Features of using transcription and transliteration methods in translating English medical eponymous terms into Turkmen language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (456) март 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.03.2023

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хоммадова, Г. С. Features of using transcription and transliteration methods in translating English medical eponymous terms into Turkmen language / Г. С. Хоммадова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (456). — С. 225-227. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/456/100480/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: medical profession, scientific research, new scientific concepts.

Our Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, which has achieved great progress, has entered the Renaissance period of the new epoch of the Stable State. In the year of «Friendship of the People», our dear country has achieved higher levels, and great developments are being made aimed at the creative work of our people and a happy life. In the country, the main direction is the well-being of citizens, living in a noble life.

Today, our country is particularly interested in strengthening and deepening relations in the political, medical, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields established with the United Nations, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organization, other prestigious international organizations.

Based on this, the learning of foreign languages by Turkmen youth is an important issue. Currently, foreign language classes are held in all higher education institutions. Because of the importance of language learning, new teaching methods are very useful and effective. Our university trains specialists in various fields of medicine. Of course, it is necessary to learn and know professional information in English.

The language skills of young professionals are an indicator of their culture and skill in their profession. Language skills allow you to develop business skills and exchange experiences.

It involves a scientific analysis of medical students' English language learning through medical terms. In the work, opportunities and conditions were also created in terms of analyzing medical terms in English, their structure and formation.

The most important feature of medical discourse in the modern context of globalization is the dissemination of medical knowledge. To achieve development, experts share with their foreign colleagues the results of scientific research that creates a growing need for high-quality medical translation and determines the appropriateness of this work.

A translator working with medical texts faces many challenges that are not limited to the correct translation of medical terminology. It is quite obvious that such texts are saturated with a highly specialized vocabulary. However, although there are features of medical texts that become more apparent when compared with other languages, this paper considers the challenges associated with the translation of medical terms and how to overcome them.

Bilingual and explanatory dictionaries of Turkmen and English languages were used in the article.

The article was based on the methods of scientific description (continuous sampling, generalization) and the comparative method.

Because of its high social importance and the importance of creating an adequate translation of medical texts. Due to the development and internationalization of internal medicine, there is a need to exchange professional experience between representatives of different countries. The creation of a universal terminological system reflecting the current state of this branch of scientific knowledge is one of the main problems faced by translators of medical texts.

Given that new terms are constantly being created, there is a need to translate them into other languages for more productive collaboration among medical professionals.

In recent decades, the use of vocabulary in all aspects of our lives has increased significantly. First of all, it refers to the mass media, which were the first to react to the processes of information, globalization and internalization taking place in the world. But many scientific publications, including publications on medical topics, literally refer to various foreign terms, especially Anglicism. The reasons for this phenomenon are simple and clear.

– First, almost the same words in all languages (internationalism) greatly facilitate the process of exchanging different types of information.

– Secondly, the work on translating foreign specialized and highly specialized literature, which is constantly growing in volume, is accelerating significantly. Fearing to make a mistake in the accuracy of interpreting a scientific term in a certain context and to find an equivalent in Russian, translators of specialized literature or scientists resort to translation methods that preserve the original image of the word. as much as possible

– Thirdly, the continuous development of science leads to the emergence of new scientific concepts and, as a result, their obsolescence, disuse, changing their old meaning, and the creation of new terms in any language, and then borrowing them into other languages; [1].

– Fourth, the practice of borrowing Anglicized terms in scholarly publications and presentations has become a fad for creating fancy «scientific» presentations or novelizations with complex, structured, and therefore difficult-to-understand phrases. topic.

That the language of modern medical science reflects what is happening in society. At different times of assimilation with the Russian language from the pages of books and periodicals, TV screens and the Internet, an «epidemic» of foreign words fell upon us. Some of them even kept English letters: Internet, makeup, CD, DVD, new, etc. Most of them are partially assimilated, that is, the words are written in Russian letters, but retain their foreign language sound: control, promotion, trend, master-class, top model, casting, manager. There are many more examples of such phenomena in medicine: check, copy, interact, guess, reset, retain, gender, sequence, expatriate. That the language of modern medical science reflects what is happening in society. At different times of assimilation with the Russian language from the pages of books and periodicals, TV screens and the Internet, an «epidemic» of foreign words fell upon us.

Some of them even kept English letters: Internet, makeup, CD, DVD, new, etc. Most of them are partially assimilated, that is, the words are written in Russian letters, but retain their foreign language sound: control, promotion, trend, master-class, top model, casting, manager. There are many more examples of such phenomena in medicine: check, copy, interact, guess, reset, retain, gender, sequence, expatriate. Of course, it can be agreed that the medical language in the Turkmen language has had an international character for a long time, because the vast majority here are terms formed on the basis of Greek-Latin terms. Therefore, the struggle for the purity of the Turkmen language, the struggle in the medical language, can be a fruitless exercise. However, along with the necessary terms-neologisms, there is a large debt of English terms, for which the Turkmen language already has synonyms and equivalents: determine (identify), feel (feel), at the same time (at the same time), multiply (multiplied), compressed (compressed).

In medicine, as in other sciences, new words are constantly being coined. Neologisms are needed to define new concepts (lexical neologisms) or to change or change the name of existing terms (stylistic neologisms). A translator's job is to find a lexical match in the target language or, more often, to accurately convey the meaning of a new term in the most appropriate way.


  1. English-Russian medical encyclopedic dictionary / edited by: A. G. Chuchalin (editor-in-chief) [and others]. — M.: GEOTAR, 1995. — 717 p.
  2. Kazakova, T. A. Practical basics of translation / T. A. Kazakh // Series: Learning foreign languages. — St. Petersburg: «Soyuz» Publishing House, 2000. — P.89.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DVD, GEOTAR.

Ключевые слова

scientific research, medical profession, new scientific concepts

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