Quadrocopters and their use in cinema | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №28 (475) июль 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 15.07.2023

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Имайкин, И. Д. Quadrocopters and their use in cinema / И. Д. Имайкин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 28 (475). — С. 26-29. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/475/104913/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article discusses the use of quadrocopters, also known as drones, in the film industry. It discusses the advantages and limitations of using quadrocopters for aerial photography and cinematography, including technical limitations, safety issues and others. The future of quadrocopters in cinema is explored, improvements in drone technology, new camera angles, increased profitability and integration with virtual reality are highlighted. It is concluded that quadrocopters have revolutionized the film industry by providing cinematographers with a powerful tool for creating unique and stunning shots that would otherwise be impossible to obtain. However, the article also highlights the need for constant regulation and safe operation of drones to ensure their responsible use in film production.

Keywords: quadrocopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, cinematography, film production, aerial photography, film production, phototechnologies, safety, rules, narration, creative possibilities.

In recent years, quadrocopters, also known as drones, have become an increasingly popular tool in the film industry, allowing cinematographers to shoot from the air what was previously possible only with the help of expensive cameras mounted on helicopters. The footage of the general plan, shot from a bird's-eye view in our favorite films, shot from the 70s to the early 2000s, was taken from a helicopter flying over the city. The losers helped to make a huge breakthrough in cinema, reducing the cost of filming and expanding the capabilities of operators. «The use of quadrocopters in filmmaking has revolutionized aerial photography, allowing filmmakers to shoot from unusual angles and from unusual distances that were previously unavailable with traditional photographic equipment». The use of such a technique allowed us to save enough on the filming process, and most importantly, to shoot from unusual angles, in motion and quite approximate. A conventional camera in aerial photography is used by a helicopter operator, so it is not able to take pictures at low altitudes. Today you can see even more films with impressive plans and angles.

The beginning of aerial photography was laid more than a century ago by the French photographer and journalist Gaspard Felix Tournachon (Nadar). Traveling around Paris in 1858, Nadar took pictures of the French capital and patented the idea of photographing from a balloon. This technology revolutionized the way films were shot and opened up a world of new creative opportunities for filmmakers. Understanding the influence of quadrocopters on cinema, one can get an idea of the future of filmmaking and the role that new technologies will play in the formation of this kind of art.

A quadcopter is a device with four or more propellers, which is controlled by a remote control from the ground. As a rule, the quadcopter is equipped with a mini-camera or a camera that allows you to take photos and videos during the flight and transfer all the information received and all the footage to a mobile device, tablet, computer.

Use in cinematography

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become increasingly popular in recent years, and their presence in the cinema is no exception. Drones have opened up a new world of creative possibilities for filmmakers, allowing them to shoot shots and angles that were previously impossible or too expensive. According to the 2019 article by A. A. Syrkas and P. G. According to Zakharudis, «The use of drones in Cinematography: Current state and future Trends», drones have opened up a new world of creative possibilities for filmmakers, allowing them to shoot frames and angles that were previously unavailable. impossible or too expensive. The article also notes that, despite the fact that amateur drones can be used to shoot excellent shots, their load-lifting capacity is low and they are not suitable for professional use in cinematography. Amateur drones they can also shoot great shots, but their load capacity is low, so they are not suitable for professional use in cinematography. Quadrocopters for filming are often inferior to their light counterparts in flight duration (usually it is no more than 15–25 minutes), but developers create models that can last up to an hour and a half in the air. But for large film projects, quadrocopters are not bought and are not sold separately — there are special companies that provide shooting services together with the work of a team of operators. Each drone has its own specifics and requires the ability to handle it. Shooting mass scenes and an exciting bird's-eye chase is no longer a problem for directors and cameramen.

