Internet advertising, sales promotion and public relations | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Internet advertising, sales promotion and public relations / А. К. Байрамов, Д. С. Оразов, М. Т. Хабыпов [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (456). — С. 116-117. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: internet-marketing, communications, e-commerce, e-marketing.

President of Turkmenistan paid great attention to the education policy of our country. The world is equipped with innovative technologies in the country schools that meet the standards are being built and existing schools are being equipped with new technologies. The age of stable state is modern population during the New Revival period great attention is paid to the possibility of using telecommunications, including the Internet. Currently, Turkmentelecom and Altyn Asyr are in Turkmenistan. Internet services to citizens and businesses they offer and provide full coverage. All of the country almost every family has a computer and is connected to the Internet. Also for internet commercial purposes usability is on the top of every business' to-do list stop.

The emergence of the Internet as a global network is marked by the emergence and development of the World Wide Web. These highly dependent services, the commercial use of the Internet, span just over 30 years takes place, but during this time there are many events of various kinds happened, a huge number of new companies were formed in the global economy. The circulation of money has increased several times and will increase even more in the future considered to be How to do business with internet companies introduced new tools, ways to reduce costs and better meet consumer demands. Consumers, in turn, have new information about goods and services they had their resources. Also, they are companies of opportunities to interact with a wider range.

At their expense, they had effective means of communication to meet their requirements more fully, as well as to communicate with companies among themselves. This period of e-business formation has two main aspects discovered the opportunity. First, the Internet is unique as a means of communication high efficiency and a global electronic market built on it showed high potential. Second, the Internet or their traditional (offline) business who tried to use it as an add-on or originally on their own business practices of companies that have built their business on the Internet today recording and using the commercial business practices used to date, as well as their own proved once again the importance and necessity of using the principles of marketing in their work.

Along with the rapid development of e-business, the emergence of a new direction in marketing — Internet marketing — is important was one of the events. In some sources, this field is hyper marketing also known as the word «hyper» here is the Internet environment represents a hypermedia property. All these names are global computer.

It embraces a web-based reality—it enables users to interact with everything from simply exchanging information to facilitating financial transactions, connecting transactions, and delivering mobile products to users. Hypermedia and multimedia are global computing terms. Internet marketing can be divided into two general directions. The first is traditional corporate marketing systems with their use of internet tools to expand depends on the company's employees, customers, organizing mutual information communication between partners; conducting marketing audits; goods over the internet selling and transferring them from one place to another, if they are information products, then bringing them to the attention of buyers; providing services etc. The second area is related to the emergence of new types of business models, which are based on the Internet itself and it plays a key role for these types: e.g. online stores, e-commerce sites, virtual information agencies, offering services to online market participants.

For these areas, the Internet is only a new business phenomenon that aims to improve efficiency and reduce costs. It does not play the role of tools; the main function of the Internet is here is to generate income. As the accumulate experience shows, regardless of the above-mentioned areas, marketing on the basis of successful activities on the Internet and the use of its tools in commercial activities. It’s vital principles continue to lie. The new condition is just that slightly transforms the implementation of the principles in practice that is it changes and develops. So, the main focus of this textbook is marketing principles and positions within these limits are also accepted. By providing insight into the composition of solutions, by demonstrating the specifics of using marketing tools in the new global hypermedia environment, these principles and techniques are used by organizations and to help businesses use it in their operations.

The emergence of internet marketing is a mixed bag closely related to growth. First, it's self-sustaining has gone through a long evolution in the coming years and from production concept to cooperative marketing. It is marketing itself that has gone through a series of concepts this is the main subject of the course. Information technology contributed significantly to the emergence of internet marketing. Thus, the Internet is the emergence of a global computer network and dissemination, improvement of methodologies and improvement of enterprise management system, development of standards of interaction of information systems had a significant impact on the birth of internet marketing.

The next component of the development and improvement of the information infrastructure is the development of information systems and primarily. The development of enterprise management information systems has been a phenomenon. In this context, three main directions can be distinguished:

– Development of enterprise management methodology;

– Development of general computer system capabilities;

– Information systems technically and programmatically development of implementation approaches.

Modern information systems in management theory and must respond to all new developments in practice, that is it must match. Of course, this is the most basic case because it is technical. In terms of organizing an advanced system, only if it is functionality. It is possible if it meets modern requirements.

Integrating e-commerce information systems of documenting the great progress achieved by with the new i. e. XML (extensible Markup Language) linked, based on this language, companies' electronic new standards of interaction are being formed. The use of this language is common among enterprise information systems allows to significantly simplify the movement processes and with it, small and medium-sized companies can be drawn into the world of e-commerce.

Conducting e-commerce means that companies must achieve a certain level of streamlining their business processes.


  1. Law of Turkmenistan on legal regulation of Internet development and Internet services in Turkmenistan.
  2. «Turkmenistan» newspaper. December 29, 2014.
  3. Babakulyev M., Muhammetberdiyev O. Information technology glossary of terms. — Ashgabat. Science, 2004.
  4. Shukurov G., Atdayeva O., Kerimberdiyeva Sh. Computer networks. — Ashgabat, Science, 2010.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): XML.

Ключевые слова

e-commerce, communications, internet-marketing, e-marketing

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