Influence of diverse rations on increasing milk productivity and milk quality | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Толеуова, Д. Е. Influence of diverse rations on increasing milk productivity and milk quality / Д. Е. Толеуова, Н. С. Кабдрахман, К. Х. Нуржанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 19 (466). — С. 644-647. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article presents data on determining the impact of different types of rations, compiled according to detailed norms, on increasing milk productivity and the quality of milk of dairy cows in a peasant economy.

Keywords: ration, breed, milk production, types of feeding.

In order to determine the effect of different types of rations, compiled according to detailed norms, on increasing milk productivity and the quality of milk of dairy cows of the Black-and-White breed, we conducted a scientific and economic experiment in the conditions of the Kalikanuly peasant farm in the Beskaragai district of the Abai region. Two groups of 45 goals each were formed according to the principle of pairs of analogues. When forming groups, such indicators as milk productivity, age, calving period, daily milk yield, live weight were taken into account. The average live weight of animals in both groups was approximately the same. The ration of cows in the control group was silage-hay-concentrate, while in the experimental group the ration was haylage-hay-concentrate.

To study the chemical composition and quality of milk from cows, we took average samples of milk. In the milk of cows, the percentage of fat, protein, somatic cells was determined, the density of milk was determined using Klever 2M and Somatos mini devices.

In terms of overall nutritional value, the rations of both groups were approximately the same. Dairy cows were fed on the farm twice a day, watering from automatic drinking bowls was ad libitum, the animals were kept tethered, the duration of the experiment was 90 days. Feed intake by experimental animals during the experiment period is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Feed consumption for the period of experience in experimental cows


group of animals



silage, f.u.



haylage, f.u.



hay, f.u.



concentrates, f.u.



The main indicator of the productivity of cattle is the quantity and quality of milk received from a cow for a certain period of time. Quantitative indicators of milk productivity of dairy cows of the studied farms are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

The main indicators of milk production in experimental animals


group of animals



milk production during the experiment period, kg



average daily milk yield, kg



spent on 1 kg of milk, f.u.



spent on 1 kg of milk, digestible protein



The indicators of milk productivity of dairy cows, which are presented in Table 2, indicate that the milk yield in cows fed a ration dominated by corn silage was 10,41 kg per day, and in cows fed haylage — hay — a concentrated ration, milk yield was 15,45 kg, that is, 32,62 percent more. In cows of the experimental group, 64,01 g less digestible protein was consumed for the production of one kg of milk, compared to animals in the control group.

At the end of the experiment, the calculation of the feed consumed by animals for the production of one kg of milk was carried out. It was found that cows receiving a hay-hay-concentrate ration for the production of one kg of milk spent 0,80 feed units, and in animals receiving a silo-hay-concentrate ration, it was 0.86 feed units, that is, the efficiency of using the nutrient content of the ration for the production of one kg of milk in the cows of the experimental group was 6.98 percent higher than in the animals of the control group.

The selected samples of milk during the control milking of cows were transported to the dairy laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and Bioresources, where the analysis of the chemical composition of the milk of experimental cows was carried out. Table 3 shows data that indicate that the percentage of protein in milk in cows treated with silage-hay-concentrate ration was 3,44, and in cows treated with haylage-hay-concentrate ration, the percentage of protein was 3,88. In terms of dry matter in the cows of the control group, it was 12,36 percent, and in the cows of the experimental group, this figure was 12,51 percent. The chemical composition of the milk of experimental animals is presented in Table 3.

Table 3

The chemical composition of the milk of experimental animals

Type of feeding

Dry matter



silage — hay — concentrate

12,36 %

3,68 %

3,44 %

haylage — hay — concentrate

12,51 %

3,79 %

3,88 %

Analyzing the chemical composition of animal milk, shown in Table 3, it was found that cows that consumed haylage — hay — concentrated ration have higher dry matter indicators by 0,15 percent, fat — by 0,11, protein — by 0,44 percent than cows consuming silage-hay-concentrate ration.

The presence of a large number of somatic cells in the composition of milk indicates violations of the conditions for feeding and keeping cows, a violation of the health of the animal. Data on the viscosity and density of milk are presented in table 4.

Table 4

Milk composition by density and somatic cells

Type of feeding


somatic cells

silage — hay — concentrate

26,14 A

216,41 thousand / cm 3

haylage — hay — concentrate

27,25 A

157,34 thousand / cm 3

The data in Table 4 indicate a significant density of milk with a difference of 1,11 A. The milk of cows that consumed haylage-hay-concentrate ration is slightly denser than milk of cows that consumed silage-hay-concentrate ration. In terms of the number of somatic cells, the milk of cows that consumed haylage — hay — a concentrated ration is inferior to the milk of cows that consumed silage — hay — a concentrated ration by 59,07 thousand / cm 3 , which indicates a purer composition of milk and a healthier environment in the economy and in barn.

Thus, it can be noted that feeding black-and-white cows with silage-hay-concentrate and haylage-hay-concentrate rations makes it possible to obtain daily milk yield in animals in the range of 10,41–15,45 kg, with a fat content in milk of 3,68–3,79 percent, with the cost of producing one kg of milk 0,80–0,86 feed units. At the same time, the haylage-hay-concentrate type of feeding in dairy cows is more effective. In cows consuming haylage — hay — concentrated ration in milk, a higher content of fat, protein, and a lower content of somatic cells was noted.


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2. Nusupov, A.M, Sambetbaev, A.A, Kozhebaev, B.Z, Nurzhanova, K.H, Gorelik, O.V A comparison of the milk yield and morphometrics of irtysh type simmental cows and their holstein and simmental crosses in East Kazakhstan. Biodiversitasthis link is disabled , 2021, 22(9), P. 3663–3670.

Ключевые слова

ration, breed, milk production, types of feeding

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