Domestic and foreign methods of teaching children with general speech underdevelopment | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (443) декабрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 05.12.2022

Статья просмотрена: 247 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Окунева, Е. Н. Domestic and foreign methods of teaching children with general speech underdevelopment / Е. Н. Окунева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 48 (443). — С. 500-502. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).

Problems in the development of children are especially relevant today, since the percentage of children with various speech disorders remains consistently high. Children have difficulties in pronunciation of sound, in possession of lexical and grammatical forms, have a poor vocabulary, and it is also difficult for them to build related statements. But in psychological and pedagogical science there are many different methods that help to make the education of children with general speech disorders no less productive than the education of other children. Domestic and foreign scientists and researchers have made a great contribution to solving this phenomenon, due to their author's and interactive techniques.

Keywords: general speech underdevelopment, training, methods, speech disorder, psychology, child psychology, the specifics of training.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive full-fledged development of children. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children's speech, about its purity and correctness, correcting various violations in a timely manner.

Considering and analyzing the data of modern literature, we see that among children who are brought up on a permanent basis in special preschool institutions, speech skills are not sufficiently formed.

General underdevelopment of speech is a speech pathology, in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

«Developmental language disorder (DLD) is identified when a child has problems with language development that continue into school age and beyond. The language problems have a significant impact on everyday social interactions or educational progress, and occur in the absence of autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability or a known biomedical condition» [6].

An indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of a child, for his successful schooling, is the ability to communicate with adults and peers. Children with DLD are characterized by a low level of development of the basic properties of attention. Some of them have insufficient stability of attention, limited opportunities for its distribution.

Much attention was paid to the development of children's speech by the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Komensky (1592–1672), who is called the father of scientific pedagogy. He developed the world's first guide to preschool education — «Mother's School, or About the caring upbringing of youth in the first six years», in which he revealed the tasks, content and methods of raising children. A whole chapter (eighth) is devoted to the development of speech in it.

The works of the Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827) are important. He revealed the social, cultural and general pedagogical significance of the native language. The ideas of Ya.A. Komensky and I. G. Pestalozzi were progressive and had a great influence on world and Russian pedagogy. A significant difference between I. G. Pestalozzi and most of his predecessors was that he derived his pedagogical ideas from practice and tried to test their effectiveness in the activities of educational institutions that he himself opened. The first of them was a school for the children of the poor, which he opened in his small estate Neyhof (1774–1780), then for one year he headed an orphanage in the town of Stanze (1798–1799), finally, he led educational institutions in Burgdof (1800–1804) and Yverdon (1805–1825). The last two were boarding schools, where teachers of public schools were also trained at the same time [2].

The «Pestalozzi method» means a system of teaching children focused on their comprehensive development, the formation of «mind, heart and hand». Leading in this concept is the interpretation of the nature of education, understood as the need to build it in accordance with the inner nature of the child and the attitude to the development of all the spiritual and physical forces inherent in it [7].

In the first half of the XX century, the German teacher Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852), who is considered the founder of public preschool education, became widely known. He said that a child's language develops from early childhood, and the prerequisite for its development is the richness of the inner life of the baby. Froebel closely associated the development of speech with observation and play.

The method of Maria Montessori (1870–1952), an Italian teacher, developed by her for children's homes, has become widespread in the world. Being a supporter of free education, Montessori believed that the main tasks should be the education of muscles, feelings and the development of language. The latter includes exercises in nomenclature, correction of speech defects, literacy training. The advantage of the method (from the point of view of its influence on speech development) is to provide a sensory basis for speech in the process of exercises with artificial didactic material (cylinders, cubes, ladders, tabs, flaps and coils, etc.). Breathing exercises and gymnastics of the lips, teeth, and tongue are aimed at the development of correct speech. A large place is devoted to the addition of words from movable letters and writing. Domestic teachers evaluated this method ambiguously [5].

Various aspects of children's speech development (the importance of speech development, laying the foundations of speech culture, speech as a means of communication and a tool of thinking, etc.) were also considered in the works of Russian teachers and methodologists of the past and in the research of modern scientists.

Speech underdevelopment occurs at different levels. Initially, R. E. Levina divides the general underdevelopment of speech into three levels. Subsequently, Filicheva T. B. describes the 4th level.

Russian specialist R. E. Levina identified three levels of general language underdevelopment (currently the concept of «general language underdevelopment» is used).

Lack of full or partial Communication Speech tools at the first level of DLD, effectspecially at the age of 5–6 years, most often at this time healthy children have a correct language formation. The word stock is made up of sound and sound-like complexes, but they are accompanied by various hand gestures, as they are incomprehensible to the surrounding people. Such children are called» Speechless children».

At the second level of the DLD, there is an increase in language capabilities. Communication occurs through babbling, phonetically and grammatically distorted, as well as hand gestures, as well as words that are often used. However, the speech capabilities of children are somewhat lower than the norms inherent in age.

At the third level of the DLD, it is characterized by a broad phrasal language, but also by the lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of some language. «I don't know», he said. Their relationship requires the help of adults.

