Measures to increase oil production | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (467) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 20.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 49 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мамедвелизаде, З. Р. Measures to increase oil production / З. Р. Мамедвелизаде, С. Г. Новрузова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 20 (467). — С. 56-60. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The use of generally accepted technologies for influencing the productive formation and the use of traditional methods of oil production can lead to irreversible processes of deterioration in the porosity and porosity properties of the reservoir in the reservoir and bottomhole zone and, as a result, to a decrease in development indicators. Therefore, there is a need to search for fundamentally new technical solutions for the intensification of oil production at a late stage of exploitation of fields with complex geological and physical conditions and anomalous properties of oils. In this regard, this paper analyzes the effectiveness of measures to intensify oil production.

Keywords: hydraulic fracturing, hydrochloric acid treatment, electrical impact, vibration-wave impact, redistribution of filtration flows.

As is known, the following measures are taken to intensify oil production at the fields:

– hydraulic fracturing (HF);

– hydrochloric acid treatment (HAT);

– electrical impact (EI);

– vibration-wave impact with the use of complex equipment for resuscitation of wells (VW);

– redistribution of filtration flows (RFF).

Methods. Determining the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing for production wells involves evaluating various factors that influence the success and productivity of the fracturing operations. Here is some information about the key aspects considered in assessing the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing:

  1. Reservoir Characterization: Reservoir characterization involves understanding the geological properties and characteristics of the reservoir where hydraulic fracturing will be performed. Key factors include permeability, porosity, reservoir pressure, and geomechanical properties. Analyzing these factors helps determine the potential for fracturing fluid to create and propagate fractures effectively [1,2].
  2. Completion Design: The completion design encompasses the configuration and components of the wellbore, including casing, perforations, and completion techniques. Proper design ensures efficient placement of fractures within the target formation and effective proppant placement for maintaining fracture conductivity. The selection of proppant type, size, and concentration is critical for optimal fracturing effectiveness [3,4].
  3. Operational Practices: Operational practices during hydraulic fracturing operations play a vital role in determining its effectiveness. Factors such as injection rates, fluid volumes, proppant concentration, and the sequence of fracturing stages influence the fracture propagation and connectivity. Proper management of operational parameters ensures the desired fracture network and enhances the overall effectiveness of the fracturing process [5,6].
  4. Production Performance Evaluation: Evaluating production performance is essential to assess the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. Techniques such as decline curve analysis, rate transient analysis, and reservoir performance analysis are employed to analyze production data from fractured wells. By comparing the production rates and decline behavior of fractured and non-fractured wells, the impact of hydraulic fracturing on well productivity can be assessed [7,8].
  5. Formation Damage and Remediation: Formation damage during hydraulic fracturing can occur due to factors such as proppant embedment, fines migration, or fluid-rock interactions. Assessing formation damage and implementing appropriate remediation techniques is crucial for restoring and optimizing production. Remediation methods may include acid treatments, mechanical stimulation, or wellbore cleanout operations [9,10].
  6. Advanced Technologies and Techniques: The use of advanced technologies and techniques can enhance the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. Real-time monitoring and control systems provide valuable data on fracture propagation, proppant placement, and reservoir response. Additionally, data analytics and machine learning algorithms can optimize fracturing design and production performance by integrating real-time data with reservoir models [11, 12].

Determining the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing involves an integrated approach that considers reservoir properties, completion design, operational practices, production performance, formation damage, and advanced technologies. By comprehensively evaluating these factors, operators and engineers can optimize hydraulic fracturing operations to maximize production and reservoir recovery.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) treatment is a well stimulation technique used in the oil and gas industry to enhance the productivity of oil wells [13]. It involves the injection of hydrochloric acid into the reservoir formation to dissolve minerals, remove formation damage, and improve fluid flow within the reservoir. Here is some information about hydrochloric acid treatment in oil wells:

  1. Purpose and Benefits: Hydrochloric acid treatment is primarily performed to remove formation damage caused by various factors, such as drilling mud invasion, scale deposition, or fines migration. The acid reacts with minerals, mainly carbonates and some silicates, to dissolve them and create channels and fractures that facilitate fluid flow. The key benefits of hydrochloric acid treatment include increased permeability, improved well productivity, and enhanced oil recovery.
  2. Acidizing Process: The acidizing process typically involves the following steps: a. Acid selection: Hydrochloric acid is commonly used due to its effectiveness in dissolving minerals. The acid concentration and temperature are determined based on the reservoir characteristics and the extent of formation damage. b. Pre-flush and displacement: Prior to acid injection, a pre-flush solution may be pumped to prepare the wellbore and remove any residual fluids. Then, the acid is displaced into the reservoir using a suitable carrier fluid. c. Acid placement: The acid is injected into the reservoir at a controlled rate and pressure to ensure uniform distribution. Acid volumes are carefully calculated to optimize treatment efficiency and minimize the risk of overflushing. d. Soaking period: After the acid injection, a soaking period is allowed to enable the acid to react with the formation and dissolve minerals. The duration depends on the reservoir properties and the desired treatment objectives. e. Post-flush and flowback: Following the soaking period, the well is typically flushed with a suitable fluid to remove the spent acid and dissolved minerals. Flowback operations are conducted to recover the fluids and assess the treatment effectiveness.
  3. Considerations and Limitations: The success of hydrochloric acid treatment depends on several factors, including reservoir characteristics, acid concentration, contact time, and wellbore integrity. It is essential to assess the compatibility of the acid with the reservoir rock and fluids to prevent adverse reactions or formation damage. Acid corrosion on well equipment and tubulars should also be considered, and corrosion inhibitors may be used to mitigate the risk. Environmental and safety considerations, including proper handling and disposal of acid, should be addressed to ensure regulatory compliance.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation: During and after the acid treatment, monitoring techniques such as pressure transient analysis, well logging, and production monitoring are employed to assess the treatment effectiveness. Post-treatment evaluation involves analyzing well performance and production data to quantify the impact of acidizing on reservoir productivity.