Examples of using quadrocopters in movies:

  1. One of the most notable uses of drones in cinema is in the 2012 James Bond film Skyfall. In the opening episode, the drone is used to follow Bond, who is chasing the villain through the streets of Istanbul. The drone's ability to shoot smooth, steady shots from a great height allowed the filmmakers to create a dynamic and visibly stunning opening scene.
  2. In «Fast and Furious 8", quadrocopters were widely used for shooting car-mobile chases at high speed and shooting exotic places from the air. These shots were vital for creating the effect of immersion in the audience, transferring them to the very heart of the action. The quadrocopters were equipped with high-resolution cameras that could shoot stunning shots from different angles and from different heights, which allowed the filmmakers to demonstrate the breathtaking beauty of the places in which the film was shot.
  3. In Legend Number 17, quadrocopters were used to shoot hockey matches from unique angles, which gave viewers a more exciting experience of the game. These shots allowed the filmmakers to capture the speed and intensity of the sport, demonstrating the skills of the players in a way that traditional cameras could not do. Also at the beginning of the screening film is an extreme training scene shot from a drone. The heroes of the film moved by cable on their hands from one tower to another.
  4. In the film «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets», quadrocopters were used to take a bird's-eye view of Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding landscape. These shots played a crucial role in creating a sense of greatness and wonder for the audience, immersing them in the magical world of Harry Potter. The scene with the flying car from the film was made using computer graphics based on filming the landscape from a drone.
  5. Drones have also been used in documentaries, allowing cinematographers to shoot footage in remote or dangerous locations. In the 2014 documentary film Virunga, drones were used to capture the stunning landscapes and wildlife of Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The drones allowed the filmmakers to shoot footage that would otherwise be impossible to obtain, giving viewers a unique look at the beauty and problems of the region.

Drones have become an invaluable tool for filmmakers, allowing them to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of cinema. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how filmmakers continue to use drones in their work and how they will continue to shape the art of filmmaking.

Problems and future use of quadrocopters

The use of drones in cinema also creates a number of problems and limitations that need to be eliminated. «Quadrocopters provide unique perspectives and are becoming increasingly popular in the film industry for aerial photography. However, they also pose security and technical challenges that need to be addressed to ensure their safety. and effective use in film production».

Problems with quadrocopters in the film industry:

  1. Safety: quadrocopters can pose a danger to the entertainment group, actors and passers-by. They may fail, lose control, or collide with other objects. Moreover, the use of quadrocopters in close proximity to people and equipment can be dangerous. Therefore, security protocols must be established and strictly enforced.
  2. Legal issues: The use of quadrocopters in the cinema industry is governed by strict rules and laws. Obtaining the necessary permits and approvals can take a long time and be difficult. Moreover, different jurisdictions have different rules, and it can be difficult for cinematographers to navigate these rules when shooting in multiple locations.
  3. Technical limitations: quadrocopters have technical limitations that must be taken into account when using them in the film industry. They have a limited battery life, which may limit the amount of footage. The load capacity is also limited, which may affect the camera and lens combinations used. In addition, the quadrocopters may be affected by wind, rain and other weather conditions that may limit the captured material.

The future use of quadrocopters in the film industry:

  1. Increased efficiency: The quadcopter technology is expected to improve, making them more efficient and able to shoot high-quality footage.
  2. New camera angles: quadrocopters can shoot unique camera angles previously unavailable, which leads to more creative and innovative filmmaking. They can provide stunning aerial shots that can add a new dimension to storytelling and visual storytelling.
  3. Profitability: quadrocopters have made film production more affordable and cost-effective, allowing independent filmmakers to compete with high-budget projects. This means that you can tell more creative and diverse stories.
  4. Improved safety features: It is expected that the technology of the quadrocopters will continue to improve the safety features, making them safer to work on set. This will reduce the risk of accidents and injuries and ensure the safe use of quadrocopters in the film industry.
  5. Integration with virtual reality: quadrocopters can be used in combination with virtual reality technology, which allows filmmakers to shoot footage to immerse themselves in virtual reality. This can improve the overall visual impression and send the viewer on a journey that was previously impossible to make.

Unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as drones, have become indispensable tools in the field of cinematography and documentary production. The use of drones covers a wide range of purposes, including full-scale video shooting, shooting in controlled conditions, such as pavilions and studios, recording video materials of mass events, sports competitions and presentations, creating advertising videos and shooting extreme shots for news reports and documentaries. In addition, the use of quadrocopters is becoming increasingly common in contests and competitions that are based solely on drone footage for filming and documenting. «Drones can change filmmaking by providing new and unique perspectives that were previously unavailable. However, their use also creates problems that need to be addressed, such as security, confidentiality and compliance with regulatory requirements».

Quadrocopters have become an integral part of the film industry, offering filmmakers new opportunities. Despite the numerous advantages of quadrocopters, there are also problems and limitations that need to be taken into account. It is important to solve the problems and limitations associated with the use of quadrocopters and ensure their safe integration into film production, which will allow filmmakers to tell their stories in new and innovative ways.

So, quadrocopters have revolutionized the film industry by providing filmmakers with a powerful tool for shooting unique and stunning shots that would otherwise be impossible to obtain. From complex chase scenes to breathtaking aerial shots, quadrocopters have allowed filmmakers to push the boundaries of cinematic storytelling, creating new and innovative ways to tell stories and capture the imagination of viewers.

The future of quadrocopters in cinema is bright, and constant advances in drone technology and camera capabilities continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in filmmaking. As technology evolves, we can expect even more creative and imaginative use of quadrocopters in the film industry, providing cinematographers with new opportunities to shoot breathtaking shots and tell exciting stories.


  1. Vlasov A. A. and Mukhtarov D. R. (2018). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in cinematography. Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University, 2, 93–97.
  2. Kazakov A. V., Malyshev D. V. (2019). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in film production: practical aspects. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Legal Sciences, 19(1), 68–72.
  3. Kharitonova T. S., Mikhailov A. S. (2018). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in film production: legal aspects. Vestnik of Perm State National Research University. Series: Legal Sciences, 41(3), 123–131.
  4. Krylov D. A., Muravyeva N. A. (2020). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in cinematography. Media education, 4(12), 79–86.
  5. Ivanov D. A. (2018). Quadrocopters in the entertainment industry. Kinois-kusstvo, 1(23), 127–132.
  6. Samsonova E. A., Nikishin A. V. (2018). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in film production: technical aspects. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University, 14(6), 46–51.
  7. Shuvaev, A.V. (2019). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in cinematography: prospects and problems. Cinema and time, 2(8), 56–62.
  8. Urazmanova A. M., Baiguzhin B. K. (2018). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in film production: aesthetic aspects. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University of Imei Abai, 2(92), 117–121.
  9. Vasiliev, A.V., Zhadan, D.S. (2017). Unmanned aerial vehicles in cinema: technical and legal aspects. Bulletin of the Russian State University, 9, 158–165.
  10. Voronin A. V., Nikiforov A. A. (2020). The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in film production: an overview of the current situation. Media, journalism and communications, 8(4), 132–142.
  11. Ackerman, E. (2016). The Drone Age: How Drone Technology Will Change War and Peace. Penguin.
  12. Cannon, J. B., & McCarthy, K. J. (2015). Exploring the Potential of Drones for Film and Media Production. Journal of Digital Media Management, 4(2), 171–182.
  13. A. A. Syrkas and P. G. Zakharudis «The use of drones in cinematography: current state and future trends», 2019
  14. Anthony K. and J. Eccles. «Drones in Film and Video Production: a User's Guide». Routledge, 2018
  15. Kristen M. and O. Dass. «Review of quadrocopter management strategies for cinematography». Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 89.1 (2018): 15–29

Ключевые слова

safety, unmanned aerial vehicles, quadrocopters, cinematography, film production, aerial photography, phototechnologies, rules, narration, creative possibilities

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