General technical conditions of road signs used in Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Азизов, К. Х. General technical conditions of road signs used in Uzbekistan / К. Х. Азизов, И. С. Садиков, А. Х. Уроков, С. К. Худайбергенов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 27 (474). — С. 17-26. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In this article, the state standard developed in Uzbekistan O‘zDSt 3283 «Road signs. Information on the main changes and additions to the «General Technical Terms» is provided. Standards of developed countries in the development of a new state standard DIN EN 12899–1:2007 Fixed, vertical road traffic signs (Germany), ISO 3864–1:2011 Graphical symbols — Safety colors and safety signs — Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings (International standard), Verkehrszeichen according to StVO und VzKat (Germany),Gost R 52290–2004 (National Standard of the Russian Federation)etc. were studied and additions were made.

Keywords: road signs, technical requirements, sign groups, sign types, sign names, sign sizes, images, numbers, traffic incident, standard, individual design, size.


Today, in the conditions of Uzbekistan, if it is given numbers of road safety at the level of the Republic, in the year 2021 (2020), 10225 (6983) road traffic accidents occurred, where 2,423 people died (1,962), and the number of victims is 9,227 (6,591) [1]. For comparison, the number of people who died due to COVID-19 in Uzbekistan from March 2020 to the present day is 1637 [2]. It is a sad fact that the number of people killed due to road traffic accidents in one year is high. For this reason, a number of practical works are being carried out in order to improve this situation. Including State standards related to road safety are being studied and revised in order to achieve good results in the safety organization of road traffic. In this article by the authors «O‘zDSt 3283 Road signs. Information about the main changes and additions to the state standard «General technical conditions» is presented [1, 2, 3, 10, 11].

Main part

O‘zDSt 3283 «Road signs. General technical conditions» structures before and after changes to the state standard in accordance with the study of the experience of foreign countries and the requirements of O‘zDSt 1.10 are presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Structure of the state standard before changes and additions

Structure of the state standard after changes and additions

— Scope of application

— Regulatory links

— Groups, names, images

— Special design features

— Technical requirements

— Requirement for reflective film to be applied to the sign

— Physical and electrical testing methods

— Test photometrics and color scale

— Transportation and storage in transport

— Manufacturer's warranty

Appendix A(Required) Character images, numbers and names

Annex B (Mandatory) Location of symbols on the image scale grid

Appendix C (Mandatory) Fonts in scale grid

Appendix D (Mandatory) Entries on individually designed characters

Appendix E (Mandatory) Parameters used in characters by character size types

Appendix F (For Information) Individualexamples of designable character composition

Annex G (Mandatory) Road signs pictures

— Appendix H (Mandatory) To tourism and sports facilitiesicons of related object images

— Bibliographic information

Scope of application

Regulatory links

—Groups, names and sizes of road signs

—Individual design road signs

Technical requirements

—Requirements for reflective film for road signs

—Methods of physical and electrotechnical testing of road signs

—On road signsphotometricsand color size testing

—Transportation and storage of road signs in transport

Manufacturer's Warranties

Appendix A(Mandatory) Road sign images, numbers and names

Appendix B (Mandatory) Road signs position of the image on the scale grid

Appendix C (Mandatory) Fonts in scale grid

Annex D (Mandatory) Inscriptions on individually designed road signs

Appendix E (Mandatory) Parameters and types used in road signs

Appendix F (For Reference)Examples of individually designed road sign compositions

Appendix G (Mandatory) Plates with images of road signs

Appendix H (Mandatory) To tourism and sports facilitiesicons of related object images


Bibliographic information

From Table 1, it is seen that in the structure of the state standard after changes and additions, the word signs in accordance with the requirements of O‘zDSt 1.10, the word road signs, the word special design signs are used individually to the word designable road signs, the word individual to the word individually and the words picture of road signs to the words image of road signs andin case the bibliography is added changes have been made.

It is provided detailed information on the changes and additions to the state standard below:

— all clauses of the standard, which indicate the scope of application, were fully covered, and general information was given on the requirements set by this standard;

— 2 paragraphs with references to normative documents were updated to the status of 2022 and references to newly applied normative documents were cited;

— after studying the standards of foreign countries, definitions of the main terms in the text of the standard were given, and new types of signs were added to the groups of road signs.

Below Road signs newly included in the state standard O‘zDSt 3283 «Road signs. General technical conditions» are listed:

— 6 new signs added to the group of warning signs;

Sign 1.25.2Downflying birds

Sign 1.25.3 Rodents and reptiles

Symbol 1.31.4 Direction of turning

Symbol 1.31.5 Direction of turning

Sign 1.34 Roadway crossing area

Sign 1.36 The area where pedestrians can walk from the side of the road

— 8 new road signs added to the group of concession signs;

Symbol 2.3.3

Symbol 2.3.4

Symbol 2.3.5

Symbol 2.3.6

Symbol 2.3.7

Symbol 2.3.8

Sign 2.3.9

Sign 2.3.10

Secondary connection

— New road signs added to the group of prohibitive signs — 1;

Symbol 3.17.3

Control point

— Updated road signs in the group of commanding signs — 2 [5];

