Effective language teaching methods using economic terms | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Effective language teaching methods using economic terms / Б. К. Дурдыев, М. А. Гафурова, Алтынджемал Талыпова [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 17 (464). — С. 95-96. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/464/102038/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: economic terms, easy methods of language teaching.

The main goal of the President's policy is to transform our country into a developed state and to make our beloved people live a more dignified life. The world-class reforms that are being implemented in our country under the wise leadership are aimed at socio-economic development of our country, increasing its capacity, and improving the well-being of our people.

The development of every country also depends on a perfect scientific and educational system. It is impossible to imagine a perfect society without educated, scientific and educated people. This is first of all a sign of trust in young people. Youth is a great strategic and creative force of the state. It is the demand of the time for young people to have perfect skills, to be able to compete with the youth of any country in all aspects, and to have a creative approach to every job. In today's era of social development, the demands of modern thinking, capable, and creative professionals are increasing. The need for a professional's creative activity, advanced thinking, the ability to create, evaluate and innovate is increasing. The solution to these problems mainly depends on the methodology and content of training future specialists. In this context, large-scale work is being carried out in the education system of our country in order to receive modern education and upbringing of our youth, to create a spiritually rich and healthy generation.

Every person involved in the upbringing of the offspring, which is considered the most urgent problem at all times, requires a high level of responsibility, determination, a very thoughtful and intelligent approach.

The President's opening of economic relations with the developed countries of the world shows the necessity of English language as a means of communication.

Because the importance and value of learning and mastering foreign languages ​​is high in the development of comprehensive political and economic relations between peoples and states, in their mutual understanding and exchange of ideas.

The President emphasized the need for harmonious development of all systems in raising the economy of the country. In this regard, language is also one of the main means for these developments to reach high levels.

A lexicon of terms has evolved with the development of society. Its development was directly related to the development of society. Social development is new things in nature and society: phenomena, situations are discovered, thinking develops, people's practical work expands. Such things have led to the separation of specific branches of science from the general system of education. Each branch of science is based on a specific set of scientific concepts. Scientific concepts are systematized and verbalized. And the words (more precisely, terms) that represent those systematic scientific concepts make up the lexicon of terms. Terms can consist of a single word or a phrase.

The lexicon of terms is organized according to the literary language. It is built on the basis of each language's own morphemes (e.g., most English words derive from Greek and Latin morphemes). In this way it differs from dialect lexicon.

Different terms are used not only in one branch of life science, but also in several branches. But in such a case, they do not mean the same thing in science, but different meanings.

As a result of the developments and changes that take place in human society and human life, the vocabulary of the language changes, develops, becomes richer, improves the meaning of words increases, and the ability to interpret meaning increases. Developments in economics lead to the introduction of new terms. Developing an explanatory dictionary of old and emerging economic terms in English, especially for students of finance and economics, is one of the important tasks.

In today's era of social development, the demands of modern thinking, capable, and creative professionals are increasing. The need for a professional's creative activity, advanced thinking, the ability to create, evaluate and innovate is increasing. The solution to these problems mainly depends on the methodology and content of training future specialists.

The main goal of providing vocational education is to prepare a perfect professional who meets the requirements of the time, is competitive in the labor market, and can work effectively in his profession. The basis of the education received should be not only academic subjects, but also the ability to think and act. Not only to train a high-level professional, but also to actively participate in the creation of new technologies during the training period, to adapt to the conditions of a competitive industrial environment, and to form an innovative individual who can successfully perform the role of a manager.

The traditional system of language teaching cannot fully meet the modern demands of society's development. Therefore, there is a need to develop new innovative teaching technologies. Innovative methodologies are characterized by a new way of organizing students' educational work, which changes the methods of explaining and teaching knowledge, as well as the types of their acquisition. The purpose of such methodologies is to activate, strengthen and accelerate cognitive processes. Innovative education necessarily involves students' involvement in scientific-cognitive work, collective forms of work, and mutual exchange of ideas. Innovative technologies contribute to one of the main goals of teaching English — the development of the individual's communicative abilities, that is, it allows to move from learning the language as a systemic structure to learning it as a means of communication and thinking, and to bring the educational and cognitive work to the productive-creative level.

Vocational foreign language learning, especially English, is an integral part of economics students' education. The teacher's goal is, in particular, to encourage students to engage in creative, interactive, and professional conversation both in class and in independent work.

When teaching English, the teacher's main learning objectives are to develop students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The results of mastering English not only as a subject, but also as a medium of communication, in creative extracurricular activities and in real speaking situations for understanding or explaining English, are huge.


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  3. Kurbanov A. Independent work of students in the process

Ключевые слова

economic terms, easy methods of language teaching

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