A market economy which focused on strategic planning for improving living conditions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (460) март 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 01.04.2023

Статья просмотрена: 7 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Шукуров, М. Г. A market economy which focused on strategic planning for improving living conditions / М. Г. Шукуров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 13 (460). — С. 108-111. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/460/101193/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: economy, strategic, society, development, budget, tax, national economy, market.

Strategic planning is one of government regulation it is widely used in the developed countries of the world. The world is economic in the context of the overall globalization high level used strategic planning that why national markets are having little convergence with other countries. Its essence is the development of the national economy it consists of choosing the main areas of priority. State these directions takes the lead role in implementation. Strategic priorities are identified through planning; the development paths of society are determined, in which markets and under which conditions work which technology is the best to carry out in the first place what sectors and industries they need to master, to have growth what to encourage, how to ensure life equality and for that the question of which social institutions to rely on is resolved. By moving forward in this direction, it is the future of developing the state the main areas of concern, for example, the appreciation of the national currency, employment of the population provision, rational use of natural resources, economy accelerated development of any part of the education improving, conducting scientific research, and supplying the life of the population to provide to improve the fields, to change the state services priority such as construction, concern for the environment and the like key areas are identified. Each of the selected areas is unique that it has the status of a targeted state program should be noted. In the subsequent stage of social and economic development programs — a set of numbers showing the directions of development and that effective government planning of reaching the big numbers ways and means programs are being developed. Strategic planning is particularly important for Turkmenistan direction. Because having versatile resources, the long-term is clear to set targets and then achieve them in reality necessary measures should be developed. Strategic planning is government regulation which conforms to the modern conditions and principles of economic development is the leading type. Among these conditions and principles is the economy diversity, scientific and technical progress, international integration strengthening, internationalization and globalization of the economy, transnational an increase in the big number of corporations, new industries and professions it is possible to distinguish the principles that are the conditions for having development. This is it the complexity of the economy at any level of factor management and leads to an increase in efficiency and, in turn, forms the basis for strategic planning. Strategic planning has several characteristics (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Several characteristics of strategic planning

These areas are then detailed in tactical and operational planning. Strategic planning community development priorities aimed at accelerated delivery. This is a common state strategy regions and sectors, individual market segments it allows to ensure coordination with the development strategy. Accordingly, strategic planning is by the state as the leading way of regulating the national economy is known based on the analysis of the development of the part and the environment, any of it to develop the objectives of the development of the part, to the set goals establish the main routes of access and their funding means to bring strategic planning for the development of any socio-economic system key areas which include (fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Directions, which socio-economic system key areas include

Strategy development results, actions and deliverables it consists of three phases that are considered systemic:

  1. System of strategic analysis, relations with the environment and it includes areas such as analyzing the resource capabilities of an object. He is the initial stage of strategic planning; clearly at what stage of development is the object of planning needed to determine. To do this, examine the past and the present must provide data for, as well as have a basis for assumptions should build an efficient database.
  2. Establishing the main directions is the object of planning is to define the mission, goals and objectives of the development. Develop a framework of strategy objectives key principles are reachability, measurability, is flexibility, is to encourage the achievement of desired outcomes; it is multiplicity, clarity of expression.
  3. Strategic selection is the process of developing the main criteria of the strategy includes this is the development strategy of the strategic planning object directly related to the development and development of any object formulating and evaluating competitive trends, as well as which envisages choosing the most advantageous direction of its development is the finishing stage.

Establishing competing trends in the development of any object and to them valuation is an independent value for regulation and is carried out during strategic planning. At the same time also including time frames, activities, resources, funding levels and resources as well as responsibility for carrying out the prescribed activities is determined. Ways of regulatory influence of the state on the development of the national economy and macroeconomics to base and develop methods can serve as key objectives of a strategic plan. Strategic planning of modern development of Turkmenistan accounting for the macroeconomic system of regulation, leading introduction of market mechanisms, both of the state sector of the economy, it is done by seeking the interests of the non-state sector as well done. The main task of the state at the macroeconomic level is Turkmen to prioritize the current state of the world consciousness of its people it consists in revealing the necessary directions and ways of their development and creating favorable conditions for their implementation. Forward the rapid development of the relevant industries makes the market mechanisms efficient should focus on diversification and improvement. The same financial-credit, tax-budget, foreign economic, investment, state policy in the spheres of continuous production and life will have a coordinated and increasingly powerful character. Today, Turkmenistan is stable and long-term powerful foundations for its development are created. Major socio-economic events state regulation is a major reform in this country implementation, economic prosperity and the standard of living of the population it is essential to meet the leading global standards. These things are real the main functions of the regulation in Turkmenistan state policy on strategic planning of development should be determined based on objectives.


On this article has discussed the modern methods used in the economy of the institute system of learning and assessment process. Thus, firstly we presented the utility, the characteristics and the tendencies of current educational systems. Then we restricted the field to the educational software whose purpose is to create specific competences within a specified learning domain.

We referred particularly to the process of learning, namely at the formative evaluation stage in our country economy, and reiterate that assessments a factor which triggers transformation within the pedagogical practice.


  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. “State regulation of social and economic development of Turkmenistan”. I, II volume. -Ashgabat: Turkmen state publishing house, 2010 y;
  2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. “Turkmenistan is on way to achieve the goal of sustainable development”. Ashgabat: Turkmen state publishing house, 2018;
  3. “Concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2022–2052” — Ashgabat, 2022;
  4. Digital resources of library Turkmen state institute of finance;
  5. John Maynard Keynes. “The means to prosperity” London, 1933;
  6. John Maynard Keynes. “The general theory of employment, interest and money” London, 1936.

Ключевые слова

Development, market, society, national economy, tax, economy, strategic, budget

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