Energy saving in pipeline transport | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (443) декабрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 05.12.2022

Статья просмотрена: 51 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Баширова, А. Ф. Energy saving in pipeline transport / А. Ф. Баширова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 48 (443). — С. 20-21. — URL: (дата обращения: 24.01.2025).

In the article, the author tries to determine the main technologies and ways of energy saving «Transneft» in the transportation of oil and gas.

Keywords: economy, electricity.

Energy efficient technologies for oil transportation

Transneft has developed methods for producing suspension-type anti-turbulent additives that reduce the hydrodynamic resistance of oil in the pipeline, created a hydrodynamic stand for testing anti-turbulent additives for oil and oil products, and developed methods for using additives to improve the energy efficiency of main pipelines.

In order to reduce the energy consumption required to move oil along the pipeline, the Institute conducted research in the field of increasing energy efficiency and reducing hydraulic resistance by changing the rheological properties of oil during the redistribution of various oils and oil products in cargo flows. The result of the work was a reduction in the cost of pumping oil due to the choice of optimal conditions for the formation of mixtures, taking into account their qualitative and rheological characteristics.

In view of the fact that oil from the northern fields is viscous and must be preheated for better transportation through pipeline systems, a significant reduction in energy costs is achieved through the use of special thermal insulation.

Energy еfficient оil transportation equipment

A promising direction in the construction of new and reconstruction of existing facilities of Transneft is an integrated approach to the use of frequency-controlled drives of pumping units, with the installation of modern electric motors and pumping units (with higher efficiency, extended overhaul period and service life). This equipment will reduce hydraulic loads, increase the service life and save energy.

The high-voltage frequency-controlled electric drive for mainline pumping units developed by Transneft provides not only energy optimization of the operation of pumping units, but is also the first domestic development in this area, not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues. For this development, Transneft received a patent for a utility model “High-voltage frequency-controlled electric drive”.

The greatest energy savings in oil transportation can be achieved by optimizing the technological process. In this area of energy efficiency improvement, Transneft has developed an automated technologist's workplace (PC «Workstation of Technologist»), with the help of which conditions are calculated for optimal pumping of oil and oil products with minimal electricity consumption.

Among the R&D carried out by Transneft today in the field of energy efficient technologies is the development and creation of prototypes of energy efficient, with increased efficiency, mainline and booster pumps. The development of this equipment will not only increase the energy efficiency of the process of pumping oil and oil products, but will also ensure import substitution in such an important area for the industry.

The strategic priorities in the field of energy efficiency in the operation of own heat supply sources are the modernization and reconstruction of boiler houses with the installation of modern automated and highly efficient equipment.

As a result of the study of technologies for the use of additives in boiler and furnace fuel and surface-active substances (surfactants) in heating system water, Transneft developed methods for the use of additives and surfactants that increase the energy efficiency of the process of generating and transporting heat energy. In addition to reducing fuel consumption, the use of additives can significantly reduce the concentration of sulfur oxide in the flame tube of the boiler when burning oil. Thus, the introduction of energy-efficient technologies also ensures the greening of production activities at Transneft facilities.

Technical solutions of the Institute in the field of application of a decentralized heating system for buildings and structures of pipeline transport facilities made it possible to increase the energy and economic efficiency of heat supply to these facilities by optimizing heat supply schemes. This was achieved thanks to the developed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the decentralized heat supply system based on the load on the heat supply of buildings and the length of the supply heat networks.

Research is being carried out on modern technologies that ensure the economical use of raw materials, materials and energy carriers, and an analysis is being made of the possibility of recycling waste oils and oil sludge at the facilities of the organizations of the Transneft system. The purpose of these works is to prepare recommendations for the rational recycling of used oils and oil sludge, which, among other things, will reduce the volume and cost of their disposal.

Energy-efficient technical solutions of the Institute are actively used in the design and construction of buildings and structures in difficult climatic conditions. The remoteness of individual oil pipeline transport facilities from centralized power supply networks determines the active use of alternative energy sources.

Popularization of energy saving

In the year of energy saving, Transneft plans to carry out systematic work to popularize energy-saving technologies both among its employees and among partners and industry participants. This is participation in international forums and exhibitions, publication of materials in the media on the activities of Transneft in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, photo contests and other events.

The potential accumulated by Transneft in the development of energy efficient technologies makes it possible to adequately represent Transneft at leading international events in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency.

In addition, the Institute has developed a methodology for benchmarking the energy efficiency of oil transportation facilities, which is now actively used among member organizations of the International Association of Oil Transporters.

These studies make it possible to identify best practices and technological solutions, as well as to form basic recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the oil transportation process for IAOT members.

Other organizational measures include conducting full energy surveys (energy audits) of the energy consumed, introducing an energy management system, and certifying the implemented system for compliance with the ISO 50001 international standard. energy saving measures.


1. God energosberegenia [Год энергосбережения 2018] — Text: electronic // [website]. — URL: (date of the application: 02.12.2022).

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IAOT, ISO, URL.

Ключевые слова

economy, electricity

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