Independent work as one of the forms of organization of the educational process in teaching a foreign language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (464) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 28.04.2023

Статья просмотрена: 126 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Пайзуллаев, Ержан Нургалиулы. Independent work as one of the forms of organization of the educational process in teaching a foreign language / Ержан Нургалиулы Пайзуллаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 17 (464). — С. 123-127. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

This article analyzes the classification of types of independent work. The works of foreign and domestic authors are described. It is revealed that the system of formation of students' independent work skills is based on pedagogical and psychological characteristics, depends on the content, methods of organization of training and age-related psychological characteristics of students. Independent work of students in a foreign language is a type of educational activity in which a student has the opportunity to independently perform various actions.

Keywords: independent work, classification, foreign language, method, educational process.

In the Address to the people of Kazakhstan «The unity of the people and systemic reforms are a solid foundation for the country's prosperity» Head of State K. K. Tokayev noted that “for a modern Kazakhstani, the knowledge of three languages is a prerequisite for their own well-being” [1].

Currently, one of the main tasks of the school is the implementation of the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the stimulation of interest in language proficiency, the education of a diversified and competitive personality.

One of the most accessible and proven ways to increase the effectiveness of knowledge, to activate students in the classroom is the appropriate organization of independent study work.

In the practice of each teacher, responsible and difficult work is the organization of independent work and the management of independence. In the upbringing of students, one of the primary tasks is the development of independence skills.

The quality of knowledge, which consists in depth and strength, the skills of applying this knowledge in practice by students, to a large extent, depend on the formation of the ability to work independently.

The process of developing students' independence includes two closely related tasks. The first task is to develop students' independence in cognitive activity, teaching them to acquire knowledge on their own, to form their own worldview; the second task is to teach them to independently apply the existing knowledge in their studies and practical activities.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the independence of students in learning a foreign language is necessary in order to differentiate information, to highlight the most significant, so that in the future there will be no difficulty in generalizing and systematizing the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

During the study, methodological and theoretical literature was analyzed. According to many researchers who have devoted their activities to the problem of organizing independent work of schoolchildren, the concept of independent work is interpreted ambiguously.

Independent work as “The fulfillment of tasks by students without any help, but under the supervision of a teacher”, [2, p. 23] which, in case of difficulty, can proceed to collective exercises was characterized by R. M. Mickelson. Most often, this type of independent work was used by students when doing homework. But this definition has been criticized for the fact that the inner side of the independent work of students, which was expressed in the independence of thoughts and conclusions, is underestimated by the author.

N. G. Dairy, R. G. Lemberg tried to reveal the internal signs of independent work, depending on the structure of the cognitive activity of students in the learning process [3]. First of all, this refers to the manifestation of the independence of students in the performance of various exercises and tasks. This work is considered by these researchers as a means of forming the independence of students, a form of organizing their cognitive activity, which requires the manifestation of activity, creativity, and initiative in solving problems [4]. Work on the implementation of various tasks begins with the desire of students to show their activity. A prerequisite for it is the students' awareness of the purpose and meaning of the exercise.

G. M. Murtazin believes that independent work in the classroom is an active cognitive activity of all students in the class, which is carried out without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions and at the time specially allotted for this, while the results of independent and mental, and motor actions of schoolchildren are expressed in externally controlled forms.

He considers five signs of independent work:

  1. Performance on the instructions of the teacher;
  2. at a specially allotted time;
  3. All students work;
  4. Work is done without the participation of a teacher;
  5. Cognitive activity includes mental and motor actions [5].

Thus, according to this researcher, independent work in the classroom is an active cognitive activity of all students in the class, which is carried out without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions and at the time specially allotted for this, while the results of independent and mental, and motor actions of schoolchildren expressed in externally controlled forms. Although G. M. Murtazin gives a complete description of the independent work of students, but this researcher does not indicate its certain significance in the development of the independence of schoolchildren, and this is essential when organizing any kind of independent activity of students.

Researcher T. I. Shamova believes that independent work is a form of organizing the cognitive activity of students, and she also describes five features:

– The presence of a goal;

– A specific task;

– A clear form of expression of the result of the work;

– Determination of the form of verification of the result;

– Obligatory performance of work by each student [6].

This description does not indicate the guidance of the teacher, the importance of independent work in the development of independence, therefore, the listed signs cannot be considered complete.

According to the representative of the Estonian scientific school I. E. Unt independent work is such a way of learning activity, “when the student is given learning tasks and guidance for their implementation; the work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher, but without his participation, and its implementation requires mental stress from schoolchildren» [7, p. 112]. This researcher refers to the content and structure of the studied material as signs of independent work. In fact, the content of the material affects the methods of teaching, so they must be relevant to the material being studied.

