Features of translation films into English (based on films «Home alone», «The Walk») | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (466) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 15.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 38 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нурланкызы, Гайныш. Features of translation films into English (based on films «Home alone», «The Walk») / Гайныш Нурланкызы. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 19 (466). — С. 665-668. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/466/102624/ (дата обращения: 18.01.2025).

Its worth acknowledging from the start that in the article, the original English and Kazakh translation of feature films were considered as the basis of the work. Goals set for the translator in the process of translating feature films, it was carried out using special translation techniques. Based on the films «When you are alone at home»«, Walking», the features of the translation of feature films and the difficulties and problems encountered were identified. In general, various classifications of film translation were studied and applied in practice. This work is informative and useful for every translator who sets himself the goal of working not only on feature films, but also on various genres of film translation in general. In the course of the work, special attention was paid to the transformations used, an analysis of the relevance and features of the approaches used in the course of translation was carried out. So, at the same time, intensive work was carried out with special vocabulary and dubbing. In this research work, feature films in English are considered as a source of mass media, methods and problems of their translation into Kazakh are studied.


Translation is always a link in the exchange of experience between people, communities, peoples. Translation is an integral part of the word, literature, and journalistic Sciences. And a powerful tool for the spiritual development of the people. Translation is one of the spheres of cultural life of the people, one of the continuous trends among the Peoples. Humanity is created by mixing through translation.

Film translation is a field that includes a rather long chain of specialists who take turns doing the work. The process is led and managed by the producer and distributors of the picture, not the studio executives. Experience, fluency in the language, detailed explanations given by translation studios to phraseological units, jokes and original expressions allow you to fully reveal what the directors were aiming for. The task of the translator is to give the original meaning of the action, for which additional explanations are required. But there are some points that are worth dwelling on in detail. Translating and localizing films is a very interesting activity in which there are many mistakes. The viewer's perception of the film largely depends on the translator, so this issue is very responsible. There are four main types of film translation: subtitle, dubbing, synchronous and off-screen translation. The highest degree of equivalence of the translation to the source text can be achieved in the latter, so we turn to it. In this research paper, feature films in English are considered as a source of mass media, methods and problems of their translation into Kazakh are studied

Relevance of the work. In modern times, the wide distribution of film industry products and the desire of the audience to watch not only domestic films, but also foreign ones increase the need to translate audiovisual products, including feature films, into Kazakh. The main goal of the translator is to analyze what methods were used in the translation of foreign works into Kazakh, the peculiarities of translation. Currently, there are more and more Kazakh translation options for feature films.

Subject of research. The original and Kazakh translation of the films» Home Alone»«, Walk " were taken as the basis of the study.

Research results and their discussion

Film translation is like the translation of fiction. The main criterion for literary translation is not only the correspondence of vocabulary and plot to the author's text, but also the preservation of the author's personal style. A high-quality literary translation must be accurate, understandable and literary. The translator should also emphasize the taste of foreign language culture, which is expressed in a certain joke, word game, colloquial vocabulary, jargon, intonation of characters and is a reflection of the ideas of the director and writer of the film. Therefore, the artistic text of the oral speech of the film is a very complex structure. The oral kinotext translator is faced with the following tasks: to understand the text of the original, and then translate it into the language of translation. In the case of translating animated feature films, the tasks of the translator are complicated by the target audience, which is mainly made up of sensitive and vulnerable children and usually take everything literally. Speaking of the comedy genre, for example, the object of my research is the feature film «Left at home alone» among the film in the comedy genre. It is worth noting the difficulty of translating jokes based on linguocultural information, phrases, word play. The work considers the author's translation of animated feature films with a certain linguocultural coloring. Therefore, in order to achieve the set goal, the tool for the translator is translation transformation, with the help of which the word master transfers information from one language to another, namely transformation, with the help of which it is possible to move from the unity of the original to the unity of translation in the named sense. It's no secret that the fame of a feature film is largely determined by its theme, because the film industry, being a prosperous branch of the entertainment industry, is developing and becoming a sought-after production industry.

The translation of feature films is a complex system with various functions, in particular, linguists distinguish:

1) signaling function (aimed at attracting the attention of viewers);

2) information function (gives an idea of the meaning of the film);

3) content function (related to the delivery of the main idea and theme of the film);

4) emotional function (carries a certain emotional load).

