Развитие навыков чтения учащихся на уроках английского языка с использованием инновационных технологий | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (466) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 15.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жумабаева, Ш. М. Развитие навыков чтения учащихся на уроках английского языка с использованием инновационных технологий / Ш. М. Жумабаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 19 (466). — С. 469-473. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/466/102403/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

В данной статье рассматривается важность развития навыков преподавания иностранного языка и их применение на практике. В данной статье рассматривается использование инновационных технологий в обучении иностранному языку. В статье рассматриваются эффективные способы развития навыков чтения учащихся на уроках английского языка с использованием новых технологий, то есть игр с использованием интерактивных методов. Основные виды интерактивных методов обучения представлены на уроках английского языка. Базовые интерактивные игры, пазлы сейчас широко используются на уроках английского языка. Были проведены опросы учителей по использованию инновационных технологий на уроках английского языка. В результате опроса были выявлены наиболее эффективные способы развития навыков чтения на уроках английского языка. Развитие навыков чтения учащихся на уроках английского языка за счет использования новых технологий дает учащимся передовые и самостоятельные знания и повышает их интерес и энтузиазм к урокам. Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам является формирование и развитие коммуникативной культуры студентов, обучение их практике иностранного языка. Задача учителя состоит в том, чтобы создать каждому ученику наилучшие условия для беглого изучения языка, подобрать инновационные методы обучения, способные отразить активность, интерес и творческий потенциал каждого ученика.

Ключевые слова: технологии, образование, интерес, профессионализм, инновации.

This article discusses the importance of developing foreign language teaching skills and their application in practice. This article discusses the use of innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language. The article discusses effective ways to develop students' reading skills in English classes using new technologies, that is, games using interactive methods. The main types of interactive teaching methods are presented in English lessons. Basic interactive games, puzzles are now widely used in English lessons. Teachers were surveyed on the use of innovative technologies in English lessons. As a result of the survey, the most effective ways to develop reading skills in English lessons were identified. Developing students' reading skills in English classes through the use of new technologies provides students with advanced and independent knowledge and increases their interest and enthusiasm for the lessons. The main goal of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of the communicative culture of students, teaching them the practice of a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to create for each student the best conditions for fluent language learning, to select innovative teaching methods that can reflect the activity, interest and creativity of each student.

Key words: technology, education, interest, professionalism, innovation.

This is a very important step in the development of innovations in the field of education and training. This is an important trend in terms of economic, social and linguistic trends. The following pages are intended to help you find your way through the process of developing new innovations and technologies in the Ustaan. If you are not sure of the quality of the technology you are using, you will not be able to use it for innovative purposes. This product is designed for use with TV, CDs, computers, laptops, tablets, the Internet, mobile phones and iPhones and can also be used with electronic devices. «Doing so may cause the device to overheat, malfunction, or damage the device, or result in fire, electric shock, or damage to the device» [1].

This technology is not intended to be used as a device for the installation of the device, as well as the use of the device in a way that does not cause damage or damage to the device or the device itself. «The following applies to the process of the graphic design of the Klychnikova Institute of Graphics and Design and the process of the development of the design. This procedure is described in the following sections:

a) The author of the book;

b) The bar;

c) Ana and set tilderin;

d) The book tulgerin;

e) aesthetic and physical appearance;

f) the inner life of the child; g) the mental health of the child. " [2]

Bechkerkind, computer damage may occur if the computer is damaged, if the computer is damaged, if the computer is damaged, and if the computer is damaged and the computer is not used for a long period of time [3]. The computer technology can only be used in conjunction with the device and is not intended to be used as a substitute for computer technology. This is not the case if the technology is not available as a resource [4].

Research method. Language learning is very important in the educational space. English is considered to be an international language. It is now an official language of many developed countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and is considered one of the six languages of the UN. Currently, the main challenge for English teachers is to develop students' interest in learning a foreign language. Therefore, a survey method was chosen and the instrument was a survey on teachers' use of new technologies to develop reading skills in English. Nineteen teachers participated in the study. The survey was qualitative.

Discussion and results. The survey was conducted to determine how important the use of new technology is for the development of students' reading skills in English lessons.

