Gulzhikhan Galievna as an organizer of performing arts collectives | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Искусствоведение

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (448) январь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 09.01.2023

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Алимжан, Ж. Д. Gulzhikhan Galievna as an organizer of performing arts collectives / Ж. Д. Алимжан. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 1 (448). — С. 135-137. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This work is devoted to the study of the organizational activities of Gulzhikhan Galieva. In this article, the author touches on the topic of pop art of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: Gulzhikhan Galieva, variety, variety and circus college, youth and variety ensemble Gulder, Kazakh circus.

In many cases, there are no mentions of people who have made a great contribution to the development of the art of Kazakhstan except for brief notes in encyclopedias and memoirs. This also applies to Gulzhihan Galievna Galieva.

Gulzhikhan Galieva is a Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1968). She was born on November 11, 1917 in one source: in the city of Verniy (Almaty) at the intersection of Gogol and Sh streets.Kaldayakova (the former eighth of March), in another it is indicated that she was born in the Almaty region in the Ordabaev family. Galieva also had an older brother, Ramadan. Galieva's parents: father — Kali (Dau Kali), mother — (Kali's third wife). The name of G.Galieva, according to the stories of relatives, was Ordabayeva Gulzhan Kalievna (Ordabayeva Gulzhan Kalikyzy).

Gulzhikhan Galieva graduated with honors from the ten-year Russian school in Almaty in 1934 and entered the Law Institute in Leningrad. In one of the summer months of 1936, Ramazan Ordabayev was arrested. In November of the same year, her life completely changed. To protect Galieva, Turar Ryskulov changed her name. Now she was Gulzhihan Galievna Galievna (Gulzhihan Galieva). She studied in Moscow at the studio at GITIS with a degree in theater actress until 1938. The years of training flew by like a blink. Graduated from the Institute with honors and moves to Tashkent for a couple of years. The first years after graduation, he is engaged in creative work. In 1938–1941, he played in the troupe of the Kazakh Musical Drama Theater (currently KNATOB im. Abaya), in 1941–1946. He worked at the Central United Film Studio of Feature Films (TSOKS). In 1946–1965 he worked at the Kazakh State Philharmonic.

Gulzhikhan Galieva was an excellent reader of the works of Mukhtar Auyezov, Zhambyl Zhabaev, Tahir Zharokov, Abdilda Tazhibaev, Russian and foreign classics. She also conducted many concert programs. Including concerts of the first Kazakh dancer Shara Zhienkulova, the Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy, the unforgettable Kulyash Bayseitova — named for her extraordinary voice as the Kazakh nightingale.

During the period of Soviet power in Kazakhstan, the bandstand received state support. This was done through the financing of pop art studios, children's and youth pop circles. As a result, a group of professional performers has formed in the creative space.

The word estrade is translated from French as «stage — originally, a kind of stage for performances» [1]. Now this term also means a type of stage art of small forms, mainly popular entertainment. The variety includes: singing, dancing, circus on stage, illusionism, conversational genre, parody and clowning.

It should also be noted that educational institutions were formed. The Variety and Circus Studio can be called the forge of the variety art of the country. «In June 1965, a 2-year-old pop art studio was opened in our republic. There were 5 departments in the variety studio. These are departments of artistic expression (korkem soz), choreography, circus, singing and dombra. Outstanding masters of art of our republic were invited to teach» [2].

Gulzhikhan Galieva was one of the founders from the day of its foundation until 1982, was the permanent director and artistic director of the studio. (later the variety and circus college).

The artists of the Gulder ensemble, which had great popularity in the seventies, the Kazakh Circus, the regional philharmonic societies, for the most part came out of the walls of this studio. The foundations of mastery were laid here, famous teachers were engaged with the students of the studio, classes were held on choreography, actor's skills, solfeggio, acrobatics, juggling and other subjects. The first issue took place in 1967.

Kamil Hamidovich, who worked as deputy director and in the studio of variety and circus art, highlights Gulzhihan Galievna: «She was a person with a capital letter, whose contribution to our art is difficult to overestimate» [3, p. 39]

Among the graduates of the circus department were Sultangali Shukurov, Sara Kabigozhina, Marat Kushmagambetov, Svetlana Samushchenko, Ikram Niyazov, Yrim Kozhamkulova, Alexander Makarov, Valentina Myagkina, Oleg Chebotarev. The first issue was good. «If we talk, for example, about Sultangali Shukurov, Sarah Kabigozhina, their path in art turned out to be truly stellar. Having started their artistic activity in the Kazakh Concert, Sultangali and Sara constantly improved their skills, became wonderful illusionists» [3, p. 47]. Especially impressive was their illusionary compositional program «How beautiful this world is» (S. Kastelyan to the music of David Tukhmanov).

Kaldyk Begenov in his book «Kazakh Circus» wrote: «In a word, in the fifties and sixties, the art and literature of the republic were on the rise. And only one niche in the sphere of spiritual development remained unfilled — Kazakhstan did not have its own professional circus collective and a stationary circus building, although there were amateur circus groups «Dostyk» (1962, now — Shymkent Folk Circus), «Baldyrgan» (1963, Akmola)… But these were amateur groups and, naturally, the idea of creating a professional circus was in the air». [3, p. 34] Gulzhikhan Galieva was one of the organizers of the «Kazakh State Circus». Her contribution to the circus art of Kazakhstan is priceless.

