed by a decrease in activity. Such actions are relevant for launching a new product or entering the market, since advertising messages with a high weight allow you to quickly occupy an interesting position in the market.

Types of marketing tools

There are three types of marketing tools that a company can use in an advertising strategy when interacting with an audience: tools that stimulate sales growth (outdoor advertising, mailing lists, etc.); personalized tools (special prices for certain customer groups, direct communication in social networks, etc.); image communication tool (charity, holding various events, etc.) [1].

The following tools can be distinguished that allow promoting the company's product on the market in the process of the company's advertising strategy: managing the company's reputation, promotion in social networks, e-mail marketing, holding promotions, drawings and contests, discount and bonus cards, holding various events [2].

It is important to choose a communication channel when developing an advertising strategy. A specific channel is best suited to achieve each goal: personal selling, sales promotion, propaganda, or advertising. Therefore, it is very important to make the right choice. Currently, traditional marketing has changed significantly, as consumer behavioral characteristics are changing in today's digital environment. There are new points of contact between the brand and the buyer in the process of choosing a product, the relationship between the company and the client becomes more partnership and personalized.


So, an advertising strategy is an important part of the organization's image management process — it allows you to draw up a detailed plan for the organization's contact with target audiences, plays the role of an activity plan to convey the company's vision to consumers, allows you to track the public's reaction to the organization's activities, evaluate the effectiveness of certain methods of delivering a message and choose the most effective ones.


  1. Grekova A. Communication strategy: why is it necessary and how to build [Electronic resource] — (date of the application 04.11.2022)
  2. Vorona A. A. Marketing tools for organizing Internet commerce [Text]// Uchenye zapiski St. Petersburg named after V. B. Bobkov branch of the Russian Customs Academy. — 2020. (date of the application 05.11.2022)
  3. Vector of the economy [Electronic resource]. — The concept of enterprise competitiveness and ways to achieve it: — Access mode: (date of the application 05.11.2022)
  4. Romanyuk Yu. V. Methods of formation and implementation of marketing communication strategies // Scientific works of the Moscow University for the Humanities. — 2020. (date of the application 06.11.2022)
  5. Ilyina S. I. Implementation of the optimal communication strategy in the conditions of the information network economy // Actual problems of economics, commerce and service. — 2020. (date of the application 07.11.2022)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): рекламная кампания.

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