Control of the technical condition of the working bodies of soil-truggle machines with the help of telematic systems | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Сельское хозяйство

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (468) май 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 21 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тихомиров, О. И. Control of the technical condition of the working bodies of soil-truggle machines with the help of telematic systems / О. И. Тихомиров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 21 (468). — С. 196-199. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).

The article deals with the issues of operation of foreign equipment, methods for restoring the working bodies of seeders, the system for monitoring the wear of the working bodies of agricultural machines.

Keywords: control system of working bodies, telematics, restoration of working bodies.

When operating foreign equipment in agricultural enterprises of the Republic, the need for expensive maintenance and repair inevitably arises. It is known that the restoration of worn parts is more cost-effective than buying new ones, because. the complexity of the work is much less than in their manufacture. It should also be noted that today for foreign equipment there are many spare parts similar to the original ones. But, as practice shows, despite the full compliance of the geometric dimensions, often the quality does not match the original details. Therefore, it is important to restore the original parts of the working bodies by applying hardening coatings.

It should also be noted that after the restoration of the working bodies, constant monitoring of their technical condition is necessary. This is due to the fact that the fulfillment of agrotechnical requirements and fuel consumption directly depend on the technical condition of the working bodies.

The paper proposes the restoration of the working bodies of John Deere 1830 seeders and a system for monitoring the technical condition of the working bodies of agricultural machines during operation using telematic systems.

The main prerequisite for choosing a rational design of combined machines and the width of the frame when cultivating the soil, fertilizing and sowing crops is to achieve the maximum yield per unit area. This practical requirement of technology takes place with the rational use by cultivated plants of all the factors of their life support — light, heat, nutrients and water. At the same time, both cosmic (light and heat) and terrestrial (food and water) factors are equally important. According to various scientific sources, the need of plants for water varies widely. This must be taken into account when evaluating the operation of combined tillage machines. The creation of multifunctional combined machines provides for a reduction in the number of operations, improvement and compliance with agrotechnical requirements and a reduction in production costs for growing agricultural products. Combined units differ from single-operation machines in a significant set of working bodies interconnected in a dynamic system. In this regard, the working bodies of combined machines in the process of performing technological operations are subjected to large dynamic loads, abrasive wear, and electrochemical corrosion in the atmosphere.

A characteristic feature of combined units is the unevenness of dynamic loads on the working bodies and their uneven relative wear. Rapid wear and change in the geometric shape of the working surfaces causes a violation of the technological reliability of the units due to the relative uniformity of the depth of the stroke of the working bodies. This, in turn, significantly increases the traction resistance of machines, lengthens the downtime of multifunctional combined units. This increases the need for spare parts, increases the cost of repair, installation and adjustment of the machine. Downtime increases due to uneven wear of separate, more loaded parts of combined units, which reduces their operational and, accordingly, technological reliability. In some cases, due to downtime and uneven wear of the surfaces of the working bodies, it does not seem appropriate to combine them in one unit. Increasing the dynamic wear resistance of the strength and reliability of units during their operation is one of the urgent problems of agricultural engineering. This problem is inextricably linked with the study of the patterns of wear of machine parts, their operational reliability, the assessment of their performance and the timing of overhauls, the quality of technological operations in production. This determines the relationship between the operational and technological reliability of combined units. The current trend of increasing the operating speeds of combined machines, reducing their metal consumption, increasing durability, is inextricably linked with the scientific problem of wear resistance and strength of machines. The successful solution of this problem is associated with the study of the regularities of the functioning of combined units in production conditions and tests on MIS. The quality of the cultivated area (ha) and the type of soil, the wear period varies by weight and geometric shape. The patterns of change in the shape of the plowshare on the volume of plowing, obtained by VISHOM, indicate that the dependence of wear (g) on the number of cultivated hectares is close to linear. A characteristic feature of wear is not only a violation of the depth of tillage, but also a sharp increase in the traction resistance of the unit. It is possible to restore the technological and energy reliability of the unit by restoring or replacing the working surfaces with new elements. Life tests show that hardening of working surfaces over the entire wear area is one of the methods for increasing the service life of machines equipped with paws and plowshare surfaces. At present, for most of the working bodies of tillage machines that are in long-term operation, wear limits have been determined, their durability has been established depending on environmental conditions, soil type and their physical and mechanical properties. The research results show that metal wear in an abrasive medium depends on a large number of cumulatively acting factors and complexly interconnected working and service parameters. The complexity of assessing the strength and wear process of the working bodies is due to continuously changing operating conditions, friction forces, heterogeneity of the abrasive medium, the complexity of dynamic loads, the nature of surface contact between particles and loads.

