Solemn response of patriotism | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Гафурова, М. А. Solemn response of patriotism / М. А. Гафурова, О. К. Хатджыева, Б. К. Дурдыев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 12 (459). — С. 200-201. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords; Arkadag, Magtymguly Pyragy,humanitarian, patriotic, scientific works, fundamental innovation, Motherland, Gorogly.

Our Hero Arkadag says that: «The poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, a true patriot of the Turkmen land, serve the spiritual perfection and moral health of our society, his poems like a high song praising the patriotism, freedom, integrity, unity, and high humanitarian qualities of our people”, with highly appreciates to Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker and master of words of the East, who created a huge poetic revolution in opening the Turkmen soul.

In the works of Magtymguly Pyragy, along with various aspects of human life, patriotic poems occupy a special place. Scholars at different times wrote several scientific works about the great thinker's poems in this field. Magtymguly scientists B. Garryev's «Magtymguly» (1975), S. Myradov's «Throw of the Ages» (1978), Z. Muhammedova's «The influence of Magtymguly» (1989), D. Nuraliev's «Azady and Magtymguly» (1989), A. Meredov's «Magtymguly's Explanatory Dictionary» (1997), M. Annamuhammedov's «Magtymguly, a hidden secret is inside» (1997), A. Bekmyradov's «Poetic tradition and innovation research in Magtymguly's poetry» (1989) can be cited as examples.

In their work, scientists analyzed the features of Magtymguly's patriotic poems, and the ideas promoted in them were just the patriotism of their time. Such analyzes have shown through concrete examples that Magtymguly's works are a fundamental innovation in Eastern literature, that they are completely different from the poetry of his time and predecessors in terms of language, style, and approach. In this regard, let's refer to an example from S. Myradov's book «The End of the Ages», which conducted thorough scientific research on the creation of Magtymguly: «If the voice of the great poets of the East echoed from the top of the people's life, then the voice of Magtymguly came from the bottom of the people's life» [4, p-193].

It is known that the views advanced by the great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy in his poems were raised to a higher level in his patriotic poems. The poet's main goal is to create a person who is morally pure, who loves his motherland, his fatherland with all his heart, who is courageous, humanitarian, and who puts his life and support into his life. Because the complex circumstances of his time, the people's thirst for freedom, and the desire to be an independent country pushed him to live in the context of the concept of the Motherland at every step. That's why the poet spread his desire to the world saying «I want a stable state».

The backwardness of his time, the fact that each of the Turkmen tribes was going its own way, motivated the poet to come to the final idea about the Motherland, society, peace and stability. In the depth of these thoughts, he clearly expressed his views in the lines of his poetry and spread them throughout the world.

When souls, hearts and minds of tribes are united,

Their troops when gathered will melt stones and ground on their way,

When Turkmen gather around one table to share a meal,

The destiny of Turkmen will rise high [6, p7]

Patriotic poems in Magtymguly's creativity are the voice of love for the Holy Motherland. «Let's see now», «I had to walk», «Abdylla», «Chowdur Khan», «Don't leave this place», «We lost our age», «Don't go away», «I will wait», which came from the acid of the master of poetry in this field. In his poems such as «Bashy khut» and «Mert bolmak», he looked at the solution of the problem from the point of view of the people and promoted the interests of the country.

The great poet was always worried about getting rid of the mountain life. He called the young men to fight bravely and heroically to defend themselves from foreign enemies:

To the glory of the seven-lived Arabian horse,

I don't know what's up and what's flat.

By the young ram,

Not fifty, not sixty, not a hundred.

The poet believed that young men who have courage, zeal and selflessness can protect the Holy Motherland. Such young men are encouraged to gather strength like a lion.

In Magtymguly's poems, the joy of brave young men is clearly expressed. The poet expressed that nothing could stand in front of the strength and power of the brave young men. The vernacular poet lifted the spirits of the young men at every step.

He is son of a brave man, his forefather were brave,

Gorogly is his brother, his enthusiasm is high,

If hunters hunt for him in the mountains or steppes,

A Turkmen, the son of lion, won’t be caught alive. [6.p9]

The lines created by the poet were re sounding as a rallying cry for those who plundered the peaceful life of the Turkmen people. In this regard, the following lines of the master of words can be recalled.

An artist has no honor,

A warrior cannot do in a day of battle,

A man's blessings are ten thousand.

Hero does not touch all six faces. [5. p192].

In his patriotic poems, Magtymguly Pyragy expressed the love of mother earth with the unyielding power of artistic words. The poet emphasizes that a man can find a thread only in his own land. In this regard, let's turn to an example from the sage's poem «Nurana dushmez»:

I am the face of the qibla

I promise you won't come back

Magtymguly said that

I will not leave the country. [3p112].

As it turns out, there is no other place for the lyrical hero than the tribe of his motherland. If he is settled in the ways of life and is suddenly separated from him:

Mowlam, come to my village, my country,

Let my face fall on my lion and my wolf [5, p-72]

He thinks about reaching his native place.

Among Magtymguly's patriotic poems, the poem «Sil Bilani» advises to be loyal to one's land and to fight for its interests.

Be a boy — over the country

If life is for religion,

Aries boys are in the country

Respect is required. [5, p-118].

Every preacher and every preacher has exemplary qualities. In this field, it is known that Magtymguly was perfect in all aspects and rose to the level of personality. Gorogly Beg's heroic path inspired by his patriotism, the brave life of Dovletaly, Chowdur Khan, and his brother Abdylla and Mammetsapa's departure for the country and land contributed to the development of high morals and patriotic feelings in his heart. Such feelings influenced the creation of a series of poems exhorting heroism in the poet's collection.


  1. Garryev B. Magtymguly. — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 1975.
  2. Magtymguly. Poems. — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 1977.
  3. Myradov S. From the Friday of Ages. Ashgabat: Magaryf, 1978.
  4. Magtymguly. Songs. Three volumes. Volume I. — Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, DNCB, 1992.
  5. Magtymguly. A collection of works. — Ashgabat: Science, 2014.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DNCB.

Ключевые слова

Arkadag, Magtymguly Pyragy, humanitarian, patriotic, scientific works, fundamental innovation, Motherland, Gorogly
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