Syntactic transformations-their essence is to change the syntactic functions of words and phrases. A change in syntactic functions in the translation process is accompanied by a transformation of syntactic structures: the transformation of one type of subordinate clause into another. Syntactic transformations also include replacing the active passive design of the Russian language. (He hath been by the Tarantula). The tarantula bit him …

Semantic transformations-carried out on the basis of various causal relationships that exist between the elements of the described situations (he was the kind of guy that hates to answer you right away. — People like him do not immediately respond.

Lexical transformations-express deviations from direct verbal coincidences. Lexical transformations are mainly caused by the fact that the volume of values of the lexical units of the source and translation languages does not coincide (it does not look happy.)- He looked very unhappy.

Grammatical transformations-consists in transforming the structure of sentences in the translation process in accordance with the norms of the language of translation. We got under way with a mere breath of wind, and for many days stood along the eastern coast of Java, without any other incident to beguile the monotony of our course than the occasional meeting with some of the small grabs of the Archipelago to which we were bound. — We left the port with a barely visible wind and walked along the East Coast of Java for long days. The monotony of our swimming was sometimes broken only by meeting small shores on the islands, where we kept our way. The biggest problem in the translation of the film «Walking» is the lexical difference between the Kazakh language and English. For example, one sentence consists of 5–6 words in English, and in the process of translation into Kazakh it turns into 9–10 words. The purpose of the translator is to observe not only the most specific version of the translation, but also lexical norms. The pace of speech and grammatical structures in languages are different. Spanish is from the side of grammar compared to russianactam, and Spaniards also speak faster than Russians. This is a bit of a hassle, because when creating a text, translations should be focused on a quiet Russian language. In addition, the peculiarity of voice translation is that the tempo of the given translation should remain unchanged throughout the film. Therefore, through this pair of languages at work, the translator should often resort to the perception of compression to convey as complete information as possible with the help of a minimum number of language tools. In film translation, it is important to take into account the relationship between image and text material, pay equal attention to verbal and non-verbal means of speech. However, it can be difficult to find an alternative when a phrase in the original language is accompanied by a characteristic gesture. Often, the languages of zhestau in different cultures do not coincide


In conclusion, it needs to be said that various classifications of film translation have also been studied, many of which are similar, and some of which differ only in combining accompanying and voice-over interpretation into one group. The work of a film translator can be divided into the following stages:

film dating;

preparation of a high-quality literary translation;

adaptation of the translation to the viewer, but without distorting the plot;

correction of the finished translation after verification by the editor;

create Editing sheets and transcripts, write dialog sheets supplemented with time code, subtitle; if this work is required by the customer, do the editing yourself. Film translators work closely with editors who check each finished part of the script to make corrections and comments. On average, 50–60 minutes are allotted for translating 1 page of text, the deadlines vary depending on the complexity of the translation, the date of release of the film on large screens, the start of the advertising campaign. Film translation is a separate type of translation, complex, but at the same time interesting, has a number of features and difficulties described in this scientific and practical work.

When translating films, the translator must take into account the following factors affecting the translation of films: genre characteristics of the film, features of the character of the characters, features of the vocabulary of the participants in the film, features of the translation of dialogical and monologic speech. When translating films, it is necessary to take into account social factors, without taking them into account, the translation will be of poor quality: the time of the broadcast of the film (the later the time of the film, the more «light» vocabulary available to most modern people can be used for translation, for example, slang); potential audience, that is, the age of the viewer.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that the translation of films has a number of features, without which it is impossible to make a correct translation from English into Russian. Many scientists, studying the problem of high-quality translation of films, discover new and new rules that all translators should know. In conclusion, we can say that the translation of film and video products has a number of specific features, without taking into account the fact that it is possible to make an adequate, high-quality and correct translation. This problem-the problem of proper translation of films-has not yet been fully studied and resolved, which makes it possible to further study this issue in more detail and in depth. The main goal of translation is to achieve adequacy. The main task of the translator in achieving adequacy is to skillfully carry out various translation transformations so that the text of the translation conveys as accurately as possible all the information contained in the original text, observing the relevant norms of the language of translation. Transformations in which the transition from original units to translation units is carried out are called translation transformations. However, the term» transformation «cannot be understood literally: the original text itself» does not change " because it does not change by itself. This text, of course, remains the same, but next to it and on its basis, a different text is created in another language. Translation transformations are a special type of paraphrase — Intercollegiate, which has significant differences from transformations within the framework of one language. «When we talk about monolingual transformations, we mean phrases that differ from each other in grammatical structure, lexical content, have the same content (in fact) and can perform the same communicative function in this context.


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