Description of nature in Magtymguly’s poetry with the usage of personification | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №18 (465) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 06.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Максадова, М. М. Description of nature in Magtymguly’s poetry with the usage of personification / М. М. Максадова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 18 (465). — С. 215-217. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Article is devoted to the description of nature in Magtymguly’s poetry with the usage of personification. Studying the rich and valuable literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy, which is part of the golden treasury of world literature. This article analyzes description of the nature through several devices and harmony of nature with mankind. The poet’s philosophical views become the eloquence of the poet. Admiring the beauty of the beloved land enriches the thoughts of the great thinker and gives deep meaning to his views. Poet describes living beauty of nature figuratively giving emotional character like using personification or symbolism. In nature, he skillfully praises the mighty Turkmen mountains for their magnificence.

Key words: literature, poet, poem, line, nature, mountain, description, personification, literary device.

Currently, preparations for the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy have been widely spread. Magtymguly Pyragy’s wonderful poems are precious treasure in studying the national heritage. Poet’s creative works contain the riches of the Turkmen language and literature. The great thinker Magtymguly raised his native language and literarture to a new height through his creative legacy. Highly appreciating the creativity of great poet, who made a huge contribution to the enrichment of the Turkmen literary language. Reading his poem’s one can realize language of people, ideas and issues of the time and future and harmony with people. Great poet’s poems are also distinguished by their familiarity to the language of folk, which is rich in literary devices such as similes, comparisons, metaphors, personifications and others. These devices help readers imagine perfectly the idea and moral of the poem. One should learn from Magtymguly’s poems how to use literary devices skillfully as a master of eloquence using words with different colours of stylistic purposes.

The poet's creativity is based on concepts such as humanity, morality, and beauty with the way of their perfection. It originates from the Turkmen spirit, culture and nature of the Turkmen prompting the conclusion that gives Humanity is inextricably linked with nature. Nature’s beauty is depicted with literary devices in the poems frequently.

Conceivably, nature left an immense impression on poet’s early сhildhood to understand the natural phenomena. When his divine genius sharpened, he saw the steppes, plains, mountains, rivers, valleys, deserts of his birthplace. Its uniqueness of rich fauna and flora the source impact of patriotism.

That's it from the point of view, it has a special place in the poet's creativity the philosophy of nature permeates through the views of life and patriotism.

Reading the poet's poems carefully and looking at them from a scientific point of view, as the poet has said, it falls to the people who swim in the world of science. In Pyragy's poems, all themes are interwoven with each other. The poet's poems contain various similes related to mountain beauty and mountains

In the Turkmen folk legend “The Beauty of Beautiful Nature” it is mentioned that Magtymguly Pyragy was the devotee of beauty of nature. He would go to the mountains, steppes of his country and write various poems. The beauty of the nature of the Motherland is described in those poems. In his poems, mountains have a concrete character, a real and symbolic character. In his poems, mountains are the soul mate who share sorrow and joy of man, and at the same time express their strength, endurance, wisdom, beauty and reliability. Let's take a look at some of them. For example, “The Hasar Mounatins” [1, pg.66]

The Hasar Mountains are high,

Their slopes are full of antelopes,

Hunters will find plenty of game there,

If they go to the Hasar Mountains.

The Hasar Mountains have their own paths,

He, who sees them will admire;

You can see the most beautiful women,

If you take a walk in the Hasar Mountains.

A mountain is the sultan of the earth,

It has created a treasury within its slopes,

One should know, the land of three hundred

And sixty saints is in the Hasar Mountains.

Nomads settled down there,

The snakes are in their service,

Everything grows in its valleys,

For those who look for it in the mountains.

The lions and tigers roam there,

Wild mountain deers stealthily looking,

It is difficult to reach its top,

Even if you climb the Hasar Mountains sweating.

Magtymguly says that these mountains

Have been burnt by the fire of love,

If you are in love you will enjoy your time,

Staying in the Hasar Mountains.

In this way, the poet praises the great beauty of the Hasar mountain located in the Balkan region of our Turkmenistan. Thus, the mountains appear as the ruler of this Earth. Magtymguly Pyragy continues this idea in the lines of the poem “Sonu Dag” [1, 68]

Sonu Dag, you are our life,

Ash trees make up your green belt…

Other lines of the poem also describes the nature’s gifts to mankind and personification is used in the lines “red flowers will cheer you up”:

Amazing hills will stretch one after another,

The hills covered with wild red flowers will cheer you up,

All various cattle will drink,

Cool water from your spring there.

In the same poem, “Sonu Dag” the poet praises the nature of the dear Motherland and its beauty in the lines of the poem. The meaning of the poem is not only related to nature, but also describes the people living in it, the caravan routes, settlement and the people of the beautiful places.

The vegetation growing there is diverse,

Each settlement will have its own valley,

The caravans will pass one after another,

You are on the path to Naybadai.

In scientific point of view, poet’s skills of depiction can be seen in the content of the poem. Here the harmony of nature and human life is mentioned again as well. Each event passes through the sharp eyes of the master of the words become highly artistic. Personification similes also used to describe natural phenomena.

Personification — is a kind of metaphor. It is representation of inanimate objects, phenomena or abstract ideas as living beings. [3, pg. 307]

If only old mountains bow their heads to let us cross,

If the morning wind comes and takes my wishes to my beloved. [1, pg. 100]

The lines of poem “Foundation of the Turkmen” [1, pg.16] describe the symbolism of mountains using personification. Here in the description human quality is given to mountains, where the lines with “mountains will learn”

Mountains will learn from it, its armies stand in rows…

In the lines “See what there is in it” [1, pg.111] describes mountains that they never get old, die or get lost. Getting old or aging, or passing away, losing the way is to human:

Haze round their peaks will not disperse,

It won’t turn to fall on to the ground with the time passing,

They will never age, nor die, nor get lost,

We can see the Gorganly Mountains.

The love to life, nature, Motherland begins in native land with its wide deserts, mountains and plains. Nature and its wonderful world, the inseparable connection of man since ancient times also described in the lines of poem “See what there is in it” [1, pg.111]

The Creator created everything from nothing,

Mountains exist from long ago,

When asked they will tell you about Noah,

We can see ancient games as well.

Magtymguly’s landscape poetry up to that time romantic in nature. Poet had a different, realistic nature describing the environment artistically. In his poetry, we see the true beauty of living nature.

The beauty of Magtymguly’s poetry is that it consists endless ways to convey meaning to the world as beauty of nature. With his poems, readers can imagine and feel with the help of personification of natural phenomena from the lines and it enriches the language.

Masterfully depicting the reality of Turkmen nature and its beautiful world, Magtymguly expresses the most delicate feelings of the human soul.


  1. Magtymguly poems from Turkmenistan. — Ashgabat, 2014.
  2. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. I jilt. — Aşgabat: Türkmenistanyň Ylymlar akademiýasynyň Milli golýazmalar instituty, 2012
  3. Galperin I. R., Stylistics — Moscow, second edition, 1977.

Ключевые слова

literature, poet, nature, poem, line, mountain, description, personification, literary device

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