A total of 19 teachers participated in the survey and answered the questions. Seven male and 12 female teachers participated. They were from 22 to 30 years old. The survey included 6 questions. The answers were Yes/No. Blue means yes and red means no. If we look at the results in the chart above, the use of new technologies and recommendations by others to develop reading skills in English was 84.2 %. And were you interested in using innovative technologies? Was the use of new technology effective? The result was 89,5 %. Do you use a mobile application to improve your English reading skills? the question result showed 100 %. Looking at the results of the survey, the use of innovative technologies is very important, and with the effective ways of developing students' learning skills in English lessons, it is proved that students' interest in the subject is increased, they develop new perspectives, creativity and learning to learn using new technologies. Looking at the results of the survey, in order to increase interest in the subject, we will conduct the lesson as follows.

– Use of interactive methods

– Conducting the lesson in the form of a game.

– Use of new technologies in the classroom.

– Preparation of tools related to the student learning system.

– Additional use of mobile

The use of new technologies in the educational process is very important. In general, using these basic methods, it is possible to increase interest in the subject and to develop learning skills. In order to develop the student's learning and cognitive attitudes in the English lesson, it is first of all necessary to find ways of increasing their interest in the language. Therefore, the teacher's task is to increase the students' interest in the lesson. If the teacher uses new technology in the lesson, students actively participate in the lesson and understand the new topic. In connection with this direction at the general English lesson the work is carried out with the use of new teaching technologies, i.e. interactive methods: discussions, individual work, group work, questionnaires, presentations, puzzle methods. Using these methods, it is possible to achieve different results. For example

– forming and developing learning skills and abilities;

– improvement of writing skills;

– enriching students' vocabulary;

– Teaching grammar;

– Developing permanent motivation to learn a foreign language

Formation of general educational skills starts at school and is the basis for successful learning of educational content at all levels of education. It is very important for the teacher to help the pupil to develop an intrinsic motivation to form a permanent cognitive interest in learning. This is not the case with learning information, which is usually not important for the pupil. This is why the activation of pupils' cognitive activity remains one of the current problems of school education. Among the teaching methods, the most successful for me are thought maps, discussions, role-playing and business games, and the puzzle method. The puzzle method is an integral part of the learning process. The experience of using the puzzle method shows that «learning together is not only easier and more interesting, but also more effective». The main purpose of using the method in teaching a foreign language is to enable students to effectively acquire communicative competence in a foreign language. The topic «My favourite animal» is a great way to start a service. The students choose an animal they like, draw it and talk about it. In the pre-workshop, we should tell the children about the work to be done and show the students' work from the previous class. We will review by dividing the students into two groups.

During the lesson, we highlight the directions of the main methods: — the direction of vocabulary learning; — learning to read fast and read correctly; they read or talk about their favourite animals. At the end of the lesson, the teacher highlights the positives and gives advice on how to work. «My favourite animal» does not end there. As we learn new grammatical structures, the students gradually add new sentences, resulting in a finished conversation by the end of the year. In this way, students are encouraged to work through the learning process, from simple textbook work to creative work. 1. In the direction of vocabulary learning: «Try to guess what animals you see here» — i.e. we highlight the fruit depicted in the picture. Children voice and lexically name the animals while looking at the pictures. What do they do? Pupils are asked to read the text and choose sentences for each picture. 2. To teach fast and correct reading. Develop the reading of the topic by dividing it into two lines.

Group 1: — A lion is the king of animals. Dogs can jump. A cat can skip. But it can't swim.

Group two: — A frog can jump, a rabbit has a box. A cat has a hat. 3. Development of learning skills.

— I like animals. No.

— My favourite animals are rabbits and dogs.

