The role of social networks in the athletes’ life | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №33 (480) август 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 18.08.2023

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Исаков, А. Е. The role of social networks in the athletes’ life / А. Е. Исаков, В. П. Осадчая. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 33 (480). — С. 94-95. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article deals with the role of social networks in the athletes’ life. The article defines social networks and their role in the lives of young people. It emphasizes that the use of social networks can both positively and negatively affect the lives of young people, including their health, communication and social adaptation.

Keywords: social networks, psychological and emotional state,mental and physical health.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that social networks have become an integral part of the life of adolescents in the modern world. Every day they spend a lot of time on social networks, chatting with friends, watching various videos and photos, as well as getting news and information from different sources. In modern society, social networks play a huge role in the lives of teenagers. They are a platform for communication, information and entertainment. However, social networks can also have a negative impact on adolescents, including their psychological and emotional state, behavior and relationships with peers. The study of the influence of social networks on adolescent behavior is a hot topic, as it can help develop effective methods and strategies to support the healthy development of adolescents and create a safe and supportive online environment for them. In addition, such work can be useful for educators, psychologists, parents and everyone who cares about the well-being of adolescents in today's digital world [3, с.120].

Social networks are online platforms that allow users to share information, content, create communities and discover contacts with other users. In selected places, there are such networks that are part of adolescents and young men who actively use their opportunities to communicate, meet other people, search for information and entertainment [2, с. 60].

Each user of the social network has his own profile, which may contain information about himself, photos, videos, and other materials. Users can create and join groups, communicate in personal and general chats, share news and opinions, and receive information about various events and promotions.

Nowadays, social networks are an integral part of the life of teenagers and young people. Many of them spend a lot of time on social networks, using them to communicate with friends, meet new people, find information and entertainment. They also actively use social networks to express their thoughts and feelings, as well as to publish their creative works and achievements, including sports results.

One of the main features of social networks is their openness and accessibility. Almost anyone can register on a social network and start chatting with other users. In addition, social networks have many features that allow users to control their privacy and security, such as privacy settings and blocking [5, с. 48].

Another feature of social networks is the ability to create groups and communities where users can communicate on certain topics and interests. Such groups and communities can become a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as for finding like-minded people.

Social networks have a significant impact on people's lives and society in general. They influence various aspects of life, including communication, behavior, opinions, attitudes, motivation [4, с.209]. In the context of this work, it is important to consider the impact of social networks on adolescents, including their psychological and emotional state, behavior and relationships with peers.

The role of social networks in the lives of teenagers and young people can be varied. On the one hand, they can contribute to the development of social skills, expanding the circle of communication and strengthening friendships. On the other hand, the use of social networks can lead to negative consequences, such as deterioration in mental and physical health, sleep disturbance, reduced time spent on real social contacts, as well as the risk of falling into the traps of virtual bullying, sexual exploitation and other forms of violence. Therefore, understanding the role of social networks in the lives of adolescents and young men is an important task for modern society. This will allow you to better understand the risks and benefits of using social media and how you can mitigate the risks and increase the effectiveness of using social media [8,12].

Researches show that social media use can both positively and negatively affect the lives of young people, including their health, communication, and social adjustment. On the one hand, social networks can contribute to the development of social skills, expanding the circle of communication and strengthening friendships. The use of social networks can also help teenagers and young men to find new friends, discuss topics of interest to them, receive support and advice from the community

However, on the other hand, the use of social networks can lead to negative consequences. For example, social media use can be detrimental to mental and physical health, as teens and young adults may spend too much time on social media, at the expense of exercising, connecting with real friends and family, and sleeping. The use of social media can also increase the risk of falling into the traps of virtual bullying, sexual exploitation and other forms of abuse.

Studying the role of social networks in the lives of adolescents and young men is important, as it allows a deeper understanding of how social networks affect the physical, mental and social health of young people. Research in psychology and sociology shows that social media use can affect adolescents' self-esteem, mood, and anxiety levels, as well as their real-life behavior [1, с. 26].

Thus, the definition of social networks and the study of their role in the lives of adolescents and young men is an important start for further study of the impact of social networks on the social, mental and physical health of adolescents and young people. This will help to develop strategies and recommendations for the safe and effective use of social media, as well as raise awareness among parents, educators and others working with young people about the risks and benefits of using social media. Identifying social media and learning about its role in the lives of adolescents and young people is an important step in developing effective strategies for using social networks, raising awareness and safety for adolescents and young people, and improving their social adjustment and health.


  1. Битарова Л. Г. Информационное воздействие СМИ на формирование ценностных ориентаций студентов вузов физической культуры и спорта (на примере КГУФКСТ) // Физическая культура, спорт — наука и практика. Изд-во: КГУФКСТ. 2010. № 4. С. 25–28.
  2. Войтик Е. А. Спортивная информация как понятие и её роль в масс-медиа // Филология. Искусствоведение. 2011. № 20. С. 59–62.
  3. Собкин В. С., Федотова А. В. Сеть как пространство социализации современного подростка // Консультативная психология и психотерапия. 2019. Том 27. № 3. С. 119–137.
  4. Таран Я. В. Перфекционистский мотивационный климат и его роль в спорте // Ресурсы конкурентоспособности спортсменов: теория и практика реализации. 2022. № 12. С. 208–210.
  5. Штуккерт А. Л. Исследование групп проблем, возникающих у тренеров и спортсменов при взаимодействии со СМИ // Спортивный психолог: социально-психологические проблемы в спорте и физической культуре. № 2 (49). 2018. С. 47–51.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): физическая культура.

Ключевые слова

social networks, psychological and emotional state, mental and physical health

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