Meat qualities of bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Meat qualities of bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed / Б. Ж. Кожебаев, Б. С. Ахметова, Л. С. Курмангали [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 19 (466). — С. 638-640. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In the article the author conducted a comparative study of meat productivity indicators of 18-month-old Kazakh white-headed cattle bulls, depending on their body type.

Keywords : Kazakh white-headed breed, live weight, slaughter indicators.

A more objective price for meat can be called only after the animal is slaughtered. After slaughter, the carcass mass, fat, carcass yield, slaughter weight, and slaughter yield, meat offal, the volume of meat, bones, tendons, the cartilage in the carcass, the chemical composition of the average sample of meat, biological and energy value of the product.

The meat productivity of farm animals, especially cattle, depends on many factors, mainly breed, sex, age, feeding, and keeping conditions.

In order to determine the productivity, and quality of meat of bulls entered into practice, the feed protein conversion coefficient (FPCC) and energy (FECC), at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, three heads of bulls from each group were evaluated control meat according to the methods of VASKHNIL, VIZH, and VNIIMP (1977). The quality of animal meat was assessed according to the VNIIMSA method (1984) depending on their weight before slaughter, meat weight, slaughter yield, omentum amount, and bone weight.

Beef is very nutritious and tasty, so it is widely used for cooking various dishes. The meat of meat breeds is especially highly valued, their meat is considered especially tasty. Beef differs from the meat of other farm animals in the ratio of protein and fat in the meat. Its meat is low in cholesterol, while pork and lamb are high in cholesterol. Another special property of beef is that it is rich in amino acids (arginine, myosin, tryptophan, histidine, tyrosine, cystine, etc.), fatty acids, various minerals, extractives and other substances. On average, the digestion and absorption of beef meat reach 95 %. The morphological and chemical composition of beef is directly dependent on the breed, age, and condition.

There is a relationship between the weight of the calf at birth and its further growth. Young calves are affected by the external environment. The influence of the age of the animal on its well-being is due to the variety of maturation of various tissues in the body, and changes in its chemical composition.

As it grows, the first slaughter yield of calves changes. Until the first six months, the slaughter yield is low. Then it goes up and down again as it gets older.

Muscle growth continues until the sexual characteristics of the animal mature. This period for precocious breeds is up to 1.5–2 years. The increase in muscle mass occurs due to the stretching and thickening of its fibers and the fat wraps fibers.

A very intense period of muscle growth is the 6–9 month period of the calf. Then muscle growth slows down and rises again at the age of 18 months.

As the age of the animal increases, the quality of the muscles also changes. From birth to 18 months of age, the muscles decrease in moisture, the amount of dry matter increases, and the proportion of fat and protein increases.

The quality of the fat is also changing. The amount of moisture and protein in it decreases, and the percentage of fat increases. The ability to compensate for the extra weight also depends on them. For example, a three—month—old calf consumes 4.5 feed units per kilogram for excess weight, and adult cows — have 9.5 feed units [2].

Therefore, for the production of abundant high-quality meat, it is necessary to know the biological characteristics of young animals and use them effectively.

To grow a large and weighty 18–20-month-old cattle, it is necessary to grow it intensively from the day of calving. Intensive feeding can justify itself from an economic point of view. Insufficient feeding of the calf before the age of one year leads to the fact that it turns into a lean animal without developed muscles. Livestock in such a condition will not gain weight even in subsequent periods of growth.

Live weight, slaughter weight, slaughter yield, and the amount of meat are important indicators of beef cattle.

In this regard, the research was carried out on the farm «Kalikhanuly» of the Abay region. In order to study the effect of body type on meat productivity, the animals were divided into three groups according to a comprehensive assessment of body types: group I with a score of 90–95 points (excellent), group II with 85–89 points (good +) and III — in the group from 80 to 84 points (good). Each group included (n) three 2-year-old bulls.

Slaughter indicators of bulls of the same type of bulls obtained from sires divided into groups depending on the body types used in the experiment were determined (Table 1).

Table 1

Slaughter rates of 18-month-old bulls, n-3

Meatiness indicators





Live weight, kg




Slaughter weight, kg




Body weight, kg




Raw meat, kg




Bone, kg




Beef suet, kg




As the results of the table show, the meat indicators of bulls in each group were determined. According to it, the meatiness indicators of experimental bulls of groups I and II were similar. And the slaughter yield was the same in all groups, 53 %. According to the results of the study, the 18-month-old bulls with mature meat qualities had good overall indicators depending on the body type. Group I and II bulls differed according to body type groups, but did not differ in terms of slaughter performance, only group I bulls had 1.8 kg more fat accumulation. And the slaughter performance of the bulls in the III group was somewhat lower compared to the other two groups. This shows that there is a correlation with live weight. In general, the meat performance of all three groups of bulls meets the requirements of that breed.

Determining these indicators of meatiness, the chemical composition of meat was studied in the regional scientific laboratory of the engineering profile «Scientific Center of Radioecological Research» of Shakarim University of Semey (Table 2).

Table 2

Chemical indicators of meat of 18-month-old bulls (n-3)

Chemical indicators

Percent (%)





















In terms of chemical composition, meat quality is very good, and the percentages of phosphorus and potassium are high compared to other elements.

In conclusion, according to the body type of male castles of the Kazakh white-headed breed, the indicators of the meat of 18-month-old bulls of the excellent and good+ groups were approximately the same, and the slaughter yield was 53 % in the entire group.


1 Kalashnikov A. P. Handbook of zootechnics: textbook — Moscow. — 2013. — P.136–144.

2 Korabaev Zh.Z., Gabdullin P. R., Kamzin E. S. Breeding and productive qualities of cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed in the conditions of the peasant farm «Nur» Semey East Kazakhstan Region // Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan, 2014, No. 5.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III, FECC, FPCC, VASKHNIL, VIZH, VNIIMP, VNIIMSA.

Ключевые слова

Kazakh white-headed breed, live weight, slaughter indicators

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