Features of studying dramatic works in grades 7–8 | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (470) июнь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.06.2023

Статья просмотрена: 9 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Лобода, Е. И. Features of studying dramatic works in grades 7–8 / Е. И. Лобода. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 23 (470). — С. 544-545. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/470/103763/ (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).

The article discusses the features of studying dramatic works in grades 7–8. The main attention is paid to the psychological characteristics of students and the peculiarities of drama as a kind of literature. It is proved that the main task of a verbal teacher in literature lessons in grades 7–8 for the study of a dramatic work is to teach students objective analysis.

Keywords: drama study, literature lesson, dramatic work, drama feature.

According to D. N. Katysheva, «drama is one of the complex kinds of literature that carries out its life on stage» 1, p. 3. The importance of studying it in the school course is undeniable: dramatic works have a positive impact on the overall development of students and improve their ability to analyze a literary text. In addition, the relevance of turning to dramatic works in literature lessons is due to the interest of modern theater in staging classical works in new interpretations.

The study of this kind of literature in grades 7–8 has its own specific features. Firstly, they are related to the age characteristics of students. Secondly, with the distinctive features of drama as one of the three kinds of literature.

Let's start with the consideration of psychological and pedagogical features. V. G. Marantsman believes «that this age in relation to the verbal art is characterized by an acute attention to the moral content of literature» 5, p. 123. Students of grades 7–8 are attracted to questions of morality and pressing problems of our time: good and evil, love and hate, war and peace, heroism and betrayal, fathers and children, man and nature, personality and society. Works with complex feelings and torments become favorite. Their teenager transfers to himself and his life. Not by chance, according to V. F. Chertova, in the program of the 7th grade, «a large place is given to works with a tense plot, which corresponds to the age characteristics of students» 2, p. 10. However, it is important to focus on moral and philosophical conflicts in dramaturgical works, not forgetting about political and social problems. Otherwise, the student does not understand the idea that the author wanted to convey. N. A. Stanchek emphasizes that «the need for self-expression in some students turns out to be so strong that the analysis of the work is often replaced by the analysis of their own experiences». 6, p. 92. It is important to teach a teenager to perceive the work holistically, in all its unity.

Why are grades 7–8 the most favorable period in the study of dramatic works? Firstly, there is an increase in imagination, which is necessary when studying drama. Secondly, students in grades 7–8 are particularly susceptible to emotional instability, mood swings, and feelings of anxiety. They believe that society does not understand them. In a word, teenagers perceive the world in an acute conflict, which is just typical for dramatic works. Thirdly, in the previous grades, the student received information about the epic and lyrics, learned how to analyze them and now can smoothly move on to the study of drama. Fourth, it is in grades 7–8 that the idea of fiction as a special value develops.

An age-related predisposition to reading a play does not mean that it proceeds without difficulties. This is due to the complexity of drama as a kind of literature. We will highlight the main features of dramatic works and the difficulties that arise in the activities of students during their study.

  1. Scenic. Drama is intended to be staged in the theater, it is closely related to other types of arts: dance, music, painting, architecture. Therefore, difficulties may arise in the perception of the work: to study the drama, students need to especially connect their imagination to imagine what is happening on stage.
  2. Lack of narrative, descriptive. The main text is the statements of the characters and the author's remarks. The reader of the drama does not have sufficient information about the portrait, the interior, the actions of the characters. In this connection, difficulties may arise when analyzing the images of heroes.
  3. In the words of E. M. Martynova, the next feature of the drama is «intense actions, tension, a certain condensation of events that arises due to the need to show as much important material as possible in a short stage time» 4, p. 69. Students may not see all the important plot lines and conflicts.
  4. The position of the writer is hidden, since there is no author's speech. Its identification requires the reader's attention and reflection. In this regard, the main problem arises in the perception of drama: the substitution of the author's position by the subjective reflections of the student.
  5. The action is based on dialogues and monologues. In the drama, the action unfolds in the present tense, takes place in front of the viewer, so the author uses special ways of depicting reality, which students of grades 7–8 are just beginning to understand in detail.

Thus, the peculiarity of studying dramatic works in grades 7–8 is related to: 1) with the peculiarities of the development of students at this stage, their increased interest in the inner world of a person and his relationship with the outside world, increased imagination; 2) with drama as a special kind of literature characterized by the complexity of conflicts, the lack of a detailed description of the characters, stage orientation, a special construction of the text and the expression of the author's position. «However, students do not have the necessary life experience or the skills to carry out psychological analysis, so the text of the play remains often misunderstood», concludes O. A. Loskutova 3, p. 2.

The main task of a verbal teacher in literature lessons in grades 7–8 for the study of a dramatic work is to teach students objective analysis.


  1. Katysheva, D. N. Questions of the theory of drama: action, composition, genre / D. N. Katysheva. — St. Petersburg: Lan, 2016. — 256 p.
  2. Work programs. The subject line of textbooks grades 5–9: a manual for teachers of general education. organizations / V. F. Chertov et al.; edited by V. F. Chertov. — Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2015. — 160 p.
  3. Loskutova, O. A. Mastering dramatic works by readers-students as a methodological problem in teaching literature at the present stage / O. A. Loskutova // Philological sciences in Russia and abroad: Materials of the IV International Scientific Conference, December 20–23, 2016. — St. Petersburg: Its publishing house, 2016. — pp. 1–3.
  4. Martynova, E. M. The specifics of studying dramatic works in primary school / E. M. Martynova // Zhuravlev readings. Interrelation of pedagogical science and practice: materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of Vasily Ivanovich Zhuravlev, Moscow, February 11, 2021. — Moscow: Moscow State Regional University, 2021. — pp. 187–192.
  5. Methods of teaching literature: studies. for pedagogical universities: in 2 h. h. 1 / Edited by O. Y. Bogdanova, V. G. Marantsman. — Moscow: Prosveshchenie, VLADOS, 1994. — 288 p.
  6. Methods of teaching literature: studies. for students of pedagogical institutes on spec. No. 2101 «Rus. yaz. and lit». / R. F. Brandesov et al.; edited by 3.Ya. Res. — Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1985. — 368 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): VLADOS.

Ключевые слова

drama study, literature lesson, dramatic work, drama feature

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