Yes no

To get children's attention by developing their listening skills by reading these sentences. Another type of interactive method is to allow the students to complete an interesting task by scrambling the names of the animals on the interactive whiteboard:



The use of mind maps in foreign language lessons. This is one of the methods of critical thinking technology. The map can be drawn on a computer using special software or on a sheet of paper. The second option is better, as in this case the content of the mind map is better remembered and is really special. The more information you absorb, the stronger your memory, thinking and reasoning will be. One of the main advantages of mind maps is that they can be used with children of the same age. Creating mind maps helps to make the lesson interesting in a short period of time and allows a large amount of material to be absorbed. Overall, it is a series of interactive methods, i.e. open and free communication between students and the teacher, student interaction, freedom. Most importantly, it can develop responsibility, i.e. students' confidence in themselves. It is based on the basic principles of general interactive methods. The teacher also interacts with learners.The interactive method has its own established rules of the learning system for basic step-by-step development. The main objective of these conditions is to establish a trusting relationship between the parties involved in the exchange, free communication and a democratic style. Mainly interactive methods are used by learners through games, the puzzle method, the question and answer method, and learning using modern information technology. The main methods have been published and discussed in the works of domestic and foreign scholars. In particular, the works of Bim I. L., Galskova N. D. investigate a number of learning technologies [4,5].

Technology is an effective tool for students. Students should use technology as an important part of the learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology to support the curriculum so that students can make more active use of technology in language acquisition. Student collaboration can be improved through technology. Collaboration is one of the most important tools for learning. Students create assignments together and learn from each other by reading the work of their peers. Bennett, Culp, Honey, Tully and Spilfogel stated that the use of computer technology leads to improved teacher learning and student learning in the classroom. «The use of computer technology helps teachers meet students' learning needs». [6] Technology encourages students to learn independently and learn responsible behaviour. Independent use of technology enables students to be self-reliant. The use of internet increases the motivation of learners. The use of film in learning helps learners to understand the subject matter with enthusiasm and expand their knowledge.


From all of the above, we can conclude that: Innovative technologies play an important role in the lives of students. You have constant access to them at home. The use of new technology can provide many benefits related to the education of the younger generation, but it should be used wisely. New technologies are mostly used for watching cartoons, learning English and having fun, be it computer games or the Internet. The search for ways to stimulate students' cognitive activity through interactive teaching methods by engaging them in independent research of scientific sources based on potential use of their practical experience is ongoing. Only interactive forms of learning can provide highly motivated, grounded knowledge, creativity and imagination of students, communication skills, active lifestyles, team spirit, freedom of expression, and the desire to improve. The use of interactive methods during English language teaching corresponds to the modern concept of learning, which is based on the principle of active student activity. Only interactive forms can provide students with high motivation, accuracy of knowledge, creativity and imagination, communicative abilities, active lifestyle, team spirit, freedom of expression, striving for high results. The use of interactive methods in foreign language teaching corresponds to the modern concept of teaching based on the principle of active participation of students. The duty of the teacher is to teach consciously to learn the language material, to widely use situational and communicative methods of teaching a foreign language in the process of collective activity. It is often assumed that the effectiveness of English language teaching depends on how well the teacher has mastered the current new technology. Thanks to the interactive method in the common paper, we can develop the ability to read quickly and learn to read correctly. In conclusion. All methods develop skills, help establish an emotional connection between pupils, teach teamwork, listen to each other's opinions, and establish a close relationship between teacher and pupils. learn the lesson voluntarily, without coercion, and most importantly, nurturing the pupil and teacher, critical thinking is essential for successful development in the process.


  1. Izdebska J. Dzieciństwo medialne współczesnych dzieci. Wychowanie w Przedszkolu, 2009–2,5,-9
  2. Клычникова 3. И. Психологические особенности обучения чтению на иностранном языке: Пособие для учителя. М.: Просвещение, 1983- 205 с.
  3. Becker, H. J. Findings from the teaching, learning, and computing survey: Is Larry Cuban right? Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2000- 8(51).
  4. Bull, S., & Ma, Y. Raising learner awareness of language learning strategies in situations of limited recourses.Interactive Learning Environments, 2000. 9(2)-171–200p.
  5. Bim I. L., Methods of teaching foreign languages as a science and problems of a school textbook. M: Russian Language, 1977- 27p.
  6. Galskova N. D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages, a teacher's manual. M, 2000.
  7. Bennett, D., Culp, K. M., Honey, M., Tally, B., & Spielvogel, B. It all depends: Strategies for designing technologies for educational change. Paper presented at the International Conference on Learning Technology, Philadelphia, PA, 2000
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, иностранный язык, FOX, LION, ONLI, OXF, USA, урок.

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