Effective ways to teach English using economic terms | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Акыева, Я. С. Effective ways to teach English using economic terms / Я. С. Акыева, Я. Ч. Гурбандурдыев, М. О. Данатаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 14 (461). — С. 282-283. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/461/101332/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Keywords: language proficiency, semantic definitions, economic terms.

In order to ensure the language proficiency of future economists, it is very effective to organize independent activities outside the classroom to learn the terms more thoroughly in higher education institutions in this field. For this, economic terms are collected and put into a system. Learning these terms will be easier if the following methods are used in this regard:

– Use only the words themselves instead of semantic definitions;

– Definitions should be given in short form;

– Words should be divided into groups according to their meaning;

– Supporting words should be few to determine the general meaning of each set;

– The words used in the definitions are commonly used words, and they should be memorized according to their volume, that is, the words that need to be studied should prevail;

– Each word to be memorized in a set does not have to be semantically similar.

It is wrong to be overly preoccupied with theory in foreign language teaching or to deny it altogether. Consistency plays an important role in language teaching, particularly in the selection, placement and reinforcement of language material, and in the development of skills and competences. A foreign language is taught in a certain sequence: students first get acquainted with relevant language phenomena, acquire knowledge, and learn to use the acquired knowledge in conversation and reading.

After learning the vocabulary used in economics is reinforced through the above methods, learning to construct correct sentences using them is a must. Students need to learn examples of different types of sentences commonly used in live conversation. Words related to economics should be correctly placed in those sentences.

The specificity of English language teaching is conditioned by teaching the lesson on a communicative-speech basis by relating it to the everyday life of the target language learners. An active way of teaching English is to get learners to master many words in their creative work in a limited amount of time. For this, the listener must have enough vocabulary and language skills.

Students should make new progress independently based on the knowledge they have acquired in language learning, i. e. they should be able to creatively approach what they have learned in class and experience, using the knowledge they received from the teacher, the first experience they received, and active knowledge in real face-to-face speech should be the main condition for developing creative speech. In the field of economics, for example, the communicative method gives good results, since a specialist working in the field of marketing is in direct contact with foreigners. Grammatical material should be understood in this way through the method of ascertaining the meaning of words. Imitating and repeating what the teacher says works well in the next round. A method based on a personalized approach is more reliable. Today, the so-called «competency approach» includes a person-centered technology, collaborative learning, the project method, and digital technologies. These ensure not only the imparting of a certain amount of knowledge, but also the desire and ability to improve further.

The use of the signature method allows learning to be structured in a normal way. When learning economic topics, new words are first introduced and introduced to the texts. «Actions to be performed orally and in writing form the basis for the introduction of new words and phrases in active speech». Additional explanations during the lesson help to develop conversational skills. The original version of the text is read and the answers to the questions about the content are discussed.

In the next part of the lesson, sentences related to the content of the text are translated from Turkmen to English. This helps the text to be memorized. Each translated sentence is deeply mastered at the lexical-grammatical level. In the final part of the lesson, the students describe the content of the text. In this section, the students' ability to create dialogues represents the effectiveness of the activity.

Activities done in this way involve all students in the conversation, and it often ensures that even the smallest student is involved in the conversation. Students are able to join the conversation, continue the conversation, develop different ideas based on the conversation, express their thoughts concisely and clearly, express their personal opinion and attitude, and listen to the opinions of others.

Using modern interactive methods, working on a problem for a certain period of time, searching for its solution and directing students to the information space, as well as the use of the project method in the lesson, which greatly helps to develop critical and creative skills, is also important in connecting English with the profession.

Choosing a project topic, creating a small group and assigning appropriate work, discussing and drawing conclusions, using instructional tools, organizing an exhibition or preparing an abstract is one of the first steps of this method. While mastering the topic by project method, the main task is to improve students in the types of communication (reading, speaking, listening, writing and translation), language-related training. With this method, it is necessary for students to read special literature and speak freely in the language being studied. It also prepares students for future professions, learning to translate specialized literature, annotations, abstracts, etc. helps with writing. The project method greatly contributes to the formation and development of the spoken language, training and skills required for students to exchange ideas in educational and scientific work, the acquisition of the necessary language tools specific to the profession they are studying, and the acquisition of relevant information related to any profession.

Another unusual way of organizing teaching-learning activities is the so-called language workshop. This method consists of a set of tasks that are directed by the teacher to be solved in the English language. In this methodology, the teacher interacts with the student as a person on an equal level by helping the student to choose the ways of investigation, the direction of decision-making, and at the same time, by helping him to find answers to questions independently.

In contrast to traditional lessons, the use of such technologies does not provide ready-made knowledge, but helps to develop it. In such a situation, a favorable condition is created for independent thinking of students, which leads them to correctly solve the given problem.

By using such methods in direct interaction with work experience, it is possible to ensure not only the student's career-oriented foreign language learning, but also his general development along with high-level thinking skills.


  1. Berdimuhamedov Gurbanguly. To new heights of progress. Selected works. V. 1. — Ashgabat: Central archive administration at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Archive fund of the President of Turkmenistan, 2010. — 296 p.
  2. Berdimuhamedov Gurbanguly. To new heights of progress. Selected works. V. 2. — Ashgabat: Central archive administration at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Archive fund of the President of Turkmenistan, 2009. — 320 p.

Ключевые слова

language proficiency, economic terms, semantic definitions

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