The fourth level of speech development (according to T. B. Filicheva). The long-term study of the speech of senior preschoolers conducted by T. B. Filicheva made it possible to establish that another category of children is distinguished, which turns out to be beyond the above-described levels of speech development, and can be defined as the fourth level of speech development [10].

These children have minor violations of all components of the language. More often they manifest themselves in the process of a detailed examination, when performing specially selected tasks.

The approach proposed by R. E. Levina left the description of individual manifestations of DLD and allowed us to present a picture of DLD by a number of parameters reflecting the state of linguistic means and communicative processes. On the basis of a step-by-step structural and dynamic study of the development of abnormal speech, specific patterns are also determined that determine the transition from a low level of development to a high one.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824–1870) emphasized the role of the native language in the development of the child's personality. He also stressed the need for active leadership in the development of children's speech and teaching their native language. In his works, he defines the goals of primary teaching of the native language, methods of teaching grammar, speech development of children before school, creates a unique book for teaching children «Native language» [9].

Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva (1867–1944) made a significant contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of children's speech development. The author defined the role of the native language in the development of children's speech and the conditions of their speech development, highlighted the main aspects of the work on the development of preschool children's speech, for the first time comprehensively developed the content and methodology of vocabulary development, as well as live speech lessons, their content and methods. The results of her work are collected in the book «The Development of children's speech» (1937) [8].

Evgenia Alexandrovna Fleerina (1889–1952) is the author of the first textbook on the methodology of speech development of preschoolers. The researcher has created an author's method of artistic reading and storytelling, draws attention to «the correct semantic use of words and vocabulary replenishment, the development of the speech system», «pure pronunciation», the use of fiction as a method of speech development. The main types of speech work, according to Fleerina, are short stories, novellas, short stories and fiction reading [11].

It is valuable that E. A. Fleerina emphasized the importance of a work of art as a work of art, justified the requirements of careful attitude to the text, the use of various techniques when transmitting it to children (for example, conversations on what was read).

Thus, innovative foreign and domestic methods of influence in the activity become a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with general speech underdevelopment. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help to achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in preschool children. Against the background of complex speech therapy, innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children's speech and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism. And the earlier the correction begins, the higher the effectiveness of overcoming or partially eliminating speech disorders that are not complicated by secondary consequences, as well as the accompanying pedagogical neglect. This plays an important role in the social adaptation of the child.


  1. Agekyan, L. M. Features of the formation of prerequisites for active speech in young children. // Psychologist in kindergarten. — 2014.- No. 4. — p.32–42
  2. Komensky, Ya. A. The Great didactics of Ya. A. Komensky. — [St. Petersburg: Simashko, 1875]. — XIV, 8, II, 282 p.
  3. Levina, E. R. Overcoming stuttering in preschoolers: a methodological guide / [R. E. Levina et al.]; edited by R. E. Levina. — Moscow: Sphere, 2009. — 141, [1] p.
  4. Levina, E. R. Psychology of perception of fiction: Textbook / E. R. Levina; Moscow State Institute of Culture. — M.: MGIK, 1989. — 55 p.
  5. Montessori, M. Children's home / M. Montessori. — [Kazan]: Kazansk. otd. State Publishing House, [1920]. — 23 cm. — (Library of preschool education). Issue 2: Physical education. — [1920]. — 74, [1] S.
  6. Montessori, M. The complete course of education [Text]: [collection: 12+] / Maria Montessori. — Moscow: AST: Karapuz, cop. 2017. — 573, [2] p.
  7. Pestalozzi, I. G. Pedagogy of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (January 12, 1746 — February 17, 1827) in a verbatim extract from his own writings by Dr. August Vogel / Trans. Konstantin Voskresensky. — Kazan: Kazan. pedagogical Museum, 1912 (region 1913). — 303 p.
  8. Tikheeva, E. I. Speech development of a preschooler [Text]: From work experience in kindergarten / E. I. Tikheeva. — Leningrad; Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1937 (Leningrad: type. «Printing Yard» named after A. M. Gorky). — Binding, 86, [2] p.
  9. Ushinsky, K. D. My system of education. About morality [Text]: [12+] / Konstantin Ushinsky. — Moscow: AST, 2018. — 572 p.
  10. Filicheva, T. B. Children with general speech underdevelopment: Education and training: Study method. manual for speech therapists and educators / T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova. — M.: Gnom-Press, 1999. — 127, [1] p.; 20 cm. — (Series «Correctional work in special preschool institutions / Moscow State University. open ped. un-t).; ISBN 5–89334–096–5
  11. Fleerina, E. A. The living word in a preschool institution [Text]: Textbook for preschool departments of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical colleges: Approved by the Board of the NCP of the RSFSR / E. A. Fleerina. — Moscow: State Educational-pedagogical publishing house, 1933 («Exemplary» type.). — Vol., 56 p.
  12. Yusupova, G. H. Features of personal development of senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.// Correctional pedagogy. -2007.-No.4. — pp.56–62
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DLD, AST, ISBN, MGIK, NCP, RSFSR.

Ключевые слова

methods, psychology, training, general speech underdevelopment, speech disorder, child psychology, the specifics of training

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