Symbol 4.1.2

Move to the right

Symbol 4.1.3

Movement to the left

— New road signs added to the group of informational signs — 12;

D:\1.KAFEDRA\ЙҲХ нормаларини ишлаш гуруҳи\15.5.png

Symbol 5.15.1

Paid parking

Symbol 5.15.2

Surface parking

Sign 5.15.3 Underground parking lot

Symbol 5.15.4 Electric supportableparking space

Sign 5.20.4* Direction indicator for turning or turning on parts of roads that do not intersect at the same level

Icon 5.20.5*

Service area

Symbol 5.20.6

In areas maximum speed limit

Sign 5.42 Movement to the right at a red light

Sign 5.43 School

Symbol 5.46

Emergency parking

Sign 5.19.4 Dead end

Symbol 5.8.7

The direction of movement on the strips

— 15 new road signs added to the group of service signs;

Icon 6.3.2*A multi-purpose gas station for cars

Icon 6.3.3*Electric car charging branch

Icon 6.16 Bathing basin

Icon 6.17 Department of Internal Affairs

Icon 6.18 Radio communication

Sign 6.19 mosque

Icon 6.20 Church

Icon 6.21 Temple

Sign 6.22 Railway station

Sign 6.23 Airport

Mark 6.24 Market

Sign 6.25 Tourist information center

Sign 6.26 Protected nature area

Icon 6.27 Scenic spot

Icon 6.28 Architectural monument

— 7 new road signs added to the group of additional information signs;

Sign 7.4.9

Type of vehicle

Sign 7.4.10 Type of vehicle

Symbol 7.24 Registration number of the vehicle

Icon 7.25 Service Onlycarsfor

Symbol 7.26 Nonviolence

Sign 7.13 Main road direction

Symbol 7.23 Switching in turn

— Temporary road signs — 25.

1.8, 1.15- 1.17, 1.18.1–1.18.3, 1.23, 1.30, 1.32, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.11–3.16, 3.18.1–3.20, 3.22, 3.24

Background yellow was in color temporaryroad signs

New triangular road signs 1.32–1.36 included in the standard and changes to road signs 2.3.1–2.3.10 (in the old standard were 2.3.1-2.3.3) The applicable dimensions are indicated in Table 2 Corrections and additions have been made.

Fig. 1. Dimensions of triangular road signs

Table 2

Dimensions of road signs (see Figure 1)

Dimensions in millimeters

Character number




1.1, 1.2, 1.5–1.7, 1.9–1.14, 1.16, 1.20–1.22, 1.24–1.30, 1.32–1.36, 2.3.1–2.3.10, 2.4








1.8, 1.15, 1.17–1.19, 1.23









Explanation: for traffic sign 1.23 used to mark the lanes where short-term maintenance is being carried out, the value of A is 550mmcan be reduced to [4, 5, 6, 7].

New 3.17.3 circular road signs and numbers included in the standard have been amended and 4.6, 4.6.2–4.6.6, 3.17.2 road signs have been omitted from the table. The dimensions are indicated 3 Corrections and additions were made to the table.

Fig. 2. Circular road signs dimensions

Table 3

Dimensions of road signs (see Figure 2)

Dimensions in millimeters

Character number


D, mm

2.6, 3.1–3.9, 3.11–3.16, 3.18.1–3.19, 3.21–3.23, 3.25–3.33, 4.1.1–4.3







3.10, 4.5, 4.6, 4.6.1–4.6.6



3.17.1–3.17.3, 4.7, 4.8





3.20, 3.24









Explanation: 3.27–3.30 for traffic signs, the size of D is 250 mm is reduced to [4, 5, 6, 7].

The new road signs square-shaped road signs 1.31.4–1.31.5, 5.15.1–5.15.4, 5.19.4 in the rectangular vertical format included in the standard and the numbers of them have been changed and the road signs 5.8.2–5.8.6, 5.35–5.37, 5.10.1–5.10.4, 5.44, 5.45 have been dropped in the table. 4 Corrections and additions have been made to the table, which indicate the dimensions used in l symbols

Fig. 3. Dimensions of square road signs

Table 4

Character sizes (see Figure 3)

Dimensions in millimeters

Character size




2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 5.5, 5.6, 5.16.1, 5.16.2, 1.31.4–1.31.5, 5.18, 5.15–5.15.4, 5.19.1–5.19.4, 7.13








5.35–5.37, 5.8.2–5.8.6, 5.9–5.11.2, 5.44, 5.45, 7.1.2





5.17.1–5.17.4, 5.40








Not less




Note: It can be reduced to 350 mm for B size of road signs 2.1 and 5.15. The radius has to be 20 mm [4, 5, 6, 7].

New 1.31.6 rectangular bed included in the standard 1.34.1–1.34.2 road signs with changes to road signs and sizes show the dimensions used in road signs in accordance with Appendix E. 5 Corrections and additions were made to the table.

Fig. 4. 1.34.1–1.34.3, 131.6 sizes of road signs

Table 5

Dimensions of road signs (see Figure 4)

Dimensions in millimeters

Character number




1.31.1–1.31.3, 1.31.6



1160, 2250



1625, 3150

Note: The “H” dimension for road signs II type can be reduced to 460 mm [4, 5, 6, 7].

