Methodological model of formation situational-communicative competence of secondary school students by means of interactive technologies | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (469) июнь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 04.06.2023

Статья просмотрена: 64 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Музапарова, Д. Ш. Methodological model of formation situational-communicative competence of secondary school students by means of interactive technologies / Д. Ш. Музапарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 22 (469). — С. 419-421. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article is devoted to the formation model situational-communicative competence. The methodological model presented focuses on using interactive technologies to develop situational-communicative competence in secondary school students. This model aims to create an engaging and learner-centered environment, where students can actively practice and develop their situational-communicative skills using interactive technologies.

Keywords: model, methodology, method, situational-communicative competence, stages.

Forming situational-communicative competence of secondary school students using interactive technologies can be achieved through a methodological model that combines various instructional strategies and tools. Here's a suggested framework for such a model:

  1. Interactive Technology Selection: Choose appropriate interactive technologies that align with the learning objectives and the needs of the students. Examples may include language learning apps, online platforms, multimedia tools, virtual reality, and communication tools [1].
  2. Situational-Communicative Tasks: Design a range of situational-communicative tasks that simulate real-life scenarios. These tasks should require students to apply their language skills in authentic situations. For example, role-plays, debates, simulations, and problem-solving activities can be created.
  3. Collaborative Learning: Foster collaboration among students by integrating interactive technologies that facilitate communication and teamwork [2]. This could include features like online discussion forums, group projects using collaborative tools, or virtual classrooms where students can interact with each other.
  4. Authentic Materials and Resources: Utilize authentic materials such as videos, audio recordings, articles, and interactive online content to expose students to real-life language usage. These resources should be engaging and relevant to their interests and provide opportunities for meaningful language practice [3].
  5. Feedback and Assessment: Provide regular and constructive feedback to students on their language performance. Use interactive technologies to facilitate immediate feedback, such as automated language analysis tools or peer feedback features. Implement assessments that evaluate situational-communicative competence, including both formative and summative assessment methods.
  6. Teacher Facilitation: The role of the teacher is crucial in this model. The teacher should guide and facilitate students' learning, provide support, and offer additional explanations when needed. The teacher can also serve as a language model and create opportunities for students to practice their language skills.
  7. Reflection and Self-Assessment: Encourage students to reflect on their language learning progress and assess their own situational-communicative competence. Interactive technologies can be used to provide self-assessment tools or reflection prompts that allow students to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement.

By following this methodological model, educators can leverage interactive technologies to enhance the development of situational-communicative competence among secondary school students. It provides a learner-centered approach that engages students actively, promotes collaboration, and integrates real-life language use into the learning process.

In the framework of the scientific methodological school of KazUIR&WL named after S. S. Kunanbayeva. S. S. Kunanbayeva developed the «Modern conceptual-methodological based model of foreign language education» [4, p. 208]. This model is based on the conceptual basis of linguocultural methodology and the theory of competence approach. There are three stages in the structure of this model:

1 — stage preparing for context — based communication,

2 — stage simulating typical communication situations and speech topics.

3 — stage, free communication within the studied communicative sphere.

The study and analysis of various theoretical-methodological approaches to the problem of modeling and modeling allowed us to define some initial provisions and requirements to the developed model, namely [5]:

– The conceptual basis of the model is the modern paradigm of foreign-language communication, including linguocultural methodology, communication theory and competence-based education theory;

– The educational process is organized as a model of intercultural communication, as close as possible to the conditions of real communication;

– the educational process is oriented to the final (competence) result;

– The controlling mechanism and system-forming factor within all components of subject-processual content of foreign-language intercultural communication is a situational task;

– the problem-situational task is used at all stages of the projected model, which allows simultaneous formation and actualization of all components of intercultural communicative competence [6];

– the procedural aspect of the model is provided through the use of innovative technology (modelling of problem-situational tasks) integrated in other pedagogical technologies;

– the content and process aspect of the model is focused on the development of personally valuable and reflexive-developing component of the formed subject of intercultural communication.

Following S. S. Kunanbayeva, who defines unified communicative-linguocultural complex (CLC) as a subject-content training complex and D. N. Kulibaeva, who singles out thematic-textual unities, we suggest organizing a stage-by-stage forming model of forming situational-communicative competence using interactive technologies according to the following stages:

– Stage I — Motivational;

– Stage II — Preparing organizational work;

– Stage III — Action-predictive;

– Stage IV — Reflexive-evaluative [7].