The main criterion for independent work on the works of M. A. Danilov is the solution by students of cognitive tasks, problem situations. The task, in his opinion, «encourages students to work independently, serves as the starting point of their thought process» [8, p. 17]. New ways of solving by students are found on the basis of acquiring new and deepening old knowledge.

According to Yu.A. Samarin [9], the course of solving a cognitive task is determined by its content, methods of mental activity of the student and the system of knowledge available to him. Only the correct allocation of time to its individual stages, a clear formulation of the task in front of the students leads to success from the organization of independent work.

B. P. Esipov, engaged in the study of this problem, defined independent work as «such work that is performed without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions at a specially provided time; at the same time, students consciously strive for the goal set by the task, using their efforts and expressing the result of mental and physical actions» [10, p. 34]. Thus, in his opinion, independent work consists of the following features:

– the presence of a teacher's assignment, which are issued to students;

– availability of time for independent work;

– availability of the result in the form of written, oral and independent works;

– the need for mental and spiritual development and tension.

According to the works of P. I. Pidkasisty, it can be understood that in the definition of independent work, the creativity of the student and the unity of the procedural and logical-substantive aspects of independent activity should be mandatory components, which, in his opinion, are not sufficiently taken into account in educational practice, which leads to boring and monotonous student activity. According to this researcher, independent work is considered a means that in each specific situation of assimilation corresponds to a specific goal and task [11]. Engaged in the study of this problem, P. I. Pidkasisty, came to the conclusion that it is independent work that is the most important condition for self-organization and self-discipline in mastering the methods of cognitive activity. Independent work also develops the student's psychological attitude to independently replenish knowledge and develop the ability to navigate the flow of various information when solving different tasks.

In the works of A. I. Zimnaya, it is noted that the independent work of a student is the result of his properly organized educational activity in the classroom, which motivates its independent expansion, deepening and continuation in his spare time. This researcher interprets independent work»as purposeful, internally motivated structured by the object itself in the totality of the actions performed and corrected by it according to the process and result of the activity. Its implementation requires a sufficiently high level of self-awareness, reflexivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, gives the student satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-knowledge» [12, p. 152].

In the definition of A. I. Zimnaya, one can see, on the one hand, that the psychological determinants of independent work are taken into account: self-regulation, self-activation, self-organization, self-control, etc.

According to A. I. Zimnaya, the student's independent work is the result of his properly organized educational activity in the classroom, which motivates its independent expansion, deepening and continuation in his spare time. The task of the teacher is a clear awareness not only of his plan of educational actions, but also of his conscious formation among schoolchildren as a certain scheme for mastering an academic subject in the course of solving new educational tasks. In total, it can be understood that independent work is the employment of a student according to a program chosen by him from ready-made programs or a program developed by him for the assimilation of any material [13].

Also, independent work is defined as the highest type of educational activity that requires a student to have a sufficiently high level of self-awareness, reflexivity, self-discipline, responsibility, and gives the student satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-awareness.

The quality of teaching and independence in the cognitive activity of schoolchildren are important elements of the effectiveness of the educational process. These elements are very closely related, but independent work should be singled out as leading and activating forms of learning due to a number of circumstances [14].

Firstly, knowledge, skills, abilities, habits, beliefs, spirituality cannot be transferred from teacher to student in the same way as material objects are transferred. Secondly, the process of cognition aimed at identifying the essence and content of the studied subject is subject to strict laws that determine the sequence of cognition: familiarity, perception, processing, awareness, acceptance. Thirdly, if a person lives in a state of the highest intellectual tension, then he certainly changes, is formed as a person of high culture. It is independent work that develops a high culture of intellectual work.

From all that has been said earlier, it can be seen that independent work is the highest work of a student's educational activity and is a component of an integral pedagogical process, therefore, such functions as educational, educational, developing are inherent in it.

According to other researchers, independent work is not a form of organizing training sessions and a method of teaching. It is more considered as a means of involving students in independent cognitive activity, a means of its logical and psychological organization.

At the present stage, the main requirement for the school is the formation of a personality capable of possessing the following qualities:

– independently and creatively solve scientific and production tasks;

– think critically, develop and defend your point of view, views;

– regularly replenish your knowledge through self-education;

– improve skills and creatively apply them in reality. [15].

Researchers of this problem noted that students need to be provided with certain skills to organize the acquisition of knowledge, that is, to endow them with methods of scientific organization of intellectual labor, the ability to define a goal, choose the means to achieve it, develop a work plan for time. Systematic involvement of the student in independent activity, which acquires the character of problem-searching activity, is the key to the success of the formation of a holistic and harmonious personality.