Known studies on the dependence of cutting forces (subsequently traction resistance forces) in the dynamics of wear of the wedge blade of the working body.

With an increase in wear, the relative non-uniformity of the working bodies stroke depth increases. At the entire wear stage, the set depth of processing is continuously violated and changed. At the same time, the wear of all types of working bodies occurs differently. The wear contours and working geometry of the working bodies change more intensively at the toe. Depending on when

A characteristic feature of combined units is the unevenness of dynamic loads on the working bodies and their uneven

A system for monitoring the wear of the working bodies of agricultural machines based on the teltonika telematics system is presented. The system works as follows. An electronic strain gauge is installed between the tractor and the seeder, which transmits the value of the unit's traction resistance via a Bluetooth channel. The traction resistance value is controlled remotely via a telematics system. When the value of the thrust resistance is above the norm, it becomes necessary to check the technical condition of the working bodies of the seeder.

With an increase in wear, the relative non-uniformity of the stroke depth of the working bodies increases. At the entire wear stage, the set depth of processing is continuously violated and changed. At the same time, the wear of all types of working bodies occurs differently. The wear contours and working geometry of the working bodies change more intensively at the toe. Depending on the amount of cultivated area (ha) and the type of soil, the wear period varies in terms of weight and geometric shape. The patterns of change in the shape of the plowshare on the volume of plowing, obtained by VISHOM, indicate that the dependence of wear (r) on the number of cultivated hectares is close to linear. A characteristic feature of wear is not only a violation of the depth of tillage, but also a sharp increase in the traction resistance of the unit. It is possible to restore the technological and energy reliability of the unit by restoring or replacing the working surfaces with new elements. Life tests show that hardening of working surfaces over the entire wear area is one of the methods for increasing the service life of machines equipped with shares and plow surfaces. At present, for the majority of working bodies of tillage machines that are in long-term operation, wear limits have been determined, their durability has been established depending on environmental conditions, soil type and their physical and mechanical properties. The research results show that metal wear in an abrasive medium depends on a large number of cumulatively acting factors and complexly interconnected working and service parameters. The complexity of assessing the strength and process of wear of the working bodies is due to continuously changing operating conditions, friction forces, heterogeneity of the abrasive medium, the complexity of dynamic loads, the nature of surface contact between particles and loads.

Constant monitoring of the technical condition of the working bodies will make it possible to timely detect the wear of the paws and prevent deviations from the regulatory agrotechnical requirements, as well as prevent increased fuel consumption, which occurs when the working bodies are worn out due to increased traction resistance.


  1. Kurchatkin, V. V. Reliability and repair of machines. V. V. Kurchatkin, N. F. Telnov, K. A. Achkasov and others, ed. V. V. Kurchatkin. — Moscow: Kolos, 2008–776 p.
  2. Chernoivanov, V. I. Maintenance and repair of machines in agriculture. IN AND. Chernoivanov, V. V. Blednykh, A. E. Northern and others. Ed. IN AND. Chernoivanov. — Moscow-Chelyabinsk: GOSNITI, ChGAU, 2009. — 992 p.
  3. Yudin, M. I. Technical service of machines and the basics of designing enterprises: A textbook for universities. M. I. Yudin, M. N. Kuznetsov, A. T. Kuzovlev and others — Krasnodar, 2007. — 968 p.
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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AND, VISHOM, GOSNITI, MIS.

Ключевые слова

control system of working bodies, telematics, restoration of working bodies

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