The importance of English in the development of the economy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (461) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.04.2023

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Башимова, Эджегул. The importance of English in the development of the economy / Эджегул Башимова, Сельби Мырадова, Махри Дурдиева, Огулджахан Атаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 14 (461). — С. 294-296. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords : economy growth, importance languages, innovation.

In today's era of social development, the demands of modern thinking, capable, and creative professionals are increasing. The need for professional creativity, advanced thinking, the ability to create, evaluate and innovate is increasing. The solution to these problems mainly depends on the methodology and content of training future specialists.

The growth rate of the economy is important because it reflects the growth of the whole country. The efficiency of the economy depends on highly qualified professionals. Therefore, firstly, it is impossible to train highly qualified specialists without knowledge of modern specialized literature published in Turkmen and foreign languages, and secondly, without reading and understanding information in foreign languages, using the Internet and computers.

For example, in the modern world, significant reforms are taking place, these reforms affect the economy, system management, and business processes in different countries of the world. Digitization of the marketing system, the creation of a unified digital marketing system is important in the development of the market economy. It is essential that the introduction of a digital marketing system is carried out mainly in business English. Therefore, business English has a great role and importance in the modern organization of the integrated marketing strategy of enterprise management.

«Enterprise marketing is a set of actions taken by a specific enterprise to create and maintain its reputation». Developing a business marketing strategy through Business English increases the initiative and efficiency of businesses, improves financial status, and leads to market growth and advancement, because Business English serves as the driving force of any business's marketing strategy in gaining profits and maintaining its ranking in national and international markets.

Studying innovative approaches to digital marketing of enterprises and its role in the development of society from the perspective of national and global experience reveals the importance of combining business English in the implementation of modern marketing. Because the need to introduce the international terms used in the general management of the digital economy into the circulation of the national digital economy and legislation is a requirement of the globalizing world and era.

Thus, knowledge of English, the most widely used business language in the world, has a certain effect on improving the quality of professional training.

Because of the importance of language learning, new teaching methods are very useful and effective. Our higher education school prepares specialists in various areas of the financial and economic system. Of course, it is necessary to study and know the information about the subject in English. The language skills of young professionals are an indicator of their culture and skill in their profession. Language skills allow you to develop business skills and exchange experiences.

In higher education institutions, students should develop more conversational language, mainly related to their major, and improve economic, intercultural and professional communication language. One of the important conditions for young people to receive education according to world standards and to make a worthy contribution to the economic, political, and cultural life of the Motherland, to grow up to be perfect specialists, aware of the achievements of the world's scientific and educational systems, is their active and effective use of modern information technologies in their professional work. is to gain knowledge. This important task at the current stage of development of the country's education system provides for further development of national digital education on the basis of the world's leading achievements, wide introduction of information and communication technologies at all stages of education in harmony with innovative teaching approaches. The development of the digital education system in the country, the widespread introduction of the achievements of the world experience in this field, and the modern technologies of the digital education system give a new impetus to the reforms taking place in the education sector.

A foreign language is taught in a certain sequence: students first get acquainted with relevant language phenomena, acquire knowledge, and learn to use the acquired knowledge in conversation and reading.

After learning the vocabulary used in economics is reinforced through the above methods, learning to construct correct sentences using them is a must. Students need to learn examples of different types of sentences commonly used in live conversation. Words related to economics should be correctly placed in those sentences.

The specificity of English language teaching is conditioned by teaching the lesson on a communicative-speech basis by relating it to the everyday life of the target language learners. An active way of teaching English is to get learners to master many words in their creative work in a limited amount of time. For this, the listener must have enough vocabulary and language skills.

Students should make new progress independently based on the knowledge they have acquired in language learning, i. e. they should be able to creatively approach what they have learned in class and experience, using the knowledge they received from the teacher, the first experience they received, and active knowledge in real face-to-face speech should be the main condition for developing creative speech. In the field of economics, for example, the communicative method gives good results, since a specialist working in the field of marketing is in direct contact with foreigners. Grammatical material should be understood in this way through the method of ascertaining the meaning of words. Imitating and repeating what the teacher says works well in the next round. A method based on a personalized approach is more reliable. Today, the so-called «competency approach» includes a person-centered technology, collaborative learning, the project method, and digital technologies. These ensure not only the imparting of a certain amount of knowledge, but also the desire and ability to improve further.


  1. Berdimuhamedov Gurbanguly. To new heights of progress. Selected works. V. 1. — Ashgabat: Central archive administration at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Archive fund of the President of Turkmenistan, 2010. — 296 p.
  2. Berdimuhamedov Gurbanguly. To new heights of progress. Selected works. V. 2. — Ashgabat: Central archive administration at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Archive fund of the President of Turkmenistan, 2009. — 320 p.
  3. Amansariev J., Gulmanov G. Lingwistik terminleriň ruscha-türkmenche sprawochnigi.– Ashgabat: “Magaryf” neshiryaty, 1981. — 240 pg.

Ключевые слова

Innovation, economy growth, importance languages

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