Today, within the walls of the Kazakh State Circus, since 2017, there has been an exhibition hall — the circus museum. Also, a bust of Gulzhikhan Galieva was put up at the Zh.Yelebekov Variety and Circus College. They were dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Gulzhikhan Galieva's birth. In the city of Almaty, one of the streets was named after Gulzhikhan Galieva.

Gulzhikhan Galieva is one of the organizers of a unique collective: the Gulder youth pop ensemble. It was established in 1969. Gulzhikhan Galieva dreamed of raising the professional level of Russian art on the world stages. The appearance of the Kazakh youth-pop ensemble «Gulder» became a big event in the entire Soviet Union. The ensemble has passed a long creative path. Many memories remember the stunning debut of the ensemble, which took place on October 26, 1969 on the stage of the Republican Academic Russian Drama Theater named after M. Y. Lermontov. The performance of the dance «16 kyz» by the ensemble to the comic song of Shaikha Sala and Shyntas Meralievs with a dombra in their hands and not long national dresses, «at first shocked the audience, but it was the beginning of the march of new ideas on the Kazakh stage. Such small productions required not only dancing skills, but also not a dozen stage artistry» [4, p. 10].

The name of the ensemble was given by G.Galieva herself, and the first concert program of the young collective called «Steppe Melodies» was created by her. The repertoire of the collective consisted of Kazakh folk songs, kui, aitys, national dances, dances of the peoples of the world, «combined into concert programs «Steppe melodies», «Golden Dombra», «Kazakh patterns», «Gulder Rhythms», «Blossom, Kazakhstan».

In the memoirs about the performance of the ensemble, they wrote that «the audience enthusiastically accepted each number, it was the period of maturity of the ensemble, the peak of its creative achievements. The nuances are unusually fresh, diverse and subtle, all the phrases are tremulous, and above all this is the dance of youth, light and dreams, the mood was created by the hands and graceful movements of the performers. The «Gulderovites» performed on the most prestigious stages, the dance in their performance sparkled with new facets of national color» [5, 8 s]. The ensemble has toured in Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Tashkent, Germany, Belgium, Pakistan, Malaysia, Portugal and Greece. In 1976, he became a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana.

The Gulder Ensemble was the starting point of many performers of our time. Sara Tynyshtygulova, Rosa Rymbaeva, Kapash Kulysh, Kairat Baybosynov, Kudaibergen Sultanbayev, Aizhan Nurmagambetova, Makpal Zhunusova, Nagima Eskalieva, Mayra Nurkenova, Bulat Abdiakhmetov, Zhenis Iskakova, Bakyt Shadayeva, Baktiyar Tailakbayev, Sembek Zhumagaliyev, Gulnar Sikymbaeva, Kanat and others began their creative path in the ensemble. Aitkul Kudaibergenovs and many others.

In the interview, it was said that Gulzhikhan Galieva helped and made some amendments to their texts when creating a television humorous show program in Kazakh «Tamasha».

It is also known that Gulzhihan Galieva worked at Kazakh Radio. There she read fairy tales and legends to young listeners in the «Children's Edition», educating the younger generation.


Gulzhihan Galieva combined responsibility in her nature, a professional approach to her work, sincerity towards students and colleagues. G.Galieva was at a high level both at the creative and pedagogical and organizational levels. She was a person with a capital letter, her contribution to the variety and circus art is huge. Galieva was a creator by nature and took a special place in the history of Kazakh art.

As a result, we conducted a research study of the historical aspects of the development of pop art on the domestic stage. The author of this article explores the life and work of Gulzhikhan Galieva in his master's thesis. Since the topic is not widely researched, voluminous, and takes a long period of time, it requires further in-depth study and analysis.


  1. Bandstand. Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 t. (82 t. and 4 add.). — St. Petersburg., 1890–1907.
  2. [Electronic resource] // (Date of application: 11.11.22).
  3. Begenov K. Kazakh circus. Almaty, 1997. — 143 p
  4. Intykbayev E. A., Pop art or culture of the majority of modern Kazakhstan// Eurasian Union of Scientists, 2021. — p. 8.
  5. Ilyasova A. A., Galieva Gulzhikhan Galievna — outstanding cultural figure// «New technologies in the art of Kazakh pop and professional education», 2017.— p. 143.
  6. Interview with Kazbekov D. 20.11. 22.
  7. Interview with Zhenis Seydullauly 21.11. 22.
  8. Interview with Bokebaev N. 23.11. 22.
  9. Interview with Yerkakov E. 26.11. 22.
  10. Interview with Yesetova G. 29.11.22
  11. Interview with Ashimov A. 13.12.22
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GITIS, KNATOB, SSR, TSOKS.

Ключевые слова

Gulzhikhan Galieva, variety, variety and circus college, youth and variety ensemble Gulder, Kazakh circus

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