It is important to note that hydrochloric acid treatment requires specialized knowledge, expertise, and safety precautions. Qualified professionals and adherence to industry best practices are essential to ensure the safe and effective implementation of acidizing operations in oil wells.

Electrical methods can be employed to enhance oil production in the field [20]. One such method is called Electromagnetic Heating or Electromagnetic Heating Technology (EM heating). EM heating involves the application of electromagnetic energy to heat the reservoir, thereby reducing the viscosity of the oil and increasing its mobility. This technique can be used in both conventional and unconventional oil reservoirs. Here is some information about the use of electrical impact to intensify oil production at the field:

  1. Electromagnetic Heating Technology:

– Electromagnetic heating involves the injection of electrical current into the reservoir formation through specialized electrodes or antennas.

– The injected current generates heat within the reservoir, increasing the temperature and reducing the viscosity of the oil.

– As the oil viscosity decreases, it becomes easier to flow through the reservoir and towards the production wellbore.

  1. Benefits and Advantages:

– Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Electromagnetic heating is considered as an EOR technique, as it can significantly improve oil recovery from the reservoir.

– Energy Efficiency: Compared to other thermal EOR methods, electromagnetic heating is considered more energy-efficient, as the heat is generated directly within the reservoir rather than relying on external heating sources.

– Suitable for Various Reservoir Types: Electromagnetic heating can be applied to different reservoir types, including heavy oil, oil sands, and tight oil formations.

– Environmental Considerations: The use of electromagnetic heating can potentially reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional thermal recovery methods like steam injection.

  1. Applications and Field Implementations:

– Pilot Projects: Electromagnetic heating has been tested in several pilot projects globally to evaluate its effectiveness and feasibility.

– Commercial Scale Implementation: Some oil fields have implemented electromagnetic heating technology on a commercial scale, indicating its potential for widespread application.

– Operational Considerations: The design and operation of electromagnetic heating systems involve considerations such as power supply, electrode placement, and optimization of heating patterns to ensure maximum oil recovery.

  1. Research and Development:

– Ongoing Research: Further research and development efforts are focused on optimizing electromagnetic heating techniques, understanding its impacts on reservoir properties, and exploring its applicability in different reservoir conditions.

– Collaboration: Industry collaboration, academia, and research institutions are working together to advance the understanding and application of electromagnetic heating in oil production.

It's important to note that electromagnetic heating is just one of the electrical methods used in the oil industry, and there may be other electrical technologies or techniques that could be applied to intensify oil production. For specific information about a particular electrical impact method, it would be helpful to refer to research papers, industry publications, and technical reports related to that specific technique.

Vibration-wave impact, also known as vibrational or acoustic stimulation, is a technique used in well resuscitation or well stimulation operations to improve the productivity of oil and gas wells [26]. This method involves the application of controlled mechanical vibrations or acoustic waves to the wellbore and surrounding formation to enhance fluid flow and break down near-wellbore formation damage. Here is some information about vibration-wave impact and the use of complex equipment for well resuscitation:

  1. Principle of Operation:

– Vibration-Wave Generation: Complex equipment is used to generate controlled mechanical vibrations or acoustic waves. These vibrations are typically induced into the wellbore through specialized tools, such as downhole vibrators or acoustic transmitters.

– Transmission of Vibrations: The generated vibrations propagate through the wellbore fluid and the surrounding formation, creating pressure oscillations and mechanical stresses.

– Impact on the Reservoir: The vibrations can mobilize fluids, dislodge solid particles, and create fractures or fissures in the near-wellbore formation, thereby improving permeability and fluid flow pathways.

  1. Benefits and Advantages:

– Enhanced Fluid Flow: Vibration-wave impact can help overcome near-wellbore formation damage, such as mud invasion, fines migration, or scaling, by dislodging or breaking down the obstructing materials.

– Non-Damaging: Compared to other stimulation techniques like hydraulic fracturing, vibration-wave impact is considered a non-damaging method that does not create extensive fractures or require large volumes of fluid injection.

– Versatility: The technique can be applied to various types of reservoirs, including conventional oil and gas reservoirs, unconventional reservoirs, and even water or gas injection wells.

