Teaching economics to the younger generation in mathematics classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Дурдыев, Б. К. Teaching economics to the younger generation in mathematics classes / Б. К. Дурдыев, П. А. Мукымов, А. Х. Гылыджов, Рустемгельды Ходжаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 18 (465). — С. 238-239. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/465/102146/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: education and science system, easy way to teach math to young people.

In our prosperous times, educational reforms are being successfully implemented. In this regard, the work of teachers in effectively organizing lessons is of great importance. Students' has worldview develops, and their enthusiasm for education increases.

One of the main concerns of the President of Turkmenistan is to raise the education and science system of the state of Turkmenistan to the world level, to create all the conditions for the harmonious development of young people, and the expansion of their worldviews.

As shown by the international experience of economic and cultural development, it is important to solve economic problems thoughtfully.

Economic understanding is a key component of scientific outlook. It provides an understanding of the life of the society from an economic point of view, and includes the concept of market economy, knowledge of the rules of the methods of increasing production, changing its composition, improving industrial relations, and managing the economy. Its main goal is to find ways to increase labor productivity, to achieve high-quality production results at low costs.

Economic education is a pedagogically organized system of special activities aimed at forming students' economic understanding. Economic education develops thinking in that field, moral and entrepreneurial qualities in the economy (collective initiative, initiative thinking, the right attitude towards entrepreneurial property, responsibility, updating technological processes and equipment, achieving high results, striving for development, personal excellence and well-being). Leads to

Economic laws are strict, and they do not allow forgiveness in case of actions that are not good for people, the state, and all aspects of the economy. It is very important to use knowledge wisely and direct it in the direction where it will be most important. It stimulates the ability of people to make independent decisions in economic education, and influences them to act constructively and to be goal-oriented.

The main indicator of economic education is the attitude towards money, its neglect is aimed at teaching skills such as earning money and spending it wisely, counting, valuing assets according to their material value, determining the value of money, being thrifty, sharing, repaying debt, protecting one's money.. The methods of educating young people economically are many and varied. One of those methods is to solve problems related to economics in the lessons.

In this article, we focus on the solutions of the problems that are solved for the purpose of providing economic education in the analytical geometry section of the mathematics course in the training schools of economic experts.

1. The cost of production to produce 100 copies of a certain product is 300 mana and to produce 500 copies it is 600 mana. If the cost function is linear, then we need to calculate the production costs to produce 400 units.

Solution: Given two points of a straight line:

M1 (100;300), M2 (500;600). Using the formula for a straight line passing through two points:

(x — x1) / (x2 –x1) = (y — y1) / (y2 — y1)

(x 100) / (500 -100) = (y — 300) / (600–300)

300(x 100) = 400(y — 300);

400y — 120000 = 300x -30000;

400y = 300x + 90000;

y = 3/4x + 225

we will

If x = 400, then y = 3/4 * 400 + 225 = 525, or the cost of producing 400 copies of the product will be 525 manats.

2. The costs for two types of freight are given by the functions y = 150 + 50 x and y = 250 + 25 x. Here, x is the cost of transporting the cargo for a distance of 100 km, and y is the transportation cost in currency units. From what distance would it be cost-effective to use a second vehicle?


{y = 150 + 50x,

{y = 250 + 25x

Depreciation for equipment purchased by a business can be calculated in a number of ways. A linear structure is one of its simplest forms. Using it, the cost of production can be calculated by dividing the cost of purchased equipment into equal parts. If the initial cost of the equipment is P, the residual value is S, and the useful life T is known, then the annual depreciation value is

α = (P − S)/T

is calculated using the formula

The value of the device after t years of use

V = P — [(P — S) / T] t = P — at

Calculated by formula.

When x units of any product are produced, the total cost of production is C(x) = F+V.


  1. F — fixed costs.
  2. V — variable costs.

F is a fixed cost that does not depend on how many units of the product are produced. Examples include depreciation, house rent, loan interest, etc.

Solving economic-related problems in math classes for students who want to become economists helps them get acquainted with economic laws and learn to solve problems they will encounter in life and in their future professions. This, the President believes, will increase the interest of our youth, who should develop our country economically in the future, in mathematics lessons, and at the same time, it will help them to find more positive solutions to the problems they encounter in their professions.


  1. Journal of Finance and Economics. 2018
  2. Science Method Journal. 2020

Ключевые слова

education and science system, easy way to teach math to young people

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