The new road signs 6.15–6.28 in the rectangular vertical format included in the standard and the numbers of them have been changed and the road signs 4.9.1–4.9.3, 5.20.6, 7.23 have been dropped in the table. 6 Corrections and additions have been made to the table, which indicate the dimensions used in l symbols.

Fig. 5. Dimensions for road signs in rectangular vertical format

Table 6

Dimensions of road signs (see Figure 5)

Dimensions in millimeters

Road sign number

Type dimensions




5.1 -5.4





4.9.1–4.9.3, 5.12–5.14, 5.38, 5.39



















5.34.1, 5.34.2




Note: For road signs 5.12–5.14, 5.38, 5.39 N and V dimensions can be reduced up to 800 and 500 mm respectively. For road signs Lighlet inside sign radius R can be increased up to 100 mm [4, 5, 6, 7].

A new rectangular horizontal format included in the standard 7.4.9–7.4.10, 7.24–7.26 by adding road signs and adding existing 5.8.7 road sign and removing road sign 5.8.3 showing the dimensions used in road signs in accordance with Annex E 7 Amendment to the table and manual additions have been made.

Fig. 6. Dimensions for road signs in rectangular horizontal format

Table 7

Dimensions of road signs (see Figure 6)

Dimensions in millimeters

Character number

Type dimensions

H, mm

B, mm


1.4.1–1.4.6, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.2.2–7.12,

7.14–7.21, 7.24–7.26











5.7.1, 5.7.2, 5.22, 5.23, 5.29.2, 5.33, 5.32.1 -5.32.3







5.8.1, 5.8.7, 5.8.8


















7.1.1, 7.2.1, 7.12













Note: 5.8.1, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, if the road signs indicate the direction of movement for two lanes: B for II scale road signs can de reduced up to 930 mm, for III scale road signs can be reduced up to 1200 mm [4, 5, 6, 7].

If traffic directions in 4 or more lanes are in road signs 5.8.7, 5.8.8, V dimension for road signs II type can be reduced up to 465 mm, for road signs III type can be reduced up to 600 mm, where more than three bands are counted for each band [8, 9]

For road sign 5.28

— If more than two numbers are given in the sign, then for each number B dimension for road signs II type can be increased up to 135 mm, for road signs III type can be increased up to 180 mm respectively.

— If in road sign one or two numbers and abbreviation of the organization, dimension B is selected in three ways.

— For road signs 7.4.1–7.4.10, the size H is increased by 1/3 [8, 9].

Results and discussion

Organization of traffic safety on highways is becoming one of the most important problems today. The amount of damage caused by the car to the environment is increasing day by day, and the main reason is that many people suffer and die as a result of traffic accidents on the roads. Despite a number of measures taken to prevent traffic accidents, their number cannot be reduced. This makes it a task for experts that it is necessary to take a very serious approach to road safety problems.

Extensive organizational and practical work has been carried out in recent years in our country in the field of improving the road safety system.

At the same time, despite the measures taken, the number of road traffic accidents leading to death is still high, indicating the need for radical reform of the road safety system.

In particular, full coordination of road infrastructure with the modern requirements of ensuring traffic safety, establishment of an effective system aimed at early prevention of violations in this area, as well as wide introduction of digital technologies that exclude the human factor, compliance with regulatory requirements changes and additions are required.


In conclusion, it can be said that as a result of a number of reforms being carried out in our country, changes and additions are made to many regulatory documents. O‘zDSt 3283 «Road signs. Amendments and additions to the «General Technical Conditions» standard, which are important problems of today, include charging points for electric cars, multi-storey parking lots, notifying drivers of limited speeds through informational signs, ecology and animal safety, passenger and are road signs informing drivers about service services.


  1. KXAzizov Systematic analysis of road traffic incidents. Study guide Tashkent: «KU x/t M. Mirzaev» 2022.48 b
  3. ShNQ 2.07.01–03* «Urban planning. Planning the development and construction of urban and rural settlements»/ State Architectural and Construction Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan-Tashkent, 2009–177b.

4. BS EN 12899–1:2007 Fixed, vertical road traffic signs. Fixed signs.European standard, 2007–57b

  1. Manuale — Normas y senales reguladores de la circulación vial.Spain: 2019–400b
  3. Verkehrszeichen according to StVO und VzKat. Germany: 2017–397b
  4. GOST R 52290–04 General use of automobiles. Road signs. Obshchie teknicheskie trebovaniya. Moscow standard form 2006–129b
  5. GOST 32945–2014 General use of automobiles. Road signs. tekhnicheskie trebovaniya. Moscow standard form 2006–77b
  6. Azizov QX Ensuring traffic safety on highways. Study guideTashkent:2019.94 p.
  8. O‘zDSt 3283–2023 «Road signs. General technical conditions»
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III, GOST, DIN, ISO, SEGNALETICA, STRADALE.

Ключевые слова

standard, size, numbers, road signs, technical requirements, sign groups, sign types, sign names, sign sizes, images, traffic incident, individual design

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