  1. Equipment and Implementation:

– Downhole Tools: Specialized downhole vibrators or acoustic transmitters are used to generate and transmit the vibrations or acoustic waves into the wellbore.

– Surface Control Equipment: Complex equipment is employed at the surface to monitor and control the vibration parameters, such as frequency, amplitude, and duration.

– Real-Time Monitoring: Advanced equipment may incorporate real-time monitoring and data acquisition systems to analyze the response of the well and formation during the stimulation process.

  1. Field Applications:

– Pilot Projects and Case Studies: Vibration-wave impact has been implemented in various field projects and case studies to evaluate its effectiveness and economic viability.

– Optimization and Design: The application of vibration-wave impact requires careful design and optimization based on reservoir characteristics, well conditions, and stimulation objectives.

– Evaluation of Results: Post-stimulation evaluation techniques, such as production monitoring, pressure transient analysis, and well logging, are used to assess the effectiveness of the vibrational stimulation.

  1. Research and Development:

– Ongoing Research: Continuous research and development efforts are focused on understanding the mechanisms of vibration-wave impact, optimizing the stimulation parameters, and exploring the potential of the technique in different reservoir types.

– Technology Advancements: Advances in complex equipment, monitoring systems, and data analysis techniques are contributing to the improvement of vibration-wave impact as a well stimulation method.

It's important to note that the specific equipment and techniques used for vibration-wave impact may vary among service providers and projects. Consulting specialized literature, technical papers, and industry publications would provide more detailed and specific information about the equipment and complex systems employed in vibration-wave impact for well resuscitation.

The intensification of oil production and redistribution of seepage flows refer to strategies and techniques aimed at improving the efficiency and productivity of oil reservoirs by optimizing the movement and distribution of fluids within the reservoir [33]. Here is some information about these concepts:

  1. Reservoir Heterogeneity and Seepage Flows:

– Oil reservoirs are often characterized by heterogeneity, with variations in rock properties, permeability, and fluid saturation.

– Seepage flows occur within the reservoir, where fluids such as oil, water, and gas move through the porous rock matrix and interconnected pore spaces.

  1. Intensification of Oil Production:

– Intensification of oil production involves implementing various methods to enhance the recovery of oil from reservoirs.

– Techniques such as water flooding, gas injection (e.g., CO2 or nitrogen), chemical flooding (e.g., polymer or surfactant flooding), or thermal methods (e.g., steam injection) can be used to increase oil recovery.

– The goal is to improve sweep efficiency and displace more oil from the reservoir by altering fluid properties, pressure distribution, or reservoir characteristics.

  1. Redistribution of Seepage Flows:

– Seepage flows can be redistributed within the reservoir to optimize oil production.

– This can be achieved by modifying injection rates and patterns, adjusting well placement, or applying enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques.

– By redirecting the flow paths of injected fluids or altering the pressure distribution, seepage flows can be better controlled to maximize oil recovery.

  1. Techniques for Redistribution of Seepage Flows:

– Water Alternating Gas (WAG) Injection: Alternating injection of water and gas can help redistribute seepage flows by improving sweep efficiency and displacing oil from different regions of the reservoir.

– Sweep Improvement Techniques: These include infill drilling to target bypassed oil zones, reperforation of existing wells to access untapped reservoir areas, or modifying well completion techniques to control inflow profiles.

– Conformance Control: By using techniques such as gel treatments or profile modification, fluid movement can be redirected to areas with bypassed oil, improving overall sweep efficiency.

– Reservoir Surveillance and Monitoring: Advanced monitoring techniques, such as downhole sensors or reservoir simulation models, can help identify and understand the flow patterns within the reservoir, enabling optimization strategies for redistribution of seepage flows.

  1. Reservoir Management and Optimization:

– Successful redistribution of seepage flows and intensification of oil production require effective reservoir management and optimization.

– This involves continuous monitoring, data analysis, and adaptive strategies to maximize production and minimize operational risks.

– Reservoir simulation, history matching, and optimization algorithms are often employed to model and predict the behavior of seepage flows and guide decision-making.

It's important to note that the specific techniques and strategies for intensification of oil production and redistribution of seepage flows may vary depending on the reservoir characteristics, production challenges, and available resources. Consulting specialized literature, industry publications, and technical papers would provide more detailed and specific information about these concepts and their applications in the oil and gas industry.

The analysis of the fishing material was carried out andthe scope of work is determined by the types of applied technologies (fig.1).

Fig. 1. Scope of work by types of applied technologies


  1. The use of hydraulic fracturing technology allows not only to increase the productivity of wells, but also to increase the oil recovery factor due to the involvement of poorly drained zones in active development with enhanced oil recovery.
  2. The increase in oil production from acid treatments is 28 %.
  3. The performed analysis of the operation of wells covered by EI showed that the new method of well treatment in order to restore their productivity is still ineffective.
  4. The use of RFF technology is recommended to continue in order to reduce the water cut of the produced products, increase oil production and increase oil recovery.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EOR, RFF, HAT, WAG.

Ключевые слова

hydraulic fracturing, hydrochloric acid treatment, electrical impact, vibration-wave impact, redistribution of filtration flows

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