Thus, independent work can be defined in a very wide range. In any relation of a person to the environment, in any form of its integral interaction with nature.

The goal set, realized by the student during independent work, acquires relevance and significance. The transition of the goal into the inner plane of the personality causes the motives of activity, which are:

– Need to increase your knowledge, learn new things, learn some skill;

– Desire to show independence, to do the task without anyone's help;

– Desire to test their knowledge and capabilities [16].

The best and proven way to improve the effectiveness of knowledge, increase the activity of students in the classroom is considered to be an adequate organization of independent work in studies. In the modern world of knowledge, including in the modern lesson, the organization of independent work acquires a special place, since only with personal independent activity the student obtains knowledge [17].

One of the statements of the best teachers is that students need to work independently, and the teacher should lead, control this independent activity, providing the necessary material.

Summarizing all of the above, it is possible to determine the main signs of independent work of students:

– the ability to plan their work, carry out tasks without any help from a teacher and evaluate the result of their work;

– on an ongoing basis, conducting self-monitoring of the results of their work, performing corrections and improving the ways of its implementation;

– determination of the task of cognition, the problem situation, contributing to the desire of students for independent intellectual activity;

– showing students independence and creative activity in solving cognitive tasks assigned to them;

– providing independent work with the material included in the tasks that contribute to the development of the student's personality as a whole, self-education and creativity.

Analyzing all possible approaches, the following definition can be taken as a basis: «Independent work is a type of educational activity in which students with a certain degree of independence, and if necessary, with partial guidance of the teacher, perform various kinds of tasks, making the necessary mental efforts and showing self–control and self-correction skills».

Another distinctive feature of independent activity is that evaluation activity is closely related to the actions of self-control, which is important in the processes of self-regulation [18].

Thus, the result is not always the completion of independent work. What are the completed exercises, solved tasks, completed essays, completed tables, constructed graphs, prepared answers to questions. Since the student comes to these results independently, their value and significance are more acutely realized compared to those obtained in joint activities.

According to the research of G. V. Rogova, five requirements for the development of independent work in the study of a foreign language are determined:

  1. Understanding the purpose of the work performed, the chosen exercise — the use of the principle of consciousness in the organization of independent work of schoolchildren;
  2. Ability to perform tasks;
  3. Skills in using learning tools, such as sound recording, educational didactic material for pair work, etc.;
  4. Ability of the student to see in the tasks the supports that are necessary to overcome difficulties in the course of independent activity;
  5. Providing a suitable place for successful independent performance of tasks in the classroom, at home or in the language lab, that is, adequate didactic conditions. Of no small importance is the choice of organizational forms for performing a specific type of independent tasks — homework, individual independent work in the classroom, which can manifest itself in two ways:

a) one common task for all students;

b) individual tasks, depending on the capabilities of the student [19].

According to the works of T. E. Sakharova, such levels of independent work can be distinguished as: reproducing, semi-creative and creative.

1. Reproducing level of independent work [20].

The assimilation of the new begins with this base. A student in the course of independent reproduction, for example, when reading behind a speaker, copying from a textbook, «passing through» new material occurs.

2. Semi-creative level of independent work.

This level follows and follows from the reproducing level. At this level, the transfer of already acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to similar situations is carried out, in particular, reading words, phrases, sentences and texts without a standard set by the speaker.

3. Creative level of independent work.

The difference between this level is that when doing independent work, more mental work is required from the person performing it, independent work itself is associated with operations such as substitution, expansion.

The teacher selects and dissects the material for independent work properly, designates the specific purpose of mastering the development of skills and abilities in relation to this portion of the material, he points to the appropriate source of information that students can use while working independently, and, finally, equips students with the necessary tools, thanks to which independent work proceeds successfully and the methodology is gradually being formed students. At the same time, the teacher himself remains, as it were, behind the “curtain”, which allows students to feel like true subjects of teaching.

Investigating this problem, we can come to the conclusion that in independent work a huge role is given to memos, leading questions, keys for self-checking. The content and technology of teaching (principles, methods, means and organization of teaching) are decisive in achieving the goal of teaching a foreign language at school. An important advantage of independent work is the individual character that causes the activity of students. Independent work is possible in various organizational forms: individually, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class.

There are basic requirements for the development of independent activity of students:

— It is necessary to realize the purpose of the activity performed a specific exercise;

– Know the procedure for completing tasks; –Be able to use learning tools: sound recording, educational didactic material for pair work;

– Be able to see the supports in the material of tasks.

– To prepare adequate didactic conditions for the successful completion of independent tasks.

It is necessary to take into account the question of the time that should be spent on independent work in order to obtain positive results.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IYASH.

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