Methods of division of numbers in mathematics | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Гурбанова, Б. Р. Methods of division of numbers in mathematics / Б. Р. Гурбанова, Н. Н. Атаев, О. О. Чарыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 16 (463). — С. 1-3. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: educational development, digital economy, mathematical operations.

During the revival of the new epoch of a stable state, with the great initiatives of the President, the fundamental reforms carried out in the direction of continuous improvement of the education system are leading to greater and greater success. In accordance with the state programs that are introduced in our life in the field of development of education at the international level, wide opportunities have been created for its further improvement. Development of education of digital economy is defined as one of the main directions of implementation of «Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019–2025". Accordingly, in order to strengthen the connection of education with science and industry, necessary specialties are opened in special secondary and higher education centers, attention is paid to finding new methods of training specialists. Curricula and corresponding textbooks are being modernized. The task of training highly educated young people in the field of information and communication technologies is becoming increasingly active.

Nowadays transition to a digital economy, higher educational institutions of our country attach great importance to the task of training specialists needed for all sectors of life.

Programmatic activities are being carried out for student youth to master modern knowledge and sciences and direct their creative work, industrial-innovative, information-technological, scientific researches in the interest of strengthening the base of the economy.

In order to provide comprehensive modern education to young people, modern equipment and technologies, innovative practices, advanced methods should be widely introduced into the educational process.

In our wonderful times, educational reforms are being successfully implemented. In this regard, the work of teachers in effectively organizing lessons is of great importance. He should be able to choose the most advanced method using modern means. Thus, students' worldview develops, and their enthusiasm for education increases.

Mathematics lesson also has a special place in developing students' calculation skills. Teaching it to students through a textbook or multimedia board is more effective, allowing students to master the lesson quickly.

For example, students are taught the topic «Divisible symbols of natural numbers by 10, 5, and 2" in a math lesson. When students are told a topic, it is more effective to explain it through examples on the multimedia board. When explaining a topic, I first read and explain the definition of the topic to the students on the multimedia board. This helps the students to actively participate in the class and listen enthusiastically.

When I introduce a new topic, I remind students about how to do division by numbers and give them a brief overview. For example, «Is 75,429 divisible by 3?" I ask the question. I am having a question and answer session with the students in this regard. Then I explain the solution to this problem. It is possible to determine that one number is divisible by another number without performing division. So let's give some examples to determine if a number is divisible or not:

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and so on are divisible by 10. To get the share, it is enough to write down the last 0 of those numbers.

13, 27, 83, 92, 127 etc. numbers are not divisible by 10. When these numbers are divided by 10, a remainder equal to the last zero in their notation is obtained. I am developing an example of this on the multimedia board. I am showing on the multimedia board how to divide 127 by 10 as mentioned in the textbooks. So when we divide 127 by 10, we get 12 and we have a remainder of 7.

Through this example, I explain to students that all natural numbers ending in 0 are divisible by 10. If the record of a natural number ends with a digit other than 0, then that number is not divisible by 10. In this case, the remainder is equal to the last zero of the number.

If we continue our lesson, I will give you an idea about the division of 10 numbers. So the number 10 is equal to 2 * 5, so 10 = 2 * 5. Using this example, explain to students that 10 is divisible by 2 and 5 without a remainder. It will also explain some examples given in the textbooks.

For example, 80=8*(2*5)=(8*2)*5=16*5, so 80:5=16. Also, since 80=8*(5*2)=(8*2)*2=40*2, we get 80:2=40.

Every natural number can be written as a sum of tens and ones.

For example, 346 = 340 + 6 or 1 743 = 1 740 + 3. Since numbers ending in 0 are divisible by 5, the number of units must be divisible by 5 to make the whole number divisible by 5. This is only possible if the number has 0 or 5 digits in the units digit.

If the subscript of a natural number ends with digits other than 0 and 5, then the number is not divisible by 5. I reinforce this definition given in the textbook with examples and show on the board that the numbers 770 and 675 are divisible by 5, and if you divide, there is a remainder.

I also give an idea about numbers that are divisible by 2 during the lesson and numbers that are divisible by 2 are called even numbers. Zero is also included in the numbers. 0 of certain numbers; 2; 4; The numbers 6 and 8 are even. 1; 3; 5; the numbers 7 and 9 are lucky. Accordingly, 0; 2; 4; 6; 8-digit pairs of digits, 1; 3; 5; The digits 7, 9 are called single digits.

Numbers ending in 0 are divisible by 2, that is, they are even. That is, a natural number is even when it is an even digit in the units register, and odd when it is an odd digit. If the entry of a natural number ends with an even digit, then the number is divisible by 2. If a natural number ends with a single digit, then the number is not divisible by 2. I also elaborate on this definition with some examples on the board. By working through examples, I get students to better understand the lesson. Also, practical example problems increase students' interest in mathematics. At the end of the lesson, we have a question and answer session, which helps students to check their understanding of the lesson.


  1. «Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019–2025».
  2. «Teachers' newspaper», 21.03.2022.
  3. «High mathematics test book» H.Ovezdurdiev, 2016y.

Ключевые слова

digital economy, educational development, mathematical operations

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