The painting — great of art | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Искусствоведение

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (461) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.04.2023

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Халыкбердиева, М. Г. The painting — great of art / М. Г. Халыкбердиева, Г. Ч. Кероглыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 14 (461). — С. 64-66. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: culture, national art, Turkmen art painting.

Regardless of the era of culture, it was considered a force that strengthens human relationships and gives people an unyielding spiritual pleasure. The concept of culture is broad and multifaceted, and it is closely related to art. For art scholars, the history of art is deeply studied scientifically as a rich heritage. The master artist Y. Glyjov left a huge page in the history of our national art. Artist Y. Glyjov is not only an artist, but also known to the public as an art student. Y. Glyjov is an artist who has reached the academic level. In Y. Glyjov's work, he artistically depicts the unique beauty of Turkmen nature, the royalty of the Turkmen people, that is, Turkmen weddings, the unique world of people of different ages. Y. Glyjov is a master genius who gave life, life, beauty — artistic content. Nationality has a special place in Y. Glyzhov's works of art. Master is an artist who loved his country, people, dear land with all his heart.

After the 1960s, the group of Turkmen artists became stronger and more sophisticated. On this basis, beautiful works of the landscape genre associated with the new era begin to emerge. The works are improved in terms of content, composition, and color. The 1960s were particularly important for Turkmen art. Art is growing and becoming international. At that time, the «angry style» became popular in painting. People's artist of Turkmenistan Y. Glyjov creates several works from this direction. The master artist writes the monumental compositions «Road to the Water» (1959), «Nevada Ice Slips» (1959), «Diamond Mountains» (1960). The master's nature-related works reveal Y. Glyzhov's love for his homeland. Y. Glyjov is a teacher who loves Turkmen nature with all his heart. With the national colors of Turkmenistan, he expresses the industriousness of his people, the infinite beauty of nature, and the harmony of the Turkmen world in his works.

In the 1960s, the main feature of Turkmen art is the generalization of volumes, the conditionality of the artistic language of the work, the precise selection of parts, and the comprehensiveness of the color solution. Turkmen are a people who have revealed to the world the mysterious signs of painting with their great culture. The artist's creativity requires great responsibility. It has to solve the theme, content, purpose, narrative, allegory, symbol, project, spatial functions and other signs of intellectual emotion.

Artists of the older generation Ya. Annanurov, Ye. Adamova, Y. Glyjov, A. Hajiyev, A. Kuliev, N. Dovodov, N. Khojamuhammedov, G. F. Babikov, I. Myagkov, N. T. Chervyakov, V. Ya. Pavloskiy are introducing new styles of art. Their creative commonalities are clearly revealed, i.e. adherence to realistic traditions, attention to the plot, clarity of projects, psychological character of the characters, interest in life themes, heroization of the characters, the use of colors is shown. Society's artistic attitude is always reflected in people's interests.

Unlike other forms of visual arts, the Turkmen nature is praised more highly in painting. In painting, one can stand closer to nature, interact and communicate with it. If you take a close look at this form of art, you will realize that it has a magic that affects the delicate emotions of a person. One type of nature painting is landscape painting. In the history of visual arts, landscape works began to appear in the 1930s. The first landscape works were focused on the beauty of the Kopetdag mountains and the horticulture and viticulture of the villages. Landscape painting has a stronger impact on human emotions. In his works, the artist poetically describes the environment that surrounds a person in its true form. Landscape painting also improved with the development of the era.

With the rise of industry after the 1950s, artists associated landscape with industrial achievements. Landscape painting vividly portrays the era in which it lived by showing the conditions of the day, time, and human labor in the works. Landscape painting, like other forms of painting, echoes the tone of its time.

Artist Y. Gylyjov's work titled «W dusty Karakum» (1953) captures the beauty of the Karakum desert, which is considered a precious treasure of Turkmen. In this work, Y. Glyzhov is rich in colors. Yellow and purple colors echo the bright hearts of the Turkmen people. The beauty of the desert is revealed in this work, and the presence of an active, porter creature in the center of the work, and the presence of a load behind it, wants to show that life in the desert is continuous. In this work, the artist reveals that man lives in connection with nature. Karakum is considered to be one of the oldest deserts. In this work, the artist portrays her youth, beauty, and beauty that is waiting to be seen. The artist has other works related to the Karakum desert. Those works are also distinguished by their beauty and richness of educational value.

Artist Y.Gylyjov's work «The Parthian Valley» (1996) artistically expresses the unique beauty of Turkmen nature. The work describes the continuity of life in the example of this season of nature by depicting a mother and a young man sitting on the edge of a field at the time of harvest in the fertile autumn season. He skillfully depicts the grape harvest placed in bowls, linking it to the fruit of life. This work, which represents the fruit of life, the continuity of the cycle, is expressed as a unique piece of music. The peaceful sky, the peaceful earth, the fertile soil, and the life span of the bright-faced hardworking people become a unique symphony in the harmony of colors. The color solution of the work falls on the central place, giving the work unique warmth.

Fig. 1. Diamond Mountains, 1960 60x100 cm., hemp, tempera «Diamond mountains» 1960 60 x 100 cm

Fig. 2. «Far Gate» 60x90 cm. «Dalnaya Zastava» 60 x 90 cm

In the work of the artist Y. Gylyjov, «Sunny Turkmen Girls» (2001), red and green colors decorate the work as if painted on canvas. Viewing the artwork from a distance reminds me of the beauty of the peacock. The red and green colors in all the gardens behind the dancing girls are amazing. The beauty of the dancing girls and the beauty of nature combine to form a grandeur. And excellence is a constant in our lives.

Artist Y. Glyjov said, «My people, who have experienced the turbulent history of the 20th century, are one of the most peaceful nations on earth. Turkmenistan is the homeland of my heroic people». He remembers his youth, which coincided with the shadowy era, and conveys the happiness of the present time in such lines. One of the scientists studying art evaluates Y. Glyjov's creation as «the art of happiness and beauty».

The main task in the art of painting is to capture nature in different ways artistically. Turkmen painters show the greatness of authenticity in their artistic heritage in their art. New generations are being formed in this field of painting in our stable state. In the works of young artists, the beauty of the Turkmen nature is highly praised. The landscape works encourage the youth to love and protect the motherland, the motherland. The number of landscape works is increasing day by day, and Turkmen nature is being captured by master artists in a new way. In his own words, academic artist Y. Glyjov said, “To be a good artist, you must have a good heart.


  1. O. Muhadova. Union of Artists of Turkmenistan 70 years.
  2. A. Alikhanov, J. Baltayeva. «History of Visual Arts of Eastern Countries». TDNG 2020
  3. N. Yagshymyradov «Processes of art criticism». TDNG 2010
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TDNG.

Ключевые слова

culture, national art, Turkmen art painting

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