International roads-connecting regions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (458) март 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 15.03.2023

Статья просмотрена: 7 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Акмамедова, Шагозел. International roads-connecting regions / Шагозел Акмамедова, Д. Т. Ишангулыев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 11 (458). — С. 71-72. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: logistic, development of transport system, national and international levels, creation of transport corridors.

The President Serdar Berdimuhamedov told the participants of the international conference «International transport corridors: interconnection and development»: «Maintaining stability in the region, bringing the economic relations of the states closer to each other, encouraging the strengthening of the national economies of the countries are discussing important issues. [1] «This will encourage the efficient development of transport systems that connect road, rail, sea and air routes through transit corridors, intermodal logistics centers, and land stations». The transport system is one of the strategic directions of the economy, and the country pays great attention to the development of this system at the national and international levels. Also, the development of the transport system is particularly important in establishing intergovernmental relations and interregional cooperation.

Fully joining the world's transport and communication infrastructure is one of Turkmenistan's priorities in international cooperation. To actively implement the initiatives of the country on the creation of transport corridors in the «Concept of the foreign policy of independent Turkmenistan for 2022–2028" and the «Program of the development of transport diplomacy of the President of Turkmenistan for 2022–2025", to turn Central Asia into a major transit point of continental importance. great importance is attached to carrying out important tasks. The President of the Republic of Turkmenistan is currently promoting large-scale projects aimed at expanding mutually beneficial economic relations and strengthening international cooperation by creating a powerful transport infrastructure. Initiatives of Turkmenistan to create international transport corridors projects implemented on the basis of promotion of international cooperation and trade by providing, universal security, comprehensive cooperation between countries helps to strengthen.

Turkmenistan has implemented great work in building the internal infrastructure of the transport and communication system in accordance with international standards. These activities are actively continued today. Connecting the country's main roads to transit corridors, diversifying such corridors connecting regions in Eurasia, turning our country into one of the main centers in this regard, and as a result, strengthening the decisive position of the country in transit traffic, which includes convenient advantages in terms of geographical location, form the basis of the policy being promoted in this area.. In this regard, the regional and international projects implemented as a result of the initiatives and efforts of our Leader have led to an increase in the economic interests of not only Turkmenistan, but also the regional states. This situation shows that the state does not take into account the common interests in every business, and strengthens its role in achieving development in the region.

A clear example of the above is the creation of a North-South transport-communication corridor within the framework of the strategy of creating trans-national corridors of Turkmenistan and based on the goal of developing broad regional and international cooperation. This passage allows Central Asian and European countries to access the Persian Gulf. In the future, this route will include a transit through the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea basin and the Baltic regions. This will create the best traffic between Europe and Asia through the borders of Central Asia.

The construction of a railway branch between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, the establishment of Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman, Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey transit corridors is a worthy contribution to the work of the country in becoming one of the main centers in this field. It is necessary to emphasize that these transit transport passages play an important role in increasing the volume of cargo traffic between Turkish states, including transit cargo, expanding trade circulation and ensuring the balance of export-import relations and its importance will increase in the future. It is also important to reach special agreements in this regard at the meetings held at various levels with the participation of the heads of the Turkish states. It was also one of the main issues raised at the Samarkand meeting held on November 11. In determining the main directions of the state's investment policy, our Honorable President takes advantage of Turkmenistan's competitive advantages in the world markets in terms of its huge natural resources, convenient geographical location and transit opportunities.

Taking into account the complex conditions in the modern global economic system, one of the important tasks is to maintain the competitiveness of the national economy and to occupy a worthy position in the market. Therefore, in the foreign economic strategy of the Turkmen leader, special importance is mainly given to two directions. One is energy security and the other is transit.

This is clearly evidenced by the fact that Turkmenistan's policy in this area is fully supported by international organizations, especially the United Nations, and that special international events are held in this regard. As a result of the implemented policy related to ensuring the sustainable development of our country, the economic indicators of the transport and communication complex are also encouraging.

The continuous development and improvement of the national transport system, on the one hand, contributes steadily to the sustainable development of the economy, and on the other hand, it strengthens the position of neutral Turkmenistan in the global economy. In other words, the geopolitical location of the country, the policy of continuous modernization of transport infrastructure creates favorable conditions for effective use of transit transport opportunities.

Therefore, the sector in question is the most correct and most advantageous economic field chosen by the state for self-management, strengthening the people's livelihood, and increasing the economy's capacity. Diversification of international transit corridors and further improvement of its parts in the country will have a positive effect not only in Turkmenistan, but also in the region, on the increase of production, on the increase of activity in the private sector, on the reduction of prices in the circulation of goods, and on the creation of new opportunities.

In recent years, the most advanced technologies in all parts of the country on the basis of which important projects are implemented. This has opened wide opportunities for coordination of cargo transportation in the country using sea, road, rail and air transport. In general, the establishment of international transport corridors as an important condition for sustainable development under the visionary leadership of the Turkmen leader makes a worthy contribution to the implementation of major regional and regional projects in the country's transport and logistics system, and to the development of positive models of cooperation that serve the sustainable social and economic development of the peoples of the world.


  1. International conference «International transport corridors interconnection and development» — Ashgabat, 18.06.2022y.
  2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Turkmenistan Heart of Silk Road, Ashgabat, 2017y
  3. “Türkmeniň ýüpek ýoly” newspaper- 9(6191), 2023y.

Ключевые слова

logistic, development of transport system, national and international levels, creation of transport corridors

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