Sceneries from the History of Kokand City Duma | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Мансуров, У. У. Sceneries from the History of Kokand City Duma / У. У. Мансуров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2013. — № 1 (48). — С. 292-293. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


The February bourgeois democratic revolution of 1917 in Petersburg caused the structure of new administrative authorities in Turkistan province. In the result of it there appeared an opportunity to organize self-governing authorities in the cities of Turkistan province. The foundation of city Dumas led to big changes in the social-political life of Turkistan province.

One of the cities of Ferghana valley Kokand was social-economical and cultural centre of the province, the city’s administrative government courts completely differed from the courts of other cities of Ferghana valley. Considering the social-economical reputation of Kokand city in the province and the assembly of Russian officials and military men in the city, Turkistan general governor gave the city the right of self-governing independently on 15 July in 1876 [1]. the right of self-governing was given to the city just officially, but in real the city was governed by the general governor and the representatives appointed by him. In 1877 on 27 April the capital of the province was officially changed from Kokand to Yangi Margilan. In 1877 on 1 June the administration of Kokand city was finished and all its members were dismissed and the right of governing the city was given to the charge of the head of the uezd (smallest administrative unit until 1923). Until 1917, the city was governed by the head of the uezd, his duty was to control on all the administrative governments and police stations in the city. Though the number of local population is higher than the representatives of European people, the representatives from the local population almost didn’t attend in the city administration.

In the result of the conflicts among the representatives of the local population during the before election agitation and propaganda in Kokand city in 1917 from 6 October night to 7 October five people from Muslim people perished [2]. The before election agitation and propaganda was held with the great interest and high activeness of all the class of the city population and the representatives of different organizations in the city. Both the representatives of Russian population and the local population paid attention to the election processes with great interest. According to the result of the election, the foundation of city administration in Kokand was announced. Administering the city’s economy, setting a common relationship with the city administration, submitting all the property of the city, treasury, all the equipments and documents to the administrative organizations of the city were put to the obligation of Kokand uezd commissar [3].

In 1917 on 14 October in the Kokand community meeting the first meeting of Kokand city was held. In the meeting the oath of the members of the city Duma about doing their duty fervently and conscientiously was read by A.V Nikolaenko. Also,.V.Nikolaenko introduced the participants of the meeting with the articles of the Law about the city administration, and gave A. Umarov the task of translating the articles of the Law into Uzbek and translating the Russian speeches in the meeting into Uzbek. In the meeting electing the chairman of Kokand city Duma, the head of the city, the members of the city administration was also suggested, the candidates of Zubarev, Koritov and O. Makhmudov were shown to the position of the chairman of the city Duma. According to the result of the election Zubarev took the most vote and was elected as the chairman of the city Duma [4]. Before electing the members of Duma, Nikolaenko suggested deciding on the amount of their salary. Considering the responsibility and arduousness of the work of the people in this position, the high prices of the time Shagiakhmetov suggested that the head of the city should get 12000 ruble, his deputies should get 9000 ruble, the members of the city administration should get 6000 ruble annual salary. A group of Socialists were against to this suggestion and suggested that the head of the city should be provided with 6000 ruble, his deputies should be provided with 4000 ruble, the members of the city administration should be provided with 3000 ruble annual salary. The participants of the meeting approved I. Shagiakhmetov’s suggestion. Also, the participants of the meeting elected A. Umarov as the deputy of the head of the city, D. I. Chernoborodov, S. Kuldoshboev and A. Mulhammedov as the members of administration. Koknd city Duma finished its first meeting at 2.00 p.m. 52 members of the city Duma took part in the meeting

In 1917 on 15 October Kokand city Duma continued its meeting. In the meeting mainly two questions were discussed:

  1. the refusal of the member of Duma Chernoborodov to do his duty because of the representatives of European population not attending in the election of the city administration members.

  2. the refusal of the representatives of European population to participate in the election of the city administration members for Zubarev being elected as the chairman of Duma.

Although the members of the Duma completely supported Zubarev, they held an election again voting by an open ballot. According to the result of the election Yurevski was elected as the chairman of Kokand city Duma. Gurvich, who was recommended to the position of the head of the city by the Muslim group was elected to this position. The Duma members Umarov and S. Kuldoshboev asked the representatives of European population for their agreement if they work in the position of the deputies of the head of the city which was recommended for them. The representatives of European population agreed to work in the recommended positions. Nekkor, Meteryakov and Chernoborodov were unanimously elected as the members of the city administration. It was decided to write down the Duma meeting documents in two languages: Russian and Uzbek.

In 1917 on 5 November an out of turn meeting of Kokand city Duma was held. In the meeting basically the following questions were:

  1. to organize the police station in Kokand city.

  2. to install night lighting system in the Old city.

  3. to indicate the duties of the head of the city and his deputies, the members of the city administration.

  4. to analyze the profit and expenditures of the city in 1917

  5. to join the around areas into the city.

  6. to look through the complaints about the election for the city Duma.

  7. to elect a representative from the Duma members for Kokand food committee [5].

In 1917 on 11 November in the next meeting of Kokand city Duma the following questions were discussed.

  1. to carry out the decisions of the meeting on 5 November in 1917

  2. to send 5 representatives to Tashkent to take part in the session of provincial cities.

  3. to tax the places of entertainment and activities.

  4. to set aside the sum of money for the children’s home of Kokand city and others [6].

The above information proves that Kokand city Duma worked active at social-economical governing of the city and the representatives of local population had a great confidence in the city Duma.

In the result of state overthrow in Russia Empire in 1917 on 25 October the government was captured by the bolsheviks [7]. Bolsheviks’ organization of their government authorities went together with finishing the previous government authorities which didn’t supported them. This case belonged to the city Dumas too. Although the city Dumas in the province were elected by the population in an alternatively democratic way, the Bolsheviks finished them.


  1. История Коканда –Ташкент: Фан, 1984. — С.7.

  2. Туркестанские ведомости, 1917 г. 7 октября.

  3. ЎзРМДА, И.19-фонд, 1-рўйҳат, 35199-иш, 1-варақ.

  4. ЎзРМДА, И.19-фонд, 1-рўйҳат, 35199-иш, 6-варақ

  5. ЎзРМДА, И.19-фонд, 1-рўйҳат, 35199-иш, 6-варақ

  6. ЎзРМДА, И.19-фонд, 1-рўйҳат, 35199-иш, 110-варақ

  7. Жўраев Н., Каримов Ш. Ўзбекистон тарихи. –Тошкент: Шарқ, 2011. — Б. 33.

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