Methods of teaching English language with innovation system in higher educational institutions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (464) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 01.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хансахедова, М. Б. Methods of teaching English language with innovation system in higher educational institutions / М. Б. Хансахедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 17 (464). — С. 135-136. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: education, innovation, scientific progress, teaching.

The position of our country is to pay much attention to teaching the younger generation foreign languages and creates favorable conditions for those who want to learn foreign languages.

Nowadays, in the secondary school of the country, foreign languages are taught using an advanced computer, internet, new technologies, and multimedia tools, include, in all territorial units of Turkmenistan. It should be noted that the teaching of foreign languages such as English and Russian in Turkmenistan, begins pre-school institutions.

Today, with help of our Esteemed President dozens of languages are studied not only in secondary schools but also in higher educational institutions to achieve the best results in foreign language skills. Knowing the English language we can increase export and import from foreign countries, develop our art culture. Also, the English language is the official language of the UN. Any international documents will be understood and read by representatives of different nations if they are written in English. This language has become the international language of communication. The necessity of implementation of new information technologies in all sphere of human life is more and more obvious. It is difficult to imagine our life without a computer or without other technologies. These are having become a very important part of our modern life. The world of informatics speaks in the English language. Milliard sites of the internet are also in English. Mastering of modern computers types of equipment and especially the Internet is also in English.

Students know that English plays a great role in education and their future career. That is why we teachers can use all opportunity including modern technology for teaching English. The relevance of learning English can also be explained by the rapid development of technology. Every year, experts from around the world create new inventions. They are given names that are most often English-speaking. Surprisingly, the words familiar to us, also like a laptop, computer, scanner, mobile, and more others, came to the speech from English.

With the development of the digital economy in our country, the existing market-based business models are overwhelming the cardinal transformation. We advocate an era in which the digital economy has a wide influence on the entire social and economic system of the state and effects every aspect of modern life. The development of the digital system in teaching provided our life through modern technologies.

Today’s modern world, technology has an ever-changing effect on many things and this includes English language learning and teaching.

Technology has gained a more prominent place in classrooms in recent times and is of particular use to blended teachers. Blended teaching or learning is a formal education method whereby content is partly delivered through digital and online media. While students still attend “brick-and-mortar” lessons i. e. in a building with a teacher present these are combined with technology-aided activities. The importance of the use of technology in education has been highlighted launch. This is a strategic purpose that has been set up to accelerate the growth of Turkmenistan’s education technology. Apart from it, teachers of foreign languages need to employ innovative ideas in their teaching because in our country most of the young generation learn English as a second language. When we discuss innovation, we often immediately think of the internet and what we can now do online. For learners, more and more English language apps and learning games appear every month. And for learners keen to practice their conversational skills, there are dedicated websites to help them do that. The list of digital platforms extensive and growing all time. The advent of the internet and the growth of social media have certainly allowed teachers of English from all over the world to form online communities that act as a huge global staff room.

A recent report predicts that the demand for learning English is likely to fuel the growth of the software market for English language learning and development. This software can combine verbal and visual learning, streamline processes and motivate more learners to collaborate. Learner’s Dictionary, which is now available as an iPhone/iPod app: it’s the most up-to-date dictionary and now includes an integrated thesaurus.

Another new piece of technology catching people’s attention is a translation earpiece that can deliver highly accurate results instantly. Real-time translation is being addressed by all the major tech companies, including Google, Microsoft, and Apple, but the first to launch a translation earpiece is Waverly Labs. Using a combination of speech recognition, machine translation, and voice synthesis, the Pilot takes the spoken words of one language and translates them into another one. It consists of two earpieces and an app that integrates with a smartphone to begin translating as soon as the conversation begins. With a delay of only a couple of seconds, this real-time translation earpiece enables users to conduct a conversation in the language they have selected. Waverly Labs readily admits that machine translation is not made mistakes, but with increased usage the translation perfect and sometimes engine improves its accuracy.

Online tools that can perform online assessment and monitor student progress are also popular. Students can know their performance by evaluating themselves on the four skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking and then gather feedback so that they can improve on their weaker areas.

Every teacher has own methods of teaching. Here is showed some easy way how to teach English in general forms.

  1. Keep an electron diary in English. Aside from reading and listening comprehension, you should also spend some times working on your written English.
  2. • This may be one of the most difficult aspects of your language learning, but it is important nevertheless. Printing in English will help you to work on your sentences structure, grammar, and spelling

– Try keeping an English diary in which you print down sentences every day. It doesn’t have to be deeply personal- you could print about the weather, what you ate for dinner or what your plans are for the day.

  1. Read an English book, newspaper or magazine. Reading is an essential part of learning a new language. You could give reading skills a booster here- but your speaking skills can benefit, too. The more you read English text to yourself the more confidence you will have. It is also enjoyable to read some wonderful stories or

– You can find something you are really interested in whether that’s a famous English novel, The New York Times or a fashion magazine and start working your way through it. If you find the content boring, you will less be inclined to preserve with it.

– Again, make an active effort to actually understand what you’re reading, don’t just skim over them. Highlight any words or phrases that you don’t understand, and then look them up in the dictionary.

– If you are alone, you could also try reading loud- this will allow you to improve your reading comprehension while also working on your pronunciation.


  1. “Bilim” magazine, № 6 (60)2020y.
  2. Newspaper “Mugallymlar”, 10.04.2023y.

Ключевые слова

Innovation, teaching, education, scientific progress

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