Education and the economy are the industries of development | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (450) январь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.01.2023

Статья просмотрена: 4 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Джумаев, Р. Р. Education and the economy are the industries of development / Р. Р. Джумаев, Сельби Оразова, Ш. Б. Дурдыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 3 (450). — С. 242-243. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: education system, educated generation, improving the quality of education, human society.

During the Revival of the new era of stable state, each of the reforms implemented in the country is based on the President's concern for people. Generation education is one of the priority directions of the state policy and aims to ensure our successful future. In order to create a generation that embodies the highest values of humanity, it is the main task to provide education in the national spirit at the world level, and to raise mentally and physically healthy generations.

It is the duty of the employees of the education system, teachers, as well as each of us, to create scientific, educated, well-educated, healthy-spirited, polite, high-moral individuals who have a bright future for the Motherland.

Today, wide opportunities are being created to develop science and education, to educate young people in the national spirit. Saying that «Scientific youth is the powerful force of our country, the light of our nation's future towards lofty goals», the President inspires the youth to learn science and education, and obliges them to work in more creative, new ways.

The future and destiny of the country is in the hands of the scientific and educated generations. We, the teachers, respond to the President's concerns and trust, and work day and night for the young generation to receive modern science and education.

During the Revival of the new age of a stable state, with the efforts of the President, all opportunities are created for the young generation to learn about modern innovative technologies. As a result, the education level of our youth is increasing.

The emergence of new conditions of economic management, the transition of enterprises to new economic management methods, requires the preparation of a new type of economist who can handle his profession, use resources efficiently, independently solve economic problems and prove the correctness of the adopted solutions.

The concept of entrepreneurship is multifaceted and is understood as a combination of several concepts. One of these concepts is the ability to speak foreign languages. A modern professional who does not know foreign languages cannot solve problems related to international cooperation. After all, knowing foreign languages provides ample opportunities to conduct international negotiations in accordance with the requirements and to study the best world practices. In this regard, language education is one of the priority areas. The goal of teaching foreign languages is to prepare international level specialists who can cope with the latest technologies, are aware of the achievements in science and technology, and are able to develop intercultural dialogue [1].

Today, the main condition for improving the quality of education is the harmonious combination of traditional education with the use of advanced technologies. The goal of the education system in Turkmenistan is to train highly educated, broad-minded, professionally trained, capable specialists who can freely use the achievements of scientific and technical development.

The use of computers, electronic information, textbooks in subjects allows improving the quality of the educational process. Nowadays, it is necessary for teachers to use effective methods, paying particular attention to the individual skills of students. Paying attention to the skills of each student has positive results, that is, it increases their activity in the class and increases their enthusiasm for learning. The new organization of the lesson, in contrast to the traditional methods, helps the student to be in the main position and acquire knowledge independently. In this case, the teacher acts as an active assistant, and his main task is to achieve results by properly organizing the study.

Introducing the achievements of science and technology into the economy, activating all the possibilities of society — this is the current development strategy of our country. Graduates of higher education institutions and young economists have a great role in its implementation.

To prepare such specialists, first of all, to understand the specialized literature published today; secondly, to use the Internet, where information is provided mainly in foreign languages, requires deep learning of Russian, English and other foreign languages. Thus, knowledge of foreign languages helps to improve the quality of training of specialists.

«Concept of improving teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan» approved by the President on December 22, 2017 and «Concept of developing digital education system in Turkmenistan» approved on September 15, 2017 for higher education institutions training high-level specialists who will work in various sectors its importance is very great. The Concept of Improving Foreign Language Teaching is aimed at introducing advanced methods of teaching foreign languages and improving the competitiveness of all levels of the national education system.

The emergence of economic lexis is based on internal and external linguistic factors that influence the development of language. Through them, the theoretical and practical concepts of the social work of human society are explained. The increase in the number of economic terms is associated with social and historical factors that lead to changes in the economic and political structure of modern society.

It is not an easy task to produce products that meet international standards, but it is also very difficult to compete in the world market, to overcome it, and to find a buyer (market place) for those goods. In this regard, our Esteemed President notes that the need for comprehensive analysis of the world's consumer and commodity markets, based on modern marketing.

In the context of market relations, the establishment of a Marketing Department in enterprises that produce products, perform various services, and so on, with the help of which, collecting various types of marketing data and systematically analyzing the collected data is one of the mandatory tasks.

In market conditions, in all sectors of the public economy, including private enterprises, great attention is paid to marketing information, information is one of the most valuable resources in economic management. Based on the analysis of organized marketing data, enterprises establish their production, produce high-quality products, perform services, sell manufactured products, increase their income, benefit and achieve other financial and economic results.


  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhameov. «Steate Regulation of Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan» — study guide for higher education institutions, Part I. Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2010
  2. «Program of the President of Turkmenistan and socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028». — A., 2022.
  3. «Mugallymlar gazeti» newspaper № 6 18.01.2023

Ключевые слова

Education System, educated generation, improving the quality of education, human society

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