The developed methodological model defines the sequence of learning key actions, the specific links between all its components: motives, goals and key actions and the feedback received in the process of their implementation. As stated earlier, situational-communicative competence represents the ability to carry out speech activity in accordance with the goals and situation of communication within a particular sphere of activity by means of the studied language. In order to maintain the students' level of English and acquire the necessary skills, it is worth developing situational-communicative competence, the unit of communication of which is the situation [8]. Situations may be modelled in different ways: verbally, visually, or combined. The core of a situation is a task, which initiates communication and the mechanism that regulates the speech-meaning process. At the same time, the task may realize this function if the students have mastered the technology of problem-solving. Thus, the developed methodological model implies the formation of meaningful competence of students to make creative decisions based on analysis of different situations. The projected methodological model is a stage-by-stage structured systemic formation.

The stages of the projected methodological model.

The first stage is motivational. At this stage, the main goal is to form value orientations, sustainable motives, the idea of the personal meaning of the forthcoming situational and communicative activity and the programmable end result (product) of this activity. At this stage such abilities are developed as:

– the ability to distinguish the semantic basis of the situation;

– the ability to memorize the factual content of the text;

– the ability to identify the idea, and the meaning of the situation.

The second stage is the organisational and preparatory stage in which the problem, the reflected task, is understood. In the second stage, the pupil enters a new communicative environment. The pupil masters the subject content of the subject and also masters new concepts of concepts. He enriches his knowledge, learns how to communicate, and solves different kinds of problems. In the second stage, the pupil develops an understanding of the problem reflected in the exercises. Cognitive mechanisms are actively activated through audio-visual and textual media. In this stage, the following abilities are developed:

– to analyse the information received;

– to compare facts and draw conclusions;

– to identify the causes of a problem.

The third stage is activity-predictive . At this stage of the methodological model, the implementation of situational-communicative situations contributes to a new picture of the world. At this stage, different kinds of technologies are introduced and this stage is also the stage of accessible communication. Here the emphasis is put on the development of personal-valuable qualities, creativity. In the third stage, pupils develop the ability to

– critically appraise a situation

– choose an optimal solution to a problem

– to predict the consequences.

The fourth stage is the reflexive-evaluative stage , in which there is self-evaluation, self-analysis, and self-correction. The purpose of this stage consists of the development of internal processes of self-analysis, self-assessment of own learning, identification and comparison of the achieved level. The technology of modelling situational tasks provides construction and search of ways of solution of communicative, situational tasks. The expected methodical model is structured as four consecutive, interconnected to achieve the final competence result. At this stage such abilities are developed as:

– the ability to argue one's opinion;

– the ability to make one's own decisions;

– the ability to analyze and plan one's activities.


1 Тер-Минасова P. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация (учебное пособие) // Москва — 2020–624 p.

2 Каменская, О. Л. Текст и коммуникация: учеб пособие для ин-тов и фак-тов иностр. яз. / О. Л. Каменская. — М.: Высш. шк., 2021. — 152 с

3 Воробьев, В. В. Лингвокультурологические принципы презентации учебного материала (Проблемы концентризма) / В. В. Воробьев // Лингвокультурология (теория и методы). — М., 2017. — 331 p.

4 Кунанбаева С. С. Компетентностное моделирование профессионального иноязычного образования. Материалы III международной научно-практической конференции. — Алматы, 10 декабря 2015 г. — P. 9 — — труды конференций.

5 Общенаучный метод моделирования и специфика его применения в лингвистике — [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа — (дата обращения:19.12.2022; 15:04).

6 Штульман Э. А. Основы эксперимента в методике обучения иностранным языкам. — Воронеж, 2021. — P. 120.

7 Alien J. P. B., Davies A. (eds.) Testing and Experimental Methods. L., 2020. 233 p

8 Чельникова М. Б. Современная методика моделирования теста // Тр. центра тестирования. Вып. 2. М., 2019. С. 21–26.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III, CLC.

Ключевые слова

method, model, methodology, situational